Archive for March, 2014


Monday, March 24th, 2014

False Doctrines: Christianity’s Mortal Wounds

Editorial History of the Christians by Kruk Ed Strait


“During the times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

…thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars. (Rev. 2:2)

Christianity, the child of bifurcated Judaism, is a runaway train that’s careened completely off its tracks. “Off its tracks” is putting it mildly. Israel’s arrogant and self-willed urchin thinks she’s headed to Heaven. On the contrary, she stumbles, like a fall-down drunk, down the broad highway to hell.

In the wide world today, more than two thousand clashing schisms, warring sects, and disagreeing persuasions, claim Christ as their leader. Most, earnestly compete for proselytes. Growing, they say, is proof they teach God’s Truth. Common sense, however, tells us something is wrong with one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, at least.

What serious person thinks Christ will accept two thousand disharmonious “Faiths” that hate each other so much they go to war? Christians killing Christians? It ain’t no perfect world, as one says, but legion fragmentization is utterly ridiculous.

Satan, the adversary of Christ, has divided and conquered Christianity like he divided and conquered Israel, a country that made a covenant with God. The apostate daughter hasn’t learned a thing from her backsliding mother.

Two thousand years ago, Christ sent Christians out to look for the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matt 10:6). Now, the Christians (more than three billion) are drowning in a dark pool of religious confusion. Who will go out and look for them?

Nineteen centuries ago, the Resurrected Jesus taught against false doctrines that divided His church. In Revelation 2 and 3, He applied the blow torch of Truth to the putrid cobwebs of New Covenant apostasy. Surely, the Rock of Ages holds the same contempt for the same lies, today.

This editorial history doesn’t criticize denominations, per se (Church can be a good thing). Link by link, it sharply criticizes the endless chain of idiosyncratic ideas. False doctrines are the darkest of dark villains in the most tragic of tragic movies. They will kill you!!

False Doctrines: Christianity’s Mortal Wounds, is not for the easily offended or rediculously naive. The never-discuss-politics-or-religion rule isn’t followed. It’s a, Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet (Isa. 58:1) epistle or a John-the-Baptist-to-the-Roman-governor report, sir, you‘re sleeping with your brother’s wife! John spoke to a powerful Roman governor. This book speaks to high and mighty Christian leaders.

Some readers may view the first chapters of this book as anti-Semitic or anti-Catholic. They’ll be mistaken. Again, the book is anti false doctrine. Catholicism didn’t exist in the historical times of the first chapter. Protestantism didn’t exist until after the Reformation, in later chapters. Protestant false doctrines are just as crazy as the hogwash in Israel and the Catholic Church

This book calls out the high and mighty Christian leaders, both, Protestant and Catholic. They‘re the ones responsible for drifting away from, faith which was once delivered. They follow in the footsteps of Israelite leaders who Christ described, … they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (Mat 15:14) and Ye blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel (Mat 23:24).

Yes, blind guides did it! Old and New Covenant children, both, played “follow the leader,” and are now bogged up to their necks in a sludge of lies. Leaders, of course, don’t want to talk about their doctrinal muddles. Truth pays a heavy price.

Silence is a wide conspiracy and, indeed, sanctioned by leaders, themselves. Criticism rocks their boats. Criticizing doctrines is the unpardonable sin, they say. The nail that sticks up gets brutally hammered down until the flock is left meekly unspeaking.

Pilgrim sheep suppose their muteness buys them a majestic glory in the resplendent clouds of Heaven. Keeping your mouth shut, however, isn’t so golden. The keep quiet highway leads to bitter death and brutal destruction. It’s long past the time to speak up.

Everyone knows Free Speech and a Free Press can lead to good politics and good politics can lead to political freedom. Only a few understand how Free Speech also leads to Religious Truth. Religious Truth, of course, is Spiritual Freedom, as the Lord said.

Political freedom might get you a good President but Spiritual Freedom is a thousand times better. It’ll get you a True Prophet who answers all the questions about life after death. What do you have, the Lord asked, if you gain the whole world and loose your soul?

Kruk practices Free Religious Speech in this challenge to the false doctrines of powerful church leaders. He hopes to shatter their cool confidence and replace it with a searching spirit. He won’t, however, hold his breath. He suspects he’s just another voice crying in the wilderness. Christian leaders don’t want anyone shaking their snooty confidence and opening their blind eyes.

No one can be more quickly overpowered than a man who fears nothing, as one says. Established Christians fear nothing. They don’t consider the high stakes of their religious bets and are easily subjugated by the Adversary. Only a few know their spiritual wounds are fatal and try to do something about it.

God’s great anger, described in the Book of Revelation, is about to fall on three billion divided Christians like powerful Roman Legions fell on divided Israel, in 70 AD. Most people have forgotten what the bestial legionarres did to Israel after she killed her own Messiah.

Waiting for a rapture they don‘t understand, deceived Christianity will march out to war against her own Christ. He won’t know her. She won’t know Him. The blood of New Covenant dupes will run deeper in that giant Valley of Megiddo than the blood of Old Covenant sheep that flowed in the streets of Jerusalem.

Followers of the Dummy Jesus will be the “Grapes of Wrath” for the Real Jesus. He’ll put them in His wine vat for lawlessness and stomp with both feet.

Lost sheep of the New Covenant don’t have to wait for their blind leaders to show them the way. It’ll never happen. They must adopt the political “We the People” attitude in their religious lives. They can exercise their rights to free religious speech by asking questions and cross-examining leaders who stand in the doorway, as the Lord said, and block the way to life.

Sheep must, absolutely, challenge the false assumptions of arrogant Bishops and Reverends. Whistles need to blow. Warning bells have to ring loud and long. A serial killer is hiding in the Christian closet. A ravening wolf, with blood dripping from his mouth, is on the prowl inside the flock.

Christ knew bad leaders could cause the same problems in Christianity that they did in Israel. He provides simple answers to lead hoodwinked followers away from confused labyrinths. He makes crooked paths straight, …And the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth (Luke 3:5 from Isa 40:4).

Giant knots of New Covenant deception are untangled by going back to the time of Christ. Like the physicist who goes back through time to discover the present structure of matter, this book goes back through time to discover the beginning of the Christian train wreck, the moment in time when false doctrines began. It’s recorded history.

Two thousand discordant organizations can be one, again. It’s not too late for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. They may join the New Covenant that once was, and always is, offered to them, first. There’s a way out of doctrinal Babylon for the Jew and the Gentile, the Protestant and the Catholic. Only a few will find it.

This editorial history is, indeed, editorial. It is, however, presented from an objective biblical angle. Every Christian should read it.

The Bible is, indubitably, a real history book and the foundation of history. Its words are sometimes sharpened daggers that cut and stab through the walls of closed minds. The author writes with some of its briery.

Chapter One…From Joshua to Jesus

“To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to be ever a child” – Cicero

And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).

Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophecy, and say unto them that prophecy out of their own hearts, Hear the word of the Lord;….Woe unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit…(Ezk 13:2-3).

They who don’t learn from history repeat it, political scientists say. Religious scientists say the same proverb applies to them. Religions have histories like countries and religion members who don’t learn from their religions’ pasts suffer the same punishing cycle of errors.

Like secular students, unfortunately, religious students are showing little or no desire to learn. Israelites don’t learn from the sins of the fathers in their books and Christians aren’t learning from the goof-up characters in their Bibles.

Blunders, inside gaffes, wrapped in dumb moves, as Churchill would say, describe students of both religions. Like lost children, they wander farther and farther from faiths once delivered.

Christians and Israelites have so much in common they should, not only learn from their own histories, but each others,‘ as well. Christians drift away from Christ the same way Israelites drifted away from Moses. Judaism is still hatching miscues thirty-four centuries after Moses and Christianity is incubating the same errors twenty centuries after Christ. No wonder the world is on the eve of destruction.

Annals of Israeli history are easily available to any Christian who wants to learn. The alarming tale about a great beginning to that great religion, and its abysmal failure, is all recorded in the Christian Bible. Christ’s followers could and should pay close attention to Israel’s biggest mistakes.

Israel’s beginning was proper and honorable simply because God was there. God proved His presence by decorating the new nation with mighty miracles, from top to bottom.

Five great books of the Law, of the new nation, tell how God spoke and Moses listened, And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaks to a friend (Ex 33:11). Moses, Israel’s mediator, was so great because he didn’t let his ideas get in God’s way. He had no doctrines of his own. He listened and wrote. When Moses died Joshua followed in his footsteps.

It’s dazzlingly unreal, thrillingly wonderful, but, perhaps, utterly impossible, for the world to understand, how the creator of the universe, and all of the great galaxies beyond, took time to make a contract with that one small country on this large planet earth. The Prophets of Israel, compared their astonishing contract to a marriage.

If the Old Covenant was a marriage, God was quite the sensational husband. He was visible or invisible whenever He wanted. He had all the exclusive powers of Hollywood’s larger-than-life heroes.

A real extraterrestrial Superman, Israel’s God traveled faster than a speeding bullet. He was more powerful than a locomotive. Not only did He see through walls and leap tall buildings, he passed through them as well. Bat Man, Spider Man, Tarzan, and the Lone Ranger, combined, can’t be compared to this hyperphysical, fifth-dimensional spouse called the All Mighty.

Hollywood’s Super Man, of course, is complete fiction. Jacob’s God was absolutely authentic. He destroyed Egypt, a world power in those times, with ten terrifying plagues. He also parted the Red Sea for Israel and made it collapse on the Egyptian army. He wrote the Ten Commandments into stone tablets with his finger, twice.

God also fed Israel in the desert for forty years with manna, a mysterious bread that fell from heaven (A sample was placed in the Ark of the Covenant along with the Ten Commandments. Some say it’s still there, if only Indiana Jones could find it). Miraculously, Israelite shoes never wore out during their forty year journey to the Promised Land.

God established a wireless telephone connection with Israel called the Urim and Thummin. It was a breastplate of leather with rows of precious stones that lit up for yes or no answers when kings asked God questions. God only answered the phone, of course, when righteous rulers called. Israel was impressed with her All Mighty, larger than life Husband, for a while.

Straightaway, Abraham’s children agreed to keep the Ten Commandments and other laws in the “marriage” covenant. God also kept His word. He used His unearthly powers to help them on the battlefield. He healed their sicknesses and prevented plagues. He controlled the weather and made it rain in the rainy seasons. Harvests were bountiful in the land of milk and honey.

Israel built God a house in Jerusalem and He lived with them, And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God (Ex 29:45). The nation was in good hands. God, who never slumbers or sleeps, watched over them night and day. It was a splendid start.

They lived happily together, for a while, And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that over lived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the Lord, that he had done for Israel (Joshua 24:31).

It was the most amazing time in world history. The real Sky Walker, creator of billions of galaxies, each filled with billions of stars, lived on this earth, in Jerusalem, in a house Solomon built, and in a land still called holy today. It was a good marriage, a match made in heaven one might say, no pun intended.

Unfortunately, Israel and God didn’t live happily ever after. When the elders that “over lived” Joshua died, wheels started coming off the matrimony carriage. The Israeli religious train, like today’s Christian train, careened out of control and into a great big ditch.

Israel had some good times after Joshua (When national tragedies or great leaders like David brought her back to her senses) but, eventually, lawlessness catapulted her over a cliff. It was fun going down but painful when they hit the bottom. Incredibly, the people, who committed to a covenant relationship with the All Mighty, didn’t do their part. Why?

“It’s the Ten Commandments, stupid,” former President Clinton would say if he read those famous Jewish Prophets who compared their covenant to a marriage. Israel broke the first two when she worshipped idols, Thus saith the Lord God; Because your filthiness was poured out, and your nakedness discovered through your whordoms with your lovers, and with all the idols of your abominations, and by the blood of your children, which you did give unto them (Eze 16:36).

To heck with that strict old God and His oppressive commandments, no doubt, was the mind set Israel developed in the years between Joshua and Jesus. Like the “space cadet blonde,” she sped away, down the broad boulevard that leads to death and destruction, a wide smile on her face. God was in her rear view mirror. His wedding ring hurt her finger.

Yes, Israel cheated on God and enjoyed it. She felt soooooooo good when false teachers whispered smooth and honeyed words in her ear. They, and their ingratiating jive, introduced her to graven images she adored. She stepped out with Baal, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Milcom, and many other much loved sweeties, when she thought God wasn’t looking.

Phantasmal figurines were molded from metal and mythological ideas were carved out of wood. Then, she fell down and worshiped. Beasts of the earth, birds of the air, fish in the sea, creepy crawlers on the ground, the sun, the moon, and even the stars, were her gods. Nothing was too strange or crazy. Unfortunately, she forgot to worship the Creator of all those things.

Incredible and unspeakable atrocities were committed in honor of figments of her imagination. In a colossal cloud of delusion, Israel sacrificed her own children in bloody attempts to appease religious quacks and pedagogue phonies. The blood of little boys and little girls, she thought, could make it rain.

Like any husband, the real God was jealous and angry when He saw all this. Those famous amber eyes surely burned bright.

How could Israel be so bad? What was she thinking when she dumped God? Why did she kill the proverbial goose that lays golden eggs and trade valuable real estate for shiny plastic beads?

Israel made a very bad choice when she embraced her peculiar new paramours. It was the wrong choice for a bright future. Idols couldn’t heal diseases, fight wars, or make it rain. They were like playboys, today, who canoodle splendidly, seduce with irresistible flattery, but never make a commitment. When pregnancy develops and child support looms, tom cat womanizers run faster than Seabiscuit at the Kentucky Derby. When Israel really needed help, her idols were nowhere to be found.

It’s not commonly known, or talked about much, but the All Mighty was willing to try marriage counseling, trial separations, and even harsh punishment, to save His Old Covenant marriage. A sad poem of Lamentations was written during one separation when Israel was defeated on the battlefield and carried away captive to Babylon (God brought her back after a long period of slavery and punishment. Even that didn’t solve her seven year itch problem).

It was the death of her husband on the cross that ended forever Israel’s fatuous marriage (See chapter 7, Jesus was the God of the Old Testament). Foolish Israel became a lone widow. Her enemies danced with joy. The whole world wondered in absolute disbelief.

It didn’t have to happen. An elementary religious history lesson could have saved Israel and her Old Covenant. The same lesson can still save Christianity, today, and her New Covenant. It’s not too late.

This history lesson that nobody seems to learn, began in the Garden of Eden. It’s the very first history lesson and most important. It‘s a short, easy to read tale about Adam and Eve who began their lives in a close relationship with God. The close relationship soured. They were deceived by God‘s adversary.

Adam and Eve made and lost a very important bet. The stakes of their gamble were frightfully high. Faced with the you will die and you won’t die dilemma, the mother and father of all humanity went down the wrong fork in the road, straight into the jaws of death.

Adam and Eve’s botch was the fist sin, the real Original Sin (More on Original Sin in chapter 3). God recorded this mother of all bungles hoping others wouldn’t repeat it. Unfortunately, only a few Israelites learned from it. Even fewer Christians learn from it, today. Three billion follow in the footsteps of Adam and Eve.

Israel had the first chance to learn from the disaster in Eden, which tale is found in religious literature given to them by Moses. Every generation heard the tragic narration in their Sabbath Day readings at the synagogue. Apparently, the moral of the story was too complicated. They failed first-year religious history class.

Christians sometimes think they’re better than the misjudging Jews. They should think again. They have the same Garden of Eden lesson in their literature. They misconstrue the same moral of the same story and fail the same class. The first and most momentous ( life or death) instruction ever taught, any where any time, seems to be beyond the grasp of both, Jews and Christians. Why?

The lesson is easy enough. There’re really only six words to remember. What could be easier than six words? God told Adam and Eve, you will die if you eat from a tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan (God’s adversary speaking through a serpent) said, you won’t die.

You will die. You won’t die. The two simple statements are clear and even conflicting. This is not rocket science so how did Adam and Eve get it so wrong? Why did the Jews fail the class? Why can’t the Christians learn?

God established a Creation Constitution in the Garden of Eden. It was His creation right. It was a simple, one law constitution. The one law said, don‘t eat from a forbidden tree. The arguments for and against the law boiled down to the six famous words.

As mentioned above, the forbidden tree in the One Law Constitution had a suggestive name, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It’s name was indicative for good reason. History students should pay close attention to the name.

God knew good and evil. Adam and Eve didn’t. They weren’t expected to. They were expected to follow instructions and learn. They only had to remember not to eat from this one tree. All the others were good for food.

One law about one tree seems like a constitution too simple. The tree’s dynamic name, however, gave the Creation Constitution great depth and meaning. It’s name was double-entendre, a French man would say. When God said, don’t eat of, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He was also saying, don’t decide what’s good and evil on your own. Father knows best. Don’t do what’s right in your own eyes, Prophets and Apostles would say later, or, you will die.

With its name, the one tree was more important than all the others, combined. One law and one tree could govern the lives of all humanity. All the morals and ethics of God dangled from its branches.

God was not playing a penny ante poker game with Adam and Eve, as suggested earlier. He put them in the middle of a high risk venture; a life and death wager, as the six words say. He knew the value of morals and ethics.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil had a big skull and cross-bones warning sign, “Don’t Eat! This fruit may be harmful to your health!” The foreboding caution was fixed there by God. Adam and Eve should’ve seen red flags and heard clanging warning bells when Satan said, Don’t worry, the tree’s fruit is good to eat. It’ll make you wise. Try some.

Our first parents should’ve known there was a lie somewhere. Six words aren’t that difficult. They didn’t do their “due diligence” businessmen say, today. They should have suspected the Creator knew more when He sad,you will die. They should’ve smelled a rat when Satan said, you won’t die. Two diametrically opposed stories can’t both be true.

Unfortunately, Adam and Eve didn’t stop to think. They didn’t investigate. They didn’t ask questions. They forgot to look. The bottom of the pool was hardened concrete and there was no water but they plunged in, headfirst. Six words, You will die and you won’t die, were too complicated. Eve was deceived, the Apostle Paul said later, and Adam felt pressure to go-along-to-get-along.

Many things happened when Adam and Eve took fruit from the forbidden tree. They decided God’s words weren’t important. They opened the door to a Pandora’s Box of every evil under the sun. To make matters worse, they let the Devil, God’s adversary, play a part.

One might easily say, Adam and Eve shouldn’t have been so autocratic, rebellious, and insolent, to decide good and evil on their own. To judge Adam and Eve this way, and make the same mistake, fit’s too well into the definition of hypocrisy. Only the Israelites and Christians who learn from this history and don’t repeat it, can honestly say, Adam and Eve should’ve known better.

So, the first death sentences followed the first lie into the world. With the exception of a few good men from each generation, most every human follows the first parents down the same road to death and destruction. They can’t learn from history!

Only a few Bible Readers, today, remember the words, you will die and avoid this death sentence. Those few, live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Their names will be written in the Book of Life.

Somewhat like Adam and Eve’s Creation Constitution, God gave Israel a Promised Land Constitution, called the Old Covenant. The Promised Land Constitution had the same Garden of Eden, six word choice. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that you and your seed may live: (Deut 30:19). Unbelievably, Israel didn’t recognize it! History escaped her. Indeed, six words were too complicated.

Like in the Garden of Eden, God and the Devil were in Israel. Like in the Garden of Eden, God told the Israelites you will die if you don‘t keep my Commandments. The Devil said, like in the Garden of Eden, you won’t die. Like Adam and Eve, Israel followed the liar. Perhaps, she was fooled by a small variation in the Garden of Eden story.

Bible Readers should know more about that small variation in the story. In the Garden, Satan spoke through a serpent, probably because there were no other people to speak through. In the nation of Israel there were lots of people he could use, even leaders of people. He didn’t need a serpent. He could speak through famous Rabbis, false prophets, and wicked kings. Sometimes the famous Rabbis, false prophets, and wicked kings were handsome and even charismatic. Always, they were clever, like the serpent.

A real talking serpent would have been a bit too obvious in Israel. The people of God would have recognized him so Satan used humans. He told, however, the same lie. It was Garden of Eden II. Don’t worry, be happy. You won’t die. Israel was unaware and paid a terrible price. She and her Old Covenant did die, like Adam and Eve.

Like Adam and Eve, Israel blundered. She didn’t investigate or ask questions when she heard new doctrines coming out of the mouths of smooth talking humans. She decided God’s words weren’t important. The bridge up ahead was washed out but she kept going. False prophets, famous Rabbis, and wicked kings, offered her commandments of men on a silver platter. This was the forbidden fruit but she ate with a “that was a tasty little snack” look on her face. She despised the good Old Covenant laws from God.

Some new laws Israel swallowed were doctrines of demons. You wont die, the Devil kept saying, over and over, but many did die. The rest were dispersed and enslaved. A great tragedy it was; a depressing story to tell. How did such a great country fall under such a galling spell from such nefarious smooth talking leaders?

It was the fine reputations of renowned new teachers, indeed, that led Israel away from Moses. After Joshua died, famous new teachers multiplied like rabbits in Nebraska. They achieved higher and higher status. Sometimes they eclipsed even Moses, who spoke to God face to face. They were so charismatic, they were venerated like gods. They were emperors with new clothes who couldn’t be criticized.

Emperors with new clothes flattered Israelites with kind words, praised them with smooth talk, and filled their minds with modern ideas. Followers were totally buffaloed, as one says. Some even thought their priggish heroes’ grave sites might, somehow, emanate doctrinaire teachings. Incredibly, they made pilgrimages to morbid cemeteries in a vain search for Truth.

The more the famous Rabbis multiplied, the more the people were deceived. They floundered then and flounder now in a quagmire of man-made laws. New laws pushed Old laws out of Israel like strong baby birds push weak baby birds out of a nest.

Famous new spiritual leaders fed Israel new spiritual food for a new future. Their modern menu looked good, smelled good, and tasted good. Unfortunately, it was poisoned. It led them down the road to a future filled with brutal death and destruction.

Some cherished Rabbis were prolific writers, of course. They produced many lordly works. Following suggestions from a behind the scenes Devil, they interpreted Moses into the background, at first, and then, in some cases, completely out of existence.

Eventually, Rabbinical literature replaced the Law and the Prophets. The Ten Commandments were made of “none effect,” as the Lord said when He came. Like Adam and Eve, Israel showed great disrespect for God by allowing His laws to be pushed aside. The Devil was speaking through idolized Rabbis and Israel didn‘t see him.

True Prophets, from time to time, implored Israel to return to, the faith once delivered. God’s constitution with Israel was written and ratified. The Ten Commandments were inscribed into stone tablets, twice. God’s laws weren‘t going to change, To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it’s because there is no light in them (Isaiah, 8:20). Unfortunately, the people changed.

Isaiah, and other Prophets, were voices crying in the wilderness in the times between Joshua and Jesus. They cried loud and long but no one heard. The nation had ears but couldn’t hear, to use words of the Lord. Remember your history my people, they said, but the new Rabbis were too respected and popular. The few good Prophets were hated, persecuted, imprisoned, and sometimes killed.

Israel adopted new traditions when there was nothing wrong with the old. To this day, she clings to new traditions in the manner she should’ve embraced God’s old. There’s nothing wrong with tradition but something traditional about wrong, one can say. It’s a shocking study!

So, it was fourteen hundred years from Joshua to Jesus. A lot of water passed under the bridge. Israel was in sad shape when Jesus came. She had fallen into the great big do-what’s-right-in-your-own-eyes ditch and didn’t know how to get out.

Indeed, Israel was lost. She had fallen so far away from God she was a, generation of vipers (Matt 3:7) to John the Baptist who walked onto the world stage six months before Jesus.

Jesus also thought viper was an appropriate word, You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell (Matt 23:33)? He also said they were, an evil and adulterous generation (Matt 12:39).

Right away, Christ saw why Israel had drifted away from God. He tried to put His country’s religious train back on track, But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Matt 15:9). Like true Prophets before Him, Jesus explained how God’s people, His own countrymen, believed Satan and followed false doctrines.

Sometimes, Jesus’ criticism was specific and detailed, For Moses said, Honor thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: But ye say, If a man shall say to this father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. And ye suffer him no more to do aught for his father or his mother; Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered; and many such like things do ye (Mark 7:10-13).

Forget scholarly Rabbinical works that overturn the Ten Commandments, Jesus said. Return to Moses. He’s the “faith once delivered.” The Devil speaks through famous Rabbis. God speaks through Moses. Unfortunately, Jesus, like John the Baptist and other true Prophets before Him, was also a “voice crying in the wilderness.”

Jesus, the second Adam, was willing to go face to face with Satan to show the world how the first Adam could’ve and should’ve won the battle against a slick and fiendish foe. Obviously, one lesson that failed isn’t enough.

God the Father has provided a do-over, a second chance. Perhaps, it’s like a parent showing a child how to physically do something when the child didn’t learn from verbal instruction. Thanks to Jesus (blessed and holy is His name, forever) Jews and Christians, now, have two chances to learn from the same history lesson.

Why did Adam lose his fight against Satan and how did Jesus win, are the two most important questions men will ever ask. The answers, are the most important answers men will ever hear. Every human must know and follow the right answers to win their own battle against the Adversary. Thankfully, the right answers aren’t that hard.

Failure of the first Adam is in the book of Genesis, recounted above. Success of Jesus is found in the Gospel of Mathew.

Satan spoke to Jesus like he spoke to Adam and Eve . Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the Devil (Matt 4:1). Like Adam and Eve the Devil was about to offer Jesus fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Unlike Adam and Eve, Jesus was about to turn him down, three times.

First, the Devil spoke to Jesus and said, …If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread (Matt 4:3). This temptation was cagey and cunning. It was a test of character. Jesus was fasting and obviously hungry. He knew he could turn the stones into tasty bread but resisted the seduction and made his reply with the words of God.

Indeed, Jesus didn’t answer with a quote from a famous Rabbi, Jewish tradition, or Synagogue literature. Remarkably, He didn’t even offer His own words, though He could have because He was the Son of God. Jesus set an example and simply quoted Moses, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God (Matt 4:4 from Deut 8:3).

Jesus didn’t bite from the Eden Apple. He had read the history book. He remembered and showed great respect for every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

Again, the French would say, Jesus used double-entendre in His first reply to the Devil. He not only quoted words that proceeded out of the mouth of God, but quoted the words that said, live by very word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. He was preaching and doing at the same time. The Devil was getting a double dose of God’s message with one simple sentence.

Jesus knew the stakes were high. He knew that choosing between God and the Devil was, is, and always will be, a life and death matter. Unlike Adam, Eve, Israel, and three billion Christians, He chose the words of God and life.

After taking Jesus to a pinnacle of the Temple, the Adversary spoke a second time, …If thou be the son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone (Matt 4:6 from Psalm 91:11-12).

Again, this temptation was very, very cagey but Jesus recognized two conflicting stories when He heard them. He had studied all the words of God and knew right away that the Devil was twisting Psalm 91:11 to do away with God’s commandment in Deut 6:16. Jesus, of course, wouldn’t use his own logic to answer but stuck with Moses, …It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Matt 4:7 from Deut. 6:16).

Satan uses this same test on Christians, today. Yes, he can still quote the Bible. He likes to quote Paul’s letters to do away with God’s commandments. The three billion fail his test because they don’t seriously study the Bible and can’t give a good answer. Completely duped, they think the Ten Commandments are nailed to the cross.

The Tempter then took Jesus up to a high place and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. This was the Devil’s third and final chance to speak, …All these things will I give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me (verse 9). Jesus simply said, …Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve (Matt 4:10 from Deut 6:13). It was done. Jesus quoted Moses a third time. The test was over.

It should not be forgotten that Satan’s third test was very clever, like the other two. It was also a lie. It might have fooled any unprepared or unaware person but it didn’t fool Jesus.

Satan said the world was his to give like he was in charge. Jesus didn’t agree. He knew His father had given Him all the power, not only on earth but in Heaven, as well (Matt 28:18). Satan was already out of office. He could only deceive the world for a certain period of time. Jesus simply said, “Get thee hence…”.

This Devil’s temptation of Jesus was the mother all battles. World rule was the prize. Historic struggles for world domination between men like Alexander and Darius, at Gaugamela, can‘t be compared. The Persian world did, indeed, become Greek in one day but conquering Alexander only ruled for a few years.

Jesus’ three great answers made Him world ruler forever in that wonderful world of forever young, Of the increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever(Isa 9:7).

Yes, Jesus is alive and well, again, in the marvelous mystical dimension He called paradise. No doubt, as the cartoonist said, it’s the place Mister Mxyzptlk comes from.

Alexander fought his world winning battle with cavalry and infantry. Jesus wielded the sword of Truth. He led good in great victory over evil. Righteousness conquered wickedness in one day with three answers.

It must be remembered, the three answers Jesus gave weren’t His ideas. They weren’t tradition. They weren’t even dogma. They were quotations from Moses who talked to God, face to face. Adam and Eve faced the Devil and lost because they disregarded the words of God. Jesus faced him and won by reciting, without twisting, every word of God. It’s that simple.

Jesus’ how-to-win history lesson is for everyone, Jews, Gentiles, and Christians. Every individual lives in his own, personal Garden of Eden, today, and must never forget that first history lesson. Every person must stop repeating the Adam and Eve mistake. Each and every one must know that famous Rabbis are liars, famous Saints are worse than liars, and tradition is BS. Every man and woman must win their own, personal confrontation with the Adversary. They must answer his lies, today, with the words of God.

Everyone who follows Jesus away from Satan and back to every word of God, will find an exit to the endless twisting labyrinth of false doctrines that fill the Christian world. Doors to a dazzling everlasting life will open.

Jesus’ listen-to-Moses-victory over the Tempter makes Him that famous “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords” of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” Believers sing it every Christmas. A few Bible Readers sing with special passion because they know His coronation is coming soon.

The King of Kings is returning to earth like a Lion, this time. He’ll smash world governments like so many clay pots. His world peace will replace their world wars.

When and if Christians and Jews win their Adam and Eve showdown with Satan, Christ will share the reigns of failed world governments, And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father (Rev 26-27).

Unfortunately, Christ’s three billion “followers” are falling for the same old Adam and Eve, you-won’t-die trick. They’re losing their own personal Adam and Eve fight. They won’t receive any reward. Their enemy is out to kill them like he killed Adam and Eve and they don’t even know!

Also unfortunately, “modern” Christians don’t even like Moses’ words. Jesus does. It’s not commonly known but Jesus taught Moses many times before He quoted him in the duel with the Tempter, above. Unlike Hitler, Mussolini, and Togo, who formed the famous “axis of evil,” Jesus and Moses formed a more famous, Axis of Truth. They were, are, and always will be, together, both on the same page.

Once, Jesus told a scary story that should frighten every Christian who doesn‘t like Moses. The tale was about a rich man and a beggar who stood before God on Judgment Day. He ended the story with, …If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead (Luke 16:31).

Look backward and learn from Moses, is Christ’s live-by-every-word-that-proceeds-out-of-the-mouth-of-God message. It’s the First Century Gospel. The faith once delivered, doesn’t change.

Jesus looked back through fourteen hundred years of Jewish history (and even all the way back to Eden) when he rejected the words of the New Covenant Serpent in Mathew. He rejected new traditions from new Rabbis and trendy pronouncements from progressive Prophets. He embraced God’s old laws.

Paul, one of the few Jews who carefully followed Jesus, suggested Christians should learn some techniques-of-deception the Devil uses, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices (II Cor 2:11).

Look forward and be progressive is one of the Temptor’s best devices. One can’t emphasize too much how he uses it to bamboozle. It’s not always wrong to be progressive, of course, when it comes to technological advance. When it comes to every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, however, looking forward is looking away from the Truth.

Satan uses the “Let’s be progressive” devise simply because “move on” and “look to the future” are catchy one-liners. It’s a psychology that works on the unaware. The word “old” sounds bad.

“We’re looking forward, they’re looking backward,” American politicians say when they’re trying to win an election. Change is popular when change isn’t needed. Changing Faith opens the door for false doctrines.

George Orwell, a famous political scientist, would have understood the wisdom of Jesus looking backwards and the deceptive cleverness of the Devil’s look forward and be progressive device (Many parallels run between the religious and political sciences. Understanding political science can help Christians better understand religious science).

Orwell explains how looking back is important in politics with his famous proverb, “He who controls the present controls the past, and he who controls the past controls the future.” Tyrants of the present can only change the future to their advantage by changing the past. Without Orwell, many people wouldn’t understand how keeping past political documents is the key to a free political future.

After successful revolutions, new governments begin quite properly, Orwell would say, with new constitutions. They make declarations of liberty, equality, fraternity, and all the other sisters of freedom. Most citizens take these declarations seriously and remember how they paid for them with the blood of patriots in long wars. Time passes and some clever tyrant comes along who wants to change the old, hard won documents.

Unfortunately, Orwell would also say, time is, indeed, on the side of tyranny. Citizens don’t notice when their old political documents are slowly changing (sometimes one word at a time). Like frogs in a kettle of water, when the temperature is slowly rising, time allows free citizens to be slowly cooked in the political pot. They smile until they’re complete slaves because slow cooking isn’t painful.

Clever tyrants have to move away from the past when they want absolute power. They fill up law libraries with dynamic new laws that turn the people’s old freedoms upside down. Dumb as frogs, citizens stay calm. Tyrants stick a fork in them when they’re done and ready to serve.

It might sound like double talk and seem like mental gymnastics, to some, but Orwell knew what he was talking about. He understood the political wisdom of looking back for those who want to be free. He would vote for politicians who campaign with the one-liner, “we remember the past, they look to the future.“

Satan used the same forget-the-past-and-look-forward devise that Orwell understood when he separated Adam and Eve from God, and Israel from Moses. Now, he’s offering this bait to three billion progressive Christians. Incredibly, they bite and swallow, hook, line, and sinker. They’re separated from Christ, in the name of Christ, and don’t even know.

Stakes in religious bets, of course, are much higher than stakes in political bets and Christians gamblers are losing. They bet on their blind leaders and lawlessness instead of faithful shepherds and the Ten Commandments. Indeed the armies that go to war against Christ at Armageddon will be filled with loyal followers singing songs like “Onward Christian Soldiers.” They will fight against their own Christ in that giant Valley of Megiddo.

Lost sheep of the New Covenant don’t have to choose death and destruction. They can find their way back. There’s a way. God controls the present. He’s the Big Boss. He’ll always be the Big Boss. He has, the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever, as the Lord’s prayer acknowledges. Then, as Orwell suggested, He also controls the past. While ruling the present, no one can change His laws of the past. His Commandments of the past will not be replaced and they will rule the future. That’s the good news for those who know the Commandments.

Because the past is the key to both, politics and religion, the political campaign one-liner, “We remember the past, they look to the future.” is also appropriate for the Christian religious campaign. Christ doesn’t change so lost sheep of the New Covenant must look back to the Old Christ to win the campaign for Christ. They must get His vote to live and rule in His mystical world. His two thousand year old constitution is still perfect, today.

Political historians have another one-liner Christians should remember, “They who forget the past have neither history nor future.” Adam and Eve forgot the past and their future ended with a death sentence. Israel forgot history and was conquered, enslaved, and scattered. Christians who don’t remember the past, worship God in vain.

The World is “slouching towards Gomorrah,” as famous judge Robert Bork once said. Christians are slouching more than anyone. Three billion real Christians could save the world but three billion phonies can’t save themselves. As the Lord said, the world will be destroyed if time isn’t cut short.

Chapter Two–From Jesus to the First Council of Nicea (4 BC-325 AD)

The Church State Beast, From Sabbath to Sunday, New and Old Testament Trick, Half Truth and Half Fiction Fake, the Evilution Emperor is naked…

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world… (Rev.12:9) …including Adam, Eve, Israel, and three billion Christians.

For such men are false Apostles , deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ (II Corinthians 11:13=15)

Christianity, like Judaism, had a good start simply because God was there. Like the beginning of the Old Covenant, the beginning of the New was decorated with stupendous phenomenal wonders, from top to bottom.

Miraculously, Jesus was an embryo in Mary’s womb. An angel had to tell Joseph why because nobody had sex. Amazingly, a bright star guided gift-bearing wise men from the East to see the new born baby sleeping in a cow’s manger.

Boy Jesus turned water into wine for astonished wedding guests. Prophet Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, and walked on water.

Passing through cheering crowds, this miraculous Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday riding a donkey. He told Zacheus He’d have dinner at his house.

After Jesus‘ tragic death on the Cross, a few days later, there was a great earthquake. Daylight turned into pitch black night. Dead people crawled out of their tombs and walked the streets of Jerusalem.

Jesus also emerged from His grave and continued to awe followers with miracles for forty days before His Ascension.

Passing through closed doors on the Day of Pentecost, the Resurrected Jesus showed grim crucifixion scars to the Apostle Thomas. He appeared to, and disappeared from, dazzled disciples as they walked down roads in Israel. Once, He asked for food and ate with them.

Like a real live Tarzan, the Resurrected Jesus spoke to fish and told them not to swim into Peter’s net. He spoke again and told them all, it seems, to swim into Peter’s net.

Five hundred people saw the new Immortal defy gravity and levitate off the Mount of Olives, …while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight (Acts 1:9).

The Immortal Jesus seemed even more larger than life than the Jesus who died on the Cross. The last chapters of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the fist chapters of Acts, are written records of His All Mighty powers. Those remarkable omnipotent signs showed He was very much like the God of the Old Testament.

Some followers understood they, perhaps, were catching brief glimpses of their own futures when they saw Jesus rise from the dead and lift off into that “paradise” He talked about on the Cross. Vision and hope catapulted them out of complacency and into the harvest of human souls. The dream of RESURRECTION was their pearl of great price.

John of Revelation also saw the Resurrected Jesus, in some of His glory, apparently on a short visit back to earth, And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man, clothed with garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. …and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; (Rev 1:13-18).

Wow! Once a page is read, that’s all that needs to be said, the old Negro Spiritual intones. What a page! John fell at His feet as dead when he saw those amber eyes blazing flames of fire. This Resurrected Jesus was and is no one’s homeboy and certainly not that cream puff daisy people think they know, today. He’s God!

John’s verses above mightily contradict the long haired effeminate images seen on European paintings and in Hollywood movies. A picture is worth a thousand words, as one says, and many are deceived by them.

Christ’s Adversary, like any human leader who goes to war, busily produces his pure Phony Jesus propaganda to make his opponent look like a beatnik in the eyes of the world. He’s the one behind the girlish effigies that modern Christians see. He’s surely laughing at his own deviltry.

Unfortunately, deluded Christians embrace those perfidious hippie likenesses. They let their hair grow long and nice, to be a flower child like Jesus, they think they know. They show, to the point of blasphemy, they have no respect for the King of Kings.

Hollywood and European painters would do better to make Jesus look like Secrete Service Agent 007. He really does carry out assignments on earth for His Majesty the Father and uses all the larger-than-life gifts James Bond screenwriters could possibly imagine.

Unfortunately, Hollywood producers live in a turbid fog. Stoned on adultery, violence, and homosexual sins, they can never show the Real Jesus to a deceived world. Subjected daily to the influences of the dark side, they’ll keep their own good-buddy milksop savior until they die. Let them be.

After the Real Jesus ascended to be with His Father, His Apostles continued the New Covenant miracle parade that marched over the Roman Empire. Blind men saw and cripples walked. Peter’s shadow healed the sick.

It was Moses raising his hands and parting the Red Sea all over again. It was the Sun standing still for Joshua. Another new religion was born on the wings of remarkable sensations, a religion that now has three billion members. Yes, the mind-blowing dawning of the New Covenant was more splendid than the breathtaking kick off of the Old.

Like Joshua after Moses, the first Apostles after Jesus, did all that was pleasing in eyes of God. In other words, the Church did good. Sinners turned away from sin. Alcoholics threw wine bottles away and whores left pimps standing in the street. Thieves stole no more. Adulterers and adulteresses stopped coveting their neighbors’ spouses. The Ten Commandments ruled. Early Christians knew they were connected to something special.

Indeed, the New Covenant showed leopards can change their spots. The you-have-sinned-and-I’ve-gotcha Devil no longer held sinners in his grip. Christ’s blood washed their sins away and gave them a new beginning. The Holy Spirit led them down the straight and narrow path. They laughed at the Accuser when he reminded them of their past and reminded him of his future.

As long as morally sound leaders were alive and leading, Christians stayed united against sin. False doctrines that led them back to sin, were recognized and rejected.

Good church leaders stayed true by looking backwards to Christ. Like Paul, they said, Follow me As I follow Christ (I Cor 11:1). Looking backward to Christ, the Church maintained the true definition of heresy (every doctrine that conflicts with any word of God) and the definition of sin (the breaking of God‘s laws).

Leaders didn’t interpret, they dispensed. They knew the important sermons had already been preached, by the Lord Himself. It was a “truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” church. Doctrines of the departed Jesus ruled with a just-the-facts-m’am spirit. Jack Webb would’ve enjoyed attending.

First Century Apostles fought hard to preserve that precious Faith-Once-Delivered. Even while they were alive, the Devil attempted to destroy it. He knew false doctrines would help him divide and conquer Christianity like he divided and conquered Israel. He tried hard, in the first century, but failed because the first Apostles didn’t allow false doctrines. They remembered their history lessons.

The first Christians also knew their enemy. They knew Satan was walking up and down in the Roman Empire as he had in ancient Israel and the Garden of Eden. They knew he was a formidable adversary for mortals like themselves and that he no longer spoke through a serpent.

Early church leaders recognized Satan’s voice coming from charismatic pulpiteers. Forewarned is forearmed, as one says and they were forewarned by Christ. He taught them about lying leaders. They passed the warning to others, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12).

Fortunately, the Apostles also knew the Resurrected Jesus was alive and well in the times of the Roman Empire. They heard, recognized, and followed, His voice.

Satan was behind the scenes but the Apostles were up front and strong, like Moses and Joshua of the Old Covenant. The Timeless One, as He promised, sent the Holy Spirit to help His Apostles. They used it. They protected Christian flocks from savage ravening wolves.

Paul saw division creeping into one church in Corinth, Now this I say that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? (I Cor. 1:12).He answered his own question with a loud no and stopped division, two thousand years ago.

Believers should ask Paul’s question today, Is Christ divided? This right answer is also a screaming no but Christendom’s reply is a week, agreeable yes.

Followers are pleased to pronounce they’re members of one denomination or another. They seem to enjoy being divided. I’m in the Church of God, says one. The Church of Christ is mine, says another. I’m a Baptist, says a third. Sometimes, just being Protestant or Catholic is good enough. Catholics, of course, want to be known as Eastern or Roman.

Three billion Christians sound like high school kids bragging about the makes and models of the cars they drive. They think their religion is like a giant baseball league where they play for different teams and still follow Christ. Perhaps, they think they can be traded! Only a few know, religion is not like cars or baseball. It’s a choice between life and death.

Running on a fast track and immersed in a crammed cloud of oblivion, most of the three billion are choosing the road to death and hell. They’ll march out to war against their own Savior, one day soon. They’ll all think they’re on one of God’s teams, of course.

After a good beginning, time passed in the New Covenant. The Twelve Apostles died or were killed in the line of duty. Jesus knows what happens to flocks when good leaders die, …I will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered (Mark 14:27). Indeed, when the good shepherds were smitten, strange things began to happen in the Christian flock.

Wolfish new clergymen filled the power vacuum. Driven by envy, love of power, and greed for money, they multiplied like Kangaroos in Australia.

Unfortunately, the New Covenant sheep, like Old Covenant followers, enjoyed their new leaders more than the old. They believed the new leaders when they told them to look forward and away from the old teachings of the old leaders.

Follow the money stupid, President Clinton might have said had he studied early church history. He would’ve been right, For the love of money is the root of all evil…, (I Tim 6:10).

Instead of harvesting human souls, the new money driven guides turned Christianity into a money making machine. They spoke good words and made fair speeches but sheared Christ’s sheep for profit. Their God was their belly, For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple (Romans 16:18).

Unfortunately, Judas goats’ words sounded good and betraying speeches seemed fine to the flocks who kept their leaders’ gravy trains rolling in with their hard earned wages.

Indeed, when the good Apostles died, new captains of Christianity made the same mistakes the new captains of Israel made when Joshua died. They didn’t, however, call themselves Rabbis. They claimed fancy new titles like Fathers, Pastors, Popes, Padres, Evangelists, Bishops, Reverends, Brothers, Saints, and Prophets.

Fathers? They who called their evil leaders “fathers,” were and are guilty of blasphemy, And call no man your father upon earth: for one is your father, which is in heaven (Matt 23:9). Other ruthless leaders were called “Saints” and they, sometimes, were worshipped. Saint worshippers were (and are) guilty of idolatry.

Whatever their title, ambitious new leaders manufactured do-what’s-right-in-your-own-eyes apples and fed them to congregations who ate with hearty appetites. They mixed their promiscuous poison with gabfest cool-aid to give it a sweet taste. Most everyone ate and drank their fill.

Lies were small at first but corruption starts small, then grows. It multiplies like the “little” leaven Paul described, A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (Gal 5:9).

Most everyone enjoyed the pleasant compliments from their new Christian leaders. Old, life changing John-the-Baptist style sermons were discredited. That was “fear” religion, too disturbing for a church.

Weed superiors that sprouted up and grew tall in the garden of the Lord, not only talked good but showed they could write good, as well. Unfortunately, their writings were like their talks. They didn’t look back to Christ.

Their forward looking literature was popular so they kept churning it out, volume after volume. More and more, Bibles gathered dust on the shelves. Like potato salad left out in a July sun, the New Covenant Church began to smell bad, in the times between Christ and Nicea. A great new religion was getting sick.

Like famous Rabbis of Israel, famous “Saints” of the New Covenant didn’t live up to the high status their followers gave them. They drifted farther and farther away from the Truth. Seventeen drifting centuries later, famous Christian leaders lead three billion sheeple down the wide highway to distraction, division, and deception.

Good Apostles of the New Covenant, like good Prophets of the Old, compared their relationship with Christ to a marriage. Paul said, Christ is the husband of the Church, For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church… (Eph 5:23). In the times between Christ and Nicea, the New Covenant wife was bitten by the Old Covenant wife’s “cheater’s bug.”

It was at the First Council of Nicea (325 AD), where Mrs. Christ began her wrongful affairs with political and military men. There, she showed she was just another desperate housewife who couldn’t say no to smooth talking salesmen. Like mother Israel, she forgot she was married. She threw herself at slick world leader Constantine like he was the last man on earth. Their illicit rendezvoux are recorded for all to read.

Help me make it through the night caroled Constantine, in a fine musical tone. Mrs. Christ took the ribbon from her hair. He got what he wanted, love and support from the Church. The adulteress got what she wanted, Roman Legions to enforce her new false doctrines. With knight-in-shinning-armor Constantine squiring her around, Mrs. Christianity didn’t need Christ, anymore. A church-state beast raised its ugly head, a “Christian” church-state beast.

In the years after Nicea, delighted church leaders used Constantine’s state police early and often. Any honorable Bishop, who didn’t go-along-to-get-along, found himself an enemy of the Church and the State. Tall muscular soldiers knocked on his door and took him away. He was imprisoned, exiled, or killed. New Creeds quickly became the new laws of the land.

Emperor Constantine was the first great military leader to parade through Mrs. Christ’s bedroom but not the last. Nicea was only the beginning of her long fall into that Christian police state that was later to be called, the “Holy” Roman Empire.

New lovers came in the front door and out the back, century after century. Mrs. Christ intimately embraced whoever was powerful and available. Seventeen centuries later, the cheating continues. Like any pin-headed adulteress, she thinks her Husband doesn‘t care.

Pin-headed adulteresses also think they’re doing nothing wrong, Such is the way of an adulterous woman. She eateth and wipes her mouth, and saith I have done no wickedness (Pro 30:20). Two thousand denomination leaders cheat on Christ with secular leaders and think Christ has a smile on His face.

So, the First Council of Nicea was a major milestone in the cyclopean Christian train wreck. With Constantine smiling in the background, charismatic church speakers, though sometimes alcoholics and crawling with homosexual sins, attempted to describe heresy. They made fair speeches and endlessly spoke fine words, as Peter said they would, but the true definition of heresy was way over their heads.

Instead of defining heresy, church leaders planted it. Then, they watered and fertilized it until it grew into a grandiose garden of doctrinal error. Misbelief, blasphemy, and defection, grew taller than corn in Iowa.

Clearly, leaders impressed themselves with their growing garden of error but Christ surely wasn’t. He left the meeting, no doubt, when He saw His New Covenant wife cavorting with honey boy Constantine. Without her husband, it was only natural Mrs. Christ would have trouble with heresy.

Nicean Bishops, indeed, lost their heresy definition like the kittens who lost their mittens and, they couldn’t find it. They didn’t know where to look. …man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, could’ve been found in all three of the spiritual constitutions (Creation, Old Covenant, and New Covenant) but church leaders didn’t remember their history lessons. Only three short centuries after Jesus, Christianity was Little Red Riding Hood lost in the Big Black Forest and the Big Bad Wolf was real.

It can’t be said loud or often enough. Bishops turned Truth upside down, inside out, and backward, at Nicea. It was a very ugly scene. To their eternal shame, their proclamations are recorded for all the world to see. As said earlier, they not only created false doctrines but enforced them with all the brute power Constantine legions could provide.

One of the Bishops’ worst false doctrines was changing the day of Pass Over. It separated Christendom and all of her children from the Sacred Calendar. The Sacred Calendar is sacred, of course, because it was designed by God. It’s the only calendar that keeps good time. God gave it to Moses who gave it to Israel. Israel, of course, followed it so Christ and His Church followed it. The Orthodox Jews follow it, today, and so still should the Church.

Nicean Bishops were stubborn. They decided they didn’t need that old Sacred Calendar to tell them when to keep Pass Over, anymore. Making themselves better than Christ, Moses, and God, they moved it onto the Roman Julian Calendar. They called it Easter. It would be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. (To this day, Christians follow the off beat and pagan Roman Calendar because of the half-baked decree made against the Sacred Calendar, seventeen centuries ago).

Changing times and seasons, Nicean Bishops began their long goodbye to every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. They mumbled a dopey hello to tasty looking fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Changing the day of Pass Over, of course, led to other changes in the special celebration that Christ said His followers would observe, in remembrance of Me.

First Century Christians wouldn’t recognize Christ’s “Last Supper,” today. Evil leaders have changed it into a monthly memorial and a yearly Easter service. Followers sip grape juice, in church, once a month, and go to Easter sunrise service once a year. They pat themselves on the back and think they’re following Christ (More on Passover changed and lessons lost in a later chapter).

Nicea was the first of seven “Major” ecumenical councils. “Majors,” are perceived to be more important than other councils by Christian “scholars.” The other six “Majors” are briefly described in chapters three and four of this book. Most Christians, Protestant and Catholic, accept the “Seven Majors” to have special power and influence over Christian doctrines, even more than the Bible!

Many lesser councils such as the synod of Hippo, Council of Laodicea, Councils of Nimes, Council of Philippopolis, Council of Rimi, Council of Rome, Councils of Saragossa, and etc., were also held, of course. This, let’s-go-to-a-council-and-get-farther-away-from-the-Truth parade has never stopped. Catholics and Protestants, both, have this same sickness, today.

It’s not commonly known but Christ predicted the corruption of Christian authority that manifested itself at Nicea, For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Mat 24:5).

Unfortunately, church leaders didn’t believe Christ’s words, then, and don‘t believe them, now. They don’t think they deceive their followers. Catholics, Mormons, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, Evangelicals, and etc., leaders do deceive. They stand behind podiums, lift up their hands, and mouth allegiance to the great Christian God, but don’t do what He says!

The Resurrected Jesus also alerted His followers to the danger of corrupt religious leaders in the Book of Revelation. His famous Four-Horsemen-of-the-Apocalypse vision scared John (imprisoned on the Island of Patmos) but he wrote down what he saw for all the world to read.

John saw the first rider in the vision gallop the Globe on, …a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Rev. 6:2).

This White Horseman curses the World with bad religious leaders who plague the world with false religious doctrines. The Red, Pale, and Black, Horsemen follow with war, hunger, and death. It’s quite appropriate for the White Horseman to lead the charge of the atrocious curses brigade. Bible Readers know, war, hunger, and death, follow false religious leaders who separate men from God.

Let it be not forgot that God was angry with the world, one time, and drowned them all in the Noation Deluge. Specious religious leaders in those times led followers into that great inundated abyss. Only eight were saved in the Ark.

Unfortunately, some Christian leaders think the first rider of the Fearsome Four is a horseman good for the world. The White Rider, they say, spreads Christ’s message. They think they‘re White Riders doing good.

Christian captains are, indeed, the fulfillment of this hideous foretelling but not for good. They are the blind leading the blind; blind guides leading dupable flocks into the ditch of death. False spiritual leaders are worse than world wars, world hunger, and a contagion of plagues, combined.

John the “Revelator” also saw the White Horseman carrying a bow and wearing a crown. He saw him going fourth conquering and to conquer. As noted in the introduction of this book, Christian followers are conquered and controlled like political subjects in totalitarian countries.

There’s freedom of religion in some western democracies but there’s no freedom in their religions. Free religious speech and a free religious press that would go with religious freedom aren’t allowed. Members are, indeed, utterly enslaved.

A country without complete candor is already enslaved, political scientists say. The same proverb is true in churches without complete candor. Denomination leaders enslave their members when they hide doctrinal deliberations behind closed doors. Congregations are kept in the dark because leaders’ judgments won’t stand up under any close inspection. This is another parallel that runs between the political and religious sciences.

White Horseman Christian Tyranny began in the times between Jesus and Nicea. It flourished in the centuries that followed. More and more, followers were left farther and farther out of the doctrinal loop. There was less and less dissent. Finally, there was no dissent. The sheeple heeled, genuflected, paid, and prayed, as they do today.

It’s my way or the highway, brother, said the rich in spirit Christian Bishops. Impressed with the high volume of their own clapping, they used the cruel tool of ex-communication early and often. Don’t ask questions, was the real clear message. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes closed.

Christians were taught what to think, not how to think. In many countries, Christian dissenters were arrested, imprisoned, and even killed by fellow Christians!

Conquering White Horsemen also stopped saying follow me as I follow Christ, in the times between Jesus and Nicea. They didn’t want to be compared to Christ.

Members who started comparing their leaders to Christ might’ve started thinking. Free speech might have sprouted. There might have been a great outcry against trading old doctrines for new so leaders just said, follow me. Don’t think about Christ. Members checked their brains at the door and said, amen, amen.

Famous New Covenant “Rabbis” insisted on doing the thinking but, unfortunately, they didn’t know how. Nobody taught them. They read the Bible like pagans read sheep entrails.

Leaders paid no serious attention to three hundred year old words of the Apostles or two thousand year old words of the Prophets. They were living Apostles and Prophets, they said. New words from living Apostles and Prophets should have more authority than old words from the dead. Big crowds followed them then, and bigger crowds follow them, today.

New tyrannical types who thought they knew more than the old Apostles and created a Brave New Christian World. They built large Cathedrals of Conformity and stirred up witches’ brews of fashionable liberalism. Members swigged until they were completely full.

Their drink tasted good but was from a toxic well and it killed them by the millions, as we’ll see later. Filled up and feeling good, they didn’t put sin out of their lives. They couldn’t see the Death Angel with his dark mask waiting in the wings.

Lives didn’t have to change, the new Christendom reckoned. Times change. Stealing, murder, adultery, and idolatry, change. All of the Ten Commandments can change, said the Bishops, without blinking an eye. Nobody wanted to be old fashioned like God so they looked forward and marched into their future.

Wisdom stood on Main Street and screamed to all who passed by, Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments: For this is the whole duty of man (Ecc 12:13). The Bishops didn‘t have the ears to hear Wisdom and walked on by. They were listening to Nicean creeds. Under new church leaders, God’s old laws disappeared like Germany’s old democratic constitution under Adolph Hitler.

All the Christian Emperors pretended they were wearing “new clothes,” of course. Anyone who couldn’t see the new clothes was quickly informed he didn’t have God’s Spirit and wasn’t, “a member in good standing.“ Wanting to be well liked and approved of, quite naturally, followers marveled at the emperor’s fancy new attire. With big elephant ears, they listened and meekly followed. They’re still following, today.

This Little-Boy-Ambassador book sends a strong message to Christian Emperor-Pastors who captain the train that went off track in the times between Jesus and Nicea. The Ambassador’s news is very bad. He doesn’t see the fine new clothes they claim to wear. In fact, he doesn‘t see any clothes at all!

You emperors are buck naked, he howls. The Devil is speaking through you. Don’t eat the fruit, he says to the followers. Needless to say, howlng, Little-Boy-Ambassadors aren’t well liked and approved of in the hierarchies of the two thousand denominations.

Buck naked emperors should pay close attention to the Little-Boy-Ambassador who howls. Perhaps, they don’t know they’re being used, today, like the serpent was used in the Garden of Eden.

The serpent was just a beast of the field and didn’t understand how it was being used. Nevertheless, God cursed it for all ages. Its offspring crawl along the ground and eat dust everywhere they go. People hate them and kill them whenever they can because of the curse.

Unaware Holy Joes, who sell snake-oil cannons and medicine-show-liniment creeds to the simple minded, today, will also be cursed. One day soon, they and all their offspring will pay a terrible price for being used like the serpent. God doesn’t change. A grim Judgment Day is rapidly approaching.

Lenin rightfully called Christian leaders of his time, pseudo-Christians. They use religion, he said, like an opiate. It gives followers religious highs but nobody changes.

Christians don’t like to talk about it much but the famous anti-Christ of the Bible will probably be someone who regularly attends one of the pseudo-Christian churches.

Many of the soldiers, who go to war against Jesus at Armageddon, will be phony Christians who follow phony leaders. Deceived into waiting for the rapture they don‘t understand, they’ll fight against Christ in the name of Christ and all die together.

Considering the great deceptive abilities of the Adversary, one should not be surprised to see Christians marching out to war against their own Christ. He deceived the Israelites into killing their own Messiah, in Jerusalem, their own capital.

Jesus was a sacrificial lamb in His first visit to this world but He’s morphed. Now, He’s an All Conquering Lion. He’ll meet the World’s armies on a battlefield near Jerusalem and grind them into fine powder. They’ll be scattered in the Four Winds.

Sin sick Christians will soon find out they’re like the Israelites who have no Covenant. When Christ returns, they won‘t recognize Him and He won‘t recognize them, But he shall say, I tell you I know ye not whence you are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity (Luke 13:27). Two thousand denomination leaders can’t see it but new Christian dupes, like the old Israelite pidgeons, have indeed, lost their Covenant.

Bible Readers know, Christ has had in the past, has in the present, and always will have in the future, a zero tolerance for lawlessness. Obviously, false doctrines lead to lawlessness. Why would Christ continue to covenant with those who allow them?

There’re a few good men in this ugly picture. No, they’re not Marines. They’re bona fide Christians who look back to Jesus and His old laws. They live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. They don’t pay much attention to boss around pulpitarians who pretend they’re wearing new clothes when everyone knows, they‘re bare ass naked.

Leaders won’t, so a few good followers must, put a stop to Satan’s don’t-look-back foundation of lies that’s built on a giant shifting sand dune. They’ll dig down through the sand and build new Christian houses on the Rock, as the Lord counseled. They’ll fight their way out of Christian Babylon and brawl their way back to faith once delivered.

“We the People” is a religious maxim as well as a political motto. Religious followers don’t have to follow blind leaders any more than secular citizens have to follow bad government.

Like the evil tyrants in politics, Christian leaders have clearly disqualified themselves. “We the religious people” must, on our own, adopt a zero tolerance for false religious doctrines. Seventeen centuries of lies is enough.

“I was only doing what I was told,“ is a bad excuse for following blind leaders. It’s not accepted in times of political judgment and it won’t be accepted in the time of religious judgment. Religious followers of the blind will pay a terrible price for draggling along when the Ancient of Days sits on His judgment seat.

Political history can and should help religious converts break the bad habit of, “Doing what I was told.” Stories about the consequences of ”doing what I was told” in corrupt political regimes fill up the libraries of the world. Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Mussolini’s Italy, and Tojo’s Japan, are just a few recent examples. Leaders in those countries led millions to commit crimes against humanity. They did what they were told.

A few good men didn’t follow those nefarious political regimes that hurt so many. They read the political winds that were blowing and tried to make changes. They loved their countries but had to leave when the establishment wouldn’t change.

Religious converts should also leave changeless tyrannical denominations that commit crimes against God. They love their churches but must leave, or suffer the consequences when the Real Jesus returns.

Followers who follow perfidious political administrations die only a physical death. Followers who follow lying Apostles lose a lot more. They place their souls in jeopardy and souls are the only things that really matter. Again, For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul (Matt 16:26)?

It’s a great tragedy but religious followers don’t leave unchangeable, off track churches. Sometimes, they discover heresy but think they may somehow benefit by staying. They won’t, …for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him two fold more the child of hell than yourselves (Matt 23:15).

These words of Jesus are, indeed, astounding! A few centuries after Moses died, Rabbinical teachings were so bad that sin sick Israelites were attending synagogues and getting worse. Learning lies they became, “…more the child of hell.”

Jesus also used the words, “children of the devil“ to describe Israelites who regularly attended synagogues, You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it (John 8:44). There’s no benefit to staying in a church where you and your children learn to follow the doctrines of demons.

So, history repeated itself in the times between Jesus and Nicea. Like the Israelites in synagogues, sin-sick Christians in churches didn’t get better. They retrogressed because New Covenant pulpit lies were no better than Old Covenant Rabbinical prattle. It was unbelievable then and more unbelievable now. Today, one can more easily find virtue in a local bar than in a local church.

The don’t-look-back device the Devil used against the Church on the road to Nicea, wasn’t the only trick up his sleeve. He had other schemes and soon began a direct attack on the Bible, itself.

Tactic two of the Tempter was a fabulous one. Serious Bible Readers call it, The New Testament and Old Testament Trick. “New Testament” books were added to the “Old Testament,” in the times between Jesus and Nicea. The Devil saw a magnificent opportunity and pounced. His trick has divided and conquered the Bible, in the minds of Christians, for seventeen centuries. They think they have two books!

Glory Roaders, today, open their Bibles and see a “New Testament” and an “Old Testament.” Right away, they think half of the Bible is for the Jews and the other half is for Christians. This “Old-New” tool of deception creates a giant cloud of division smoke.

This sand in the eye ruse works real good. Moses and Jesus are divided, perhaps even at war with each other, too many, too often, assume. Consciously or subliminally, but never intelligently, readers think Jesus did away with Moses.

A few who understand Christian history know the Bible is not two books. Bible books are not even two “Testaments,“ as they’re portrayed in the King James. Books are books and testaments are testimonies or confirmations. There’s nothing new or old about the testimonies of God. Indeed, it’s blasphemy to say God’s words are old. All His words are forever. Jesus and Moses will always be one.

Mathew, the first book of Satan’s “New” Testament, is simply a book that follows Malachi, the last book of the “Old.” Israel was a country with the Temple in the days of the book of Malachi as she was a country with the same Temple in the days of the book of Mathew, nearly four hundred years later.

Malachi was complaining about improper Temple sacrifices in his time and Jesus threw the money changers out of the same Temple in His. Bad Temple leaders was a problem for the ages. Nevertheless, miracles continued in the house built for God, even when it was a den of thieves.

Mathew‘s book begins, The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham (Matt 1:1). This genealogy of Joseph lists the fathers in Jesus’ generations all the way back to Abraham of the “Old Testament.” In the Gospel of Luke (3:23-38) Jesus’ genealogy goes all the way back to Adam.

When Jesus quoted “Old Testament” books He used the words “it is written.” He quoted them like every word was new. It would be a lot more accurate and Believers would be a lot less confused if they opened their Bibles and saw the words, “The One and Only Testimony.” They would know there’re no “old” words of God. The Devil wouldn’t be able to use his division trick.

Verses in both “Testaments“ promote the same constitution of life and the same code of ethics. Genesis describes the same culture war that‘s described in Revelation. It’s the same good against the same evil. The same God is working out the same plan in Joshua that He’s working out in Acts. The adversary, Satan, is the same as is the hero, Jesus.

Moses and Jesus together, preached the same follow-every-word-that-proceeds-out-of-the-mouth-of-God sermon, For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:18-19). Heaven and earth have not passed away and Jesus’ ties to Moses were not severed when He died on the cross. They’ll be together forever in Paradise.

One reason the Old and New Testament Trick fools so many is that Old and New Covenants do, indeed, exist in the Bible. Beginning Believers learn early and often about the existence of the two Covenants. They know the Old Covenant was done away and a New was offered, first to Israel and then, the whole world. They who carelessly turn covenants into a divided Bible do so to their own destruction, as Peter would surely say. Unfortunately, many do and the Devil smiles.

Christians should know better. Covenants are contracts and are not to be confused with books which can be testimonies. The Old and New Contracts are described in the so called “Old Testament” the same way they’re described in the so called “New Testament.”

Why Christians confuse covenants with books can only be explained by the sinister influences in and around them. Satan weaves a giant cloth of wool and pulls it over their eyes. Those who want to fight their way back to First Century Truth must understand the Adversary’s Old and New Testament Trick.

Everyone must also know how God has always treated (and always will treat) Israel differently from the rest of the world. God had two sets of laws in the Old Covenant (one for Jews and another for Gentiles).

In fact, the Old Covenant was designed to separate Israelites from the World. They could not have the same laws, For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth (Deut 14:2).

Gentiles could live in Israel but couldn’t kill a lamb and celebrate Passover. Gentiles couldn’t offer sacrifices in the Temple. The Temple had a death penalty warning sign to any Gentile who passed a certain point. Other laws show how God separated the two. However hard it is for some to accept, God preached two discrepant Gospels during the times of the Old Covenant.

It may be even harder for some to accept but God preaches two variant Gospels in the New Covenant. Yes, He still has two sets of laws; one for Israel and another for the World. He loves the Gentiles but gives them different laws. The Apostles’ conference in Acts 21 clearly explains this (Unlike the First Council of Nicea, three hundred years later, the Resurrected Christ was there).

Acts 21 shows Paul, a Jew, keeping all of the Old Covenant laws under the New Covenant, including sacrifices. He was also teaching Jews, both in Israel and scattered abroad, to do the same. The Gentiles were given a different set of laws, As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication (Acts 21:25).

Paul was teaching New Covenant Israel to keep all the Old Covenant laws simply because they weren’t nailed to the cross like so many Christians assume. The Lord added to Old Covenant Law authority in the New Covenant. He didn’t takeaway.

“Old Covenant laws are done away.” is one of Satan’s greatest deceptions. It’s well hidden in his Old-Testament, New-Testament cloud of smoke. Old Jewish laws were done away because they were bad, is the idea he wants to sell. Israel wasn’t deceived. She didn’t make the Adam and Eve mistake. Satan played no role and it wasn’t the people’s fault. God did it with bad laws.

Failure of the Old Covenant was not caused by God and bad laws. “God don’t make no junk,” one little boy said, and the little boy was right. The Commandments were, are, and always will be, “holy, just, and good.“ Israel’s Old Covenant failed simply because Israel followed in the foot steps of Adam and Eve. Satan deceived them.

It was the people, For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant… (Heb 8:7-8). The Lord found fault with “them.”

Surprise! Surprise! The New Covenant, then, is not about doing away with bad old laws. It’s all about helping people do and teach them, For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts… (Heb 8:10). Putting laws into minds and writing them in hearts don’t do away with them.

Indeed, Old Covenant laws became the foundation for Israel’s New. Not only did they pass out of the Old and into the New Covenant, but they became more exacting, inflexible, and unpermissive, as well You have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shall not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: (Matt 5:22).

Christ also said, You have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shall not commit adultery; But I say unto you, that whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart (Matt 5:28). Yes, Jesus’ New Covenant added thought police to Old Covenant laws! Murder? Adultery? Don’t even think about it, He said.

Bible Readers can get the Christian train back on track, when and if, they understand that the Old Covenant ended, God’s laws continued, and the Bible is one set of books. The Old and New Testament Trick is just a trick. “Old“ and “New Testaments” don’t open the door for lawlessness as the Christian world assumes.

What do the Gentiles do, then, in the New Covenant, if their laws are different from the laws of Israel? Their complete New Covenant guide is good subject for another book but one thing is sure. They must keep all of the Ten Commandments. The Big Ten are so holy, so just, and so good, God gives them to everyone, in all the world, all the time. He has said this from the beginning. Gentiles, of course, are also subject to the Ten Commandment thought police.

Where does the Bible teach the Ten Commandments to the Gentiles? We already saw in Acts 21:25, the Apostles taught Gentiles, the first two against idolatry. Paul’s letter to the “Gentiles” (Eph 2:11) lists several more, Wherefore putting away lying… (Eph 4:25), Let him that stole steal no more: (Eph 4:28), Covetousness (Eph 5:3) and, Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; (Eph 6:2). There’re many other verses, of course. Gentiles don’t have to circumcise their children but do keep and teach the Big Ten, all of them, all of the time.

It’ll be shocking, no doubt, when Sunday worshipers discover the Seventh Day Sabbath is also a commandment for them. It’s one of the Big Ten. It was sanctified at Creation, long before Israel was a country, And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made (Gen 2:2-3)

Surely, Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath after God sanctified and blessed it. It was blessed time for the whole world, then, and it’s blessed now. It hasn’t been unblessed. Like a rock, God doesn’t change. Christians who think the Sabbath is just for the Jews should reread Gen. 2.

Isaiah said, in the spirit, everyone will keep the Sabbath Day when Christ returns, And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord (66:23). The Christian world must return to the Sabbath now, or pay a price they can‘t afford in the judgment to come.

Heaven isn’t the reward of the saved, as Isaiah suggested in the verse above. Jesus is returning to earth. He’ll smash Sunday keeping churches and the governments that support them at Armageddon (The violent blood bath described in Revelation). His followers who keep the Sabbath, now, will be forever young, then. Kings, Queens, and Priests, in the new government, Jesus will give them great authority and they’ll rule the world with a rod of iron.

The Sabbath Day is referred to sixty-one times in the “New Testament,” fifty-one times in the four Gospels. The Apostles never said it would change. Christ never suggested it would change. He prophesied into the future, after a death He knew would surely come, that followers would observe this holy commandment (Matt 24:20). He also called Himself, “Lord of the Sabbath.” His Apostles selected the Sabbath Day to teach in the synagogues.

Christ’s friends were carefully keeping the Sabbath Day immediately following the Crucifixion, And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on….And they returned and prepared spices and ointments, and rested on the Sabbath day according to the commandment. Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre bringing the spices which they had prepared,… (Luke 23:54-24:1). They showed by these works that Sunday was just another day of the week.

Paul kept the Sabbath Day until he died, thirty or forty years after the Ascension. He kept it with both Gentiles and Jews, Acts 13:42,44. Secular records show, early church leaders, some who knew Paul, continued to hold the Sabbath (Sabbatum) in high esteem after his death. They gave it, “… all the solemnities of religious worship.”

Everyone knows, the Christian world keeps Sunday, today, so what happened on the long winding road from Jesus to Nicea? In spite of all the evidence above, Saturday somehow morphed into Sunday.

New leaders did it, of course, with a little help from the Old and New Testament Trick. They hadn’t seen the astonishing miracles of Christ and His Apostles. Like the new Israelite leaders, who showed no respect for Moses after Joshua died, new Christian leaders showed no respect for Christ after His Apostles died. Changing the Sabbath might be keeping it, they reasoned.

Perhaps, they didn’t consider that changing the Fourth Commandment might weaken the other nine. Children, for example, might have a problem with the big switch. Sooner or later, little Joey will wonder how ten is nine. Why change one or two and not the others, he might say? Where one commandment goes, the others can and will be dragged.

Transfiguration of the Sabbath Day was gradual, at first, but three hundred years is a long gradual time. Eventually, someone played with the world’s calendar.

Roman Emperor Constantine and Pope Sylvester I (314-335 AD) were the guilty ones. Holding hands and gazing into each others’ promiscuous eyes, they deformed the Seventh Day! In their mating dance, a world ruling church-state empire challenged God! Saturday is Sunday, they said. God blessed the Seventh Day and made it holy but the First Day is more holy, said the two most arrogant men.

Emperor Constantine did his part in his famous Sunday law of March 7, 321 A.D. “On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.”

Four years later, Pope Sylvester I followed Constantine in perfect step on the calendar dance floor. He said, Sunday was the Lord’s Day and decreed that the “rest” of the Sabbath be transferred to the new Lord’s Day. So it was.

This powerful one-two punch, completely KO’d the Fourth Commandment. Bishops who resisted the changes were banished or killed.

Christ, of course, would’ve danced on the calendar dance floor with His wife but she refused. She bobbed and weaved with Constantine. He surely left the party early, His eyes burning brilliant with that famous amber flame.

Constantine and Sylvester, both, supported their famous Sunday laws with raging rhetoric. Members were “Judaising” if they kept that old Jewish Sabbath, they said.

Historians say, Constantine did it to be popular with Sun worshipers. Sylvester, no doubt, saw the direction a powerful political wind was blowing and took the religious way of least resistance, down stream. Follow the man with the legions, he must have thought.

At the Council of Layodicea, penalties were canonized against those who kept the Sabbath. Decree No. 29, “Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath but must work that day and then if possible rest on the Lord‘s Day and any found to be Judaizers are anathema from Christ.“ The switch was complete. Sunday became popular tradition and remains so, today. The Old and New Testament Trick helped make it all possible.

Neither Constantine nor Sylvester quoted the Bible when they made the BIG SABBATH DAY SWITCH. They had no good reason for the change. The works and teachings of Christ were not considered. The Apostles and Prophets were left “out of the decision loop.“ The pigs are changing the Constitution, Orwell surely would’ve screamed had he been there.

Changing God’s laws should’ve been alarming, wrapped in hair-raising, inside horrendous, to the Bishops, but it wasn’t. They were asleep at the switch. Followers just yawned. It was drab, wrapped in dry, inside dreary, to them.

Time passed and Mrs. Christ added to her Sabbath Day foolishness. She justified changing the Sabbath to Sunday, after the fact. She claimed the authority of tradition. Phrases like, “as generally believed” and “very certainly by the authority of the church.” were used to answer questions from the few who dared to ask.

Leaders, today, use the same Sunday rhetoric to control the members. Only a few good men will be able to see through their clever one-liners and return to Christ’s Fourth Commandment. Only a few will be able to say with a pure heart, they do and teach all ten of the Big Ten. Only a restored Seventh Day Sabbath can get the Christian train back on the old Ten Commandment track.

One can’t say enough about the splendor of the Ten Commandments. They’re so preeminently holy and conspicuously good, churches should post them in every building where Believers meet. Believers should post them in every home where they live. Everyone should see them every day. Parents should teach them to their children, morning, noon, and night. God wrote them into stone tablets for everyone, yesterday, today, and forever.

Unfortunately, the Ten Commandments are not posted in churches or believers‘ homes. They’re out of sight and out of mind, as one says. Church members don’t know them. They couldn’t write them down if their lives depended on it.

Invisible laws create a giant law vacuum that fills the Christian world with idolatry, murder, stealing, adultery, and etc. A dark cloud of iniquity hangs over the three billion who think they know Christ. Hiding His Big Ten is a major, major, false doctrine that began on the road from Jesus to Nicea.

If Tactic two of the Tempter (Old and New Testament Trick) doesn’t divide and destroy the power of the Bible (in the minds of Christians) the Tempter tries Tactic Number Three, the Half Truth and Half Fiction Fake.

Satan knows he already has every foolish atheist who follows Darwin. That profane crowd won’t even read the Bible. They’re famous for saying, “God is dead.“

Having devoured the atheists, Satan goes inside the Church, itself. He hopes members who read the Bible will think it’s half truth and half fiction. You might believe some but not all. You can’t know what to believe.

Half Truth and Half fiction treachery mixes biblical Creation with the goofy theory of evilution. You might believe some of the Creation story in Genesis, says the truth and fiction devise, but not the six day part. Humans evolved over millions of years.

Voila! The Bible is part truth and part lies, in the minds of those who’re deceived (This 20th Century false doctrine is discussed in this early chapter because it’s a divide-and-conquer-the-Bible strategy that fits well with the Old and New Testament trick).

Unfortunately, millions of Christians swallow the half truth and half fiction chicanery bait; hook, line, and sinker. They’re convinced the Bible is like a library. It’s all good, of course, but it has truth and fiction areas. Christians who fall for this devise have a name, Theistic Evilutionists.

Western Catholics are the largest group of Theistic Evilutionists. Only part of Genesis is true, says Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, current (at the time of the writing of this book) head of Rome’s Pontifical Council for Culture. Through numerous press releases and public statements he says Darwin’s theory is compatible with Christianity. Plainly but astonishingly, the Vatican believes Darwin rather than Moses. Unfortunately, many Protestant denominations concur. The lie is widespread.

Theistic Evilutionists say, Adam and Eve were created millions of years ago. The seven twenty-four hour Creation days, in Genesis are fiction. Moses’ days might be years, millions or even billions. You can read but don’t trust this part of the Bible, they say.

God didn’t put Adam to sleep, take a rib, and create Eve, in twenty-four hours. Moses made up the six days of Creation and one day of rest story. Adam and Eve evolved from monkeys but other parts of the Bible might be true. You just can’t know for sure.

Black coat leaders bring the half Truth and half fiction devise to church and sell it to countrified suckers every Sunday. Suckers can’t buy fast enough. They believe Darwin and some of Moses and think they‘re following Christ. The Devil smiles, of course. God’s word is divided, inside the church.

Earth-is-flat Christian leaders should know better. They think they’re wise but they’re fools; fooled by secular university professors who’re fooled by dinosaur bones. They’re worse than fools to carry the origin-of-life-delusion into the church.

The living God prepared, preserved, and published, all His Bible for all His creation to always read and always study. It’s His communication to the World. Jesus said the “scripture” can’t be broken (John 10:35). Jesus also said David was speaking in spirit when he quoted this verse found near the middle of the book of Psalms (Matt 22:43).

The easiest way to defeat Theistic Evolution, of course, is to defeat the theory of evilution, itself. That’s easy. Five minutes of design-requires-a-designer science destroys the goofy rumor of university professors and their entire paleontology curriculum.

Unfortunately, PhD’s control the curriculum and won’t allow the five minute debate. The rumors go unchallenged. Intelligent design professors are blackballed. It’s a very great tragedy.

When it has a chance to speak, true science utterly massacres the evilution argument. Disorganization doesn’t organize by itself, says the “Second Law Of Thermodynamics.” Organization will break down by itself but randomness won’t organize.

Science also says, organization is everywhere. Stephen Hawkins, a world famous physicist asked, “If there was chaos in the beginning, where did all the organization come from?” Hawkins sees organization and knows big bang beginnings cause chaos. Unfortunately, he doesn’t put two and two together. Organization from chaos demands an outside and very great intelligent power.

Most everyone, today, (especially the life science professors) know thousands of intricately organized life webs are also subject to the Second Law Of Thermodynamics. Organized life webs are returning to randomness and not becoming more organized as evilution presumes. Every year, there’re fewer species in the insect, amphibian, mammal, reptile, and bird, kingdoms.

Unfortunately, species are interdependent. When one dies, others are weakened and will eventually die. It’s not commonly known but more than ten per cent of all plant species in the world are on the endangered list, today.

True science, then, is devolution, the exact opposite of evilution. Nutty professors have it backwards and upside down. The Creation is wearing out and getting old. A complex Creation is becoming more simple, Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: (Psalms 102:25-26).

Keen King David knew Creation, in our Four Dimensions, is like a beautiful garment delivered by a skilled seamstress. He also could see it getting old. It’ll surly disintegrate over time, he said. It’ll have to be changed like a garment, one day in the future.

Perhaps, the easiest way to see design and disprove evilution is to study the Sacred Calendar, referred to earlier. Yes, time, like the life webs, the chemistry table, and even temperature, has been organized. The Sacred Calendar is the one that was brainlessly discarded at the First Council of Nicea.

This calendar, unlike the Roman Calendar, keeps almost perfect time (“Almost,” we say, because this calendar is also subject to the Second Law of Thermodynamics). It’s slowly winding down after keeping good time for six thousand years. Not to worry. It’s only lost a very small part of a day.

The Roman Calendar, on the other hand, can never be continuously repeating. It’s built on a foundation of twenty-four hour days. God didn’t organize time around twenty-four hour days. Jupiter worshipping Romans never accepted God’s building block of time. Their day calendar can only ever be a mishmash of odd months and leap years.

God’s time is organized around the quarter moon phase of the lunar cycle. He wanted a Full Moon rising on the first evening of special holidays. The only way to have a Full Moon mark time is to build a calendar on a foundation of moon phases. Everyone knows there’re four phases in the lunar cycle (New Moon, Waxing Half Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Half Moon).

The lunar quarter based calendar continuously repeats every forty-nine (7X7) years. Each forty-nine year cycle is separated by a fiftieth year with one less moon phase. It was called the Jubilee. Jubilee was a marvelous year of celebration in Israel as long as they followed the Sacred Calendar.

Israel’s amazing calendar reveals a shocking mathematical relationship between the twenty-four hour day, quarter lunar month, and solar year. Just as Galileo observed, God’s design for the universe “is written in the language of mathematics.“ Without God’s mathematical time equation, a continuously repeating calendar couldn’t exist. Precise mathematics makes Inner Space run like a Swiss watch.

Evilutionists have a duty to examine this Designed Calendar and its organized time. They should ask the obvious questions. Who can determine the rotation speed of the earth, the revolution velocity of the moon, and its distance from the earth? Who might determine the solar cycle and its relationship to the spinning world? God and His six day Creation is the only answer.

When, and if, evilutionists take the time to understand the Sacred Calendar, they’ll surely be shocked. They’ll know Genesis is all true! God worked six twenty-four-hour days and rested on the twenty-four hour Seventh. They’ll know their theory is dead and Theistic Evilution will die like its goofy mother. All followers of Darwin will die, too, if they don’t wake up.

If true science is Creation, then, why all the evilution confusion among the university professors? What started the great world wide blarney and what keeps it going? “It’s the dinosaurs stupid!“ former President Clinton might say, if he stopped having affairs long enough to study people’s beliefs.

Everyone knows, the gargantuan reptiles were different (some a lot bigger) than reptiles we have today. Most everyone also knows there was a great catastrophe that destroyed them and many other animal species on this planet.

They don’t understand, however, how new animal species, including mankind, came to be. The differences can only be explained, they think, through “transformation.” A ”Natural process,” they say, brought new species into existence. Evilution is their answer. How ludicrous! There’s another explanation to the dinosaur demise.

Another answer is found in the Bible. Simply put, the Adam and Eve creation was not a creation. It was a re-creation. God was cleaning up a gigantic mess caused by a galactic war. His adversary in the war was Lucifer.

God introduced the species of mankind (that’s us) in the re-creation. One only has to see the movie “Jurassic Park” to know the first creation was not suitable for us.

No one knows the time of the first Creation. It probably happened thousands of years before Adam and Eve. That’s what fools the Darwinists. The Bible only claims to be the “foundation” of knowledge. Clearly, Satan was already an adversary in the re-creation when he deceived Eve. The rebellion and galactic war happened before Genesis.

Journeymen Bible Readers should already know about the great war between God and Lucifer. There’s some hard biblical evidence. Jesus spoke of this great war that started in the Fifth Dimension and spread into the Fourth, And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven (Luke 10:18).

The great prophet Isaiah also said, How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations (Isa 14:12). This war in Heaven caused a giant tragedy to this world, the catastrophe that scientists know about. Lucifer‘s name, of course, was changed to Satan (adversary) after the war.

Yes, a war in Heaven can and did spill over into this world. There‘s some physical relationship between God’s “Heaven” and our Earth. It seems to be separate and connected at the same time. God and angels of the fifth dimension can enter our world of four dimensions and return to theirs. We can’t enter their world, at this time. Bible Readers hope to, one day soon.

Energy is mass and mass is energy, Einstein said in his equation, E=Mc squared. This famous equation suggests God used energy to create mass. It suggests there is a connection.

Some of the best and brightest physicists believe, indeed, the two dimensions are connected. As this book is written, they’re are using the “Hadron Collider” in Geneva to discover, the “God” particle. Some believe that particle might show how God used energy to create mass.

In a final analysis, dinosaur bones shouldn’t fool anyone. A galactic war between God and Lucifer bridged the gap between the Creation and re-creation, not millions of years of evilution.

Unfortunately, Darwinist shepherds are so interested in making money and feeding their bellies they won’t take the time to disprove Darwin’s goofy theory. They accept it and take a header into the great big theistic-evilution slime pit. They think they can teach part of the Bible and don’t know they open their church doors wide for Satan. Mired up to their necks in survival of the fittest mud, they think Christ is pleased with their work.

Half the Bible is not enough. Christ believes all of it, as we saw above. The scripture can‘t be broken (John 10:35). You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hunters, one English proverb says. Neither can Christian leaders run with Christ when they hunt with the Liar.

We’ll also see, in a later chapter, that Jesus was the God of Genesis. He created everything in six twenty-four-hour days and rested on the twenty-four hour Seventh. He should know!

Those who believe the scripture can be broken are, surely, without Faith and cannot please God, But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Heb 11:6).

Some shepherds see the nakedness of the evilution emperor but won’t say anything. Silence is the golden rule when Darwinism knocks on their church doors. Apparently, they’re afraid of losing their income, as suggested earlier. Surely, the Lord will say, they’re lukewarm, on the fence, and in between, when He returns. He’ll spit them out of His mouth. He likes them either cold or hot.

If the in-betweeners heard just one little boy shout, “The evilution emperor is naked! ” perhaps more mouths would open wide and even Bishops would begin to shout. They might get off the fence. Unfortunately, they can’t hear the little boy shout.

It does seem appropriate that the denomination dictator is getting together with the evilution emperor. They make a nice pair walking down the aisle in any church. Both claim to be wearing new clothes, of course, and think everyone is admiring their outfits. Unfortunately, both are bare ass naked and everyone with eyes to see can‘t stop laughing.

Faithful shepherds recognize Theistic Evolution for what it is. Like the Old and New Testament Trick, they know the Half Truth and Half Fiction Fake is part of a seventeen century all out attack on the Bible.

Faithful shepherds despise Theistic Evolutionists. They know they’re New Covenant serpents that raise their ugly heads and bite the sheep. They fly at them like a Pit Bull gives it to a night time thief and go after them like courageous David went after that proud giant, Goliath. Unfortunately, there’re only a few good shepherds who’re willing to lay down their lives for the flock.

If there were more good shepherds, Theistic Evolution would completely die inside the church. Stout hearted leaders would, then, press their attack against evilution in the secular world.

Armed with design-requires-a-designer knowledge, good shepherds would march out of their churches and down the street. They’d go into university classrooms and savage the college professors who’re fooled by dinosaur bones. Indeed, they’d laugh them to scorn. Secular education would take a giant leap forward. Darwinism would be a great big world wide joke.

Chapter Three-From Nicea to Charlemagne (325 AD to 800 AD)

Codification, Distraction, Original Sin, and Denominationalism

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies (II Pet 2:1).

The practice of codifying spurious creeds and enforcing them with military power continued long after Nicea. The Sixth Ecumenical Council, for example, codified another 101, in 691 AD. Commandments of men, indeed, multiplied like lemmings in summertime Alaska. Thousands and thousands have been added through seventeen centuries of Protestant and Catholic misrule.

Those commandments of men, dictated by charismatic Bishops, loomed large in the minds of wide-eyed followers. They had little or nothing to do with the Bible, of course, but so many big league leaders can’t be too wrong, too many followers, too often assumed. Today, three billion Christians are seduced and bewitched by thousands upon thousands of damnable heresies. Surely, Satan is pleased.

Codifying and enforcing concocted doctrines was loathsome and low. Bishops, who held the public trust, callously garbled the words of Christ. Their left-handed ideas contaminated the faith-once-delivered and nobody said anything.

Not so, said Pope Gregory I, who claimed to be an Apostle in the Fourth Century. All the new cannons were, “…delivered to the Church by God’s design.“ Unfortunately, Gregory was a great pretender. He wasn’t an Apostle and didn‘t know God‘s design.

Apostles must pass the Apostle‘s test. True Apostles teach God’s Commandments, all of them, all of the time, If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or wonder. And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou has not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet,…Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear him and keep his commandments, and obey his voice,…(Deut 13:1-4).

Some Bishops even performed miracles, as Moses warned, and appeared to be angels of light. Unfortunately, they didn’t teach the Ten Commandments. Don’t follow them, Moses would’ve said. The Christians did. They forgot Satan lives in a world of the Fifth Dimension and can perform great wonders in the Fourth.

More should be said about trying and testing Apostles. Some denominations, both Protestant and Catholic, place great confidence in chains of leaders who follow each other in sequence back to a famous leader like Peter. Being in the train of succession makes them Apostles, they say. They’re liars. The showing of a badge shouldn’t deceive anyone who reads the Bible.

Truth is not like property that passes from one person to another, in a train of sovereignty. Leaders don’t inherit it. Neither is it a birthright. Truth passes from one generation to another by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Every generation must read every word of God and accept it like a child, as the Lord said.

Jesus acknowledged that Jewish leaders sat in Moses’ seat, …the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: (Matt 23:2). Unfortunately for them, He also said they were the blind leading the blind (Matt 15:14).

Men who attended ecumenical councils sat in Peter’s seat. They were also, the blind leading the blind. Lying Apostles can attain the high positions of true Apostles and lead followers over a cliff.

Denomination leaders, who assert the pretension of succession, preach a major false doctrine. Apostles can be corrupted, even when they’ve had the finest beginning. Any Apostle, at any time, can start working for the Dark Side.

Examining a leader’s Gospel is another way to test Apostleship. The Resurrected Jesus, Himself, chose Paul to be an Apostle, when he was on his way to kill Christians in Damascus.

Even though he was chosen by the Lord, Paul warned followers not to follow him if he started preaching “another” Gospel. Always look back to the first Gospel, he said, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed (Gal 1:8).

Christ is the Rock and His Gospel is a rock. It doesn’t change. Paul let everyone know, he, an Apostle, could turn bad but the True Gospel always stays good. Truth has already been preached. It’s the faith once delivered. It only needs to be dispensed.

Time and again, in-line-of-succession church leaders showed they were out-of-line when they preached another Gospel. Paul cursed them in the verse above. That curse lives today and falls on any church leader who preaches lies on the Christian train that’s off track.

It’s a sad story but Christians began to follow every word that proceeds out of the mouths of Bishops, after the First Council of Nicea. It was the worst of wrong turns. They repeated the real Original Sin. They forgot the you will die words of God and believed the you won’t die words of the serpent. Like Adam and Eve, they didn’t think it mattered that much. They don’t, today.

Ecumenical Bishop decrees were not designed by God, as Pope Gregory I alleged. They were designed by ecumenical Bishops. The groping scoundrels added to, subtracted from, and sometimes did away, with God’s Big Ten. They went so far as to say, commandment keepers are sinners.

Followers’ closed eyes should have opened wide when Bishops said, keeping God’s law is a sin. Astoundingly, their eyes stayed shut. They let ecumenical councils turn Truth on its head, one false doctrine at a time.

The New Covenant Church also fell prey to distraction, tactic-four-of-the-Tempter, in the times between Nicea and Charlemagne. Sometimes, distraction is called the old, take-your-eyes-off-the-ball trick. Satan had used this devise before and he would use it again, and again. While concentrating alertly on the adoption of hundreds of new creeds, the Church lazily forgot the Ten Commandments.

Cannons and creeds the Church accepted, looked good, felt good, and tasted good. Followers ate them like they were pieces of hot apple pie, right out of the oven. Unfortunately, the pie was made from bad apples picked from a worse than bad tree. Eating the pie was pleasant but digesting it made everyone sick.

“If the Devil can’t get you any other way, he’ll use up all of your time,” a wise man once said. The wise man was right. Satan had Christians spending all their time reading amusing manifestos-of-men and they had no time for the manifesto of Christ.

Most bewildered Bishops and foolish followers wasted their entire religious lives. They worshiped God in vain, as the Lord said of the Israelites. It’s unimaginable, wrapped in unthinkable, inside inconceivable, but true.

Over time, distracted leaders developed men’s manifestos into a complete counterfeit religion. It was bewitching dogma but not the faith once delivered.

Church “fathers“ produced, quite simply, their own Mishnas and Talmuds. Like the new Jewish laws loved by Jews, the new Christian laws were well liked and approved of by Christians. They soon became dogma and established tradition.

Christianity now sailed with Israel in the same depraved boat of demise. Both were up a creek without paddles, or compasses. The Serpent who distracted Eve and Israel, was now distracting Christians by the boat load.

Baseball Little League coaches teach kids to keep their eyes on the ball if they want to get a hit. Keep your head down, in Little League, isn’t a war game. The coach is saying, watch the ball all the way to the bat. Don’t look away when you swing.

Famous golfer, Tiger Woods, also says, keep your eye on the ball when you swing. If you don’t, you’ll swing and miss.

Moses pitched the Ten Commandments to Israel, right over the middle of the plate. He told them to keep their eye on ball. He was hoping Jacob would hit home runs.

Unfortunately, famous Rabbis waved brightly colored flags, made out of synagogue literature, in front of Israel’s face. She was distracted and took her eyes off the Ten Commandment ball. There was a great big swoosh! The Umpire, said, “You’re outta here!“

Christ also pitched, and still pitches, the Ten Commandments to the entire New Covenant world, right over the middle of the plate. He’s hoping everyone will hit home runs.

Unfortunately again, thousands of codified-creed flags, of the two thousand duped denominations, flap in the breeze somewhere out in left field.

Christians swing and miss when the Lord pitches. Adultery, murder, false swearing, thievery, idolatry, Sabbath breaking, unruly kids, blasphemy, profanity, etc.., and etc., fill up their churches. It’s unbelievable! Baseball figures of speech may be interesting but not humorous when they describe the you will die choice Christians make.

Christianity should weep, fast, and cover herself with sack cloth, for the heresies she holds so dear. As we saw in the verse above, Peter said heresies are “damnable.” He knew they would separate Christendom from Christ.

A second ecumenical council was held at Constantinople in 381 AD (This council, like Nicea, is also one of the Major Seven accepted by most Christians). There, the Bishops tried to define the Holy Spirit. One group said the Holy Spirit was a person, equal to two other persons (Father and Son) of the Trinity. Another faction said it might not be a person but a powerful force. This argument dominated the entire conference.

Bishops would’ve done better to high-light Christ’s and His Apostles’ teachings about “It” or “He,” and not try to add or subtract. They should’ve been afraid they’d codify another false doctrine. Unfortunately, they carelessly bumbled along and fell into a trap they thought they would avoid.

Many Bible verses give information about the Holy Spirit but reading all of them doesn’t give a clear picture. Some verses in some translations use the word “It” and suggest “It” is like the “Force” in a George Lucas movie. Other translations use the word “He” as if “He” is a person.

Students of English Literature know, however, “He” doesn’t always mean person. “He” can be “It.“ Nouns and personal pro nouns are often used to add color to ideas like “Mother” Nature. The pro noun “She” is used for Wisdom in the Bible.

Perhaps, “It” or “He” is difficult to define because “It“ or “He“ doesn’t want to be defined. “It” or “He” (or possibly “She”) is definitely from that mystical world of the Fifth Dimension where God, angels, Satan, and demons, live. Trying to see into that world, Paul said, is like looking through a dark glass. God doesn’t want humans to know everything about His world, just yet. He wants everyone to know it exists and how to get there.

Whether “he” or “it,“ Peter knew one had to receive the Holy Spirit in order to enter into that mystical world of forever young, …Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38). Peter makes the gift of the Holy Spirit sound like a force. Without it, you can’t be a Christian.

Christ called “He“ or “It“ the “Comforter,“ and said He would send it to followers after His Ascension, But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26). This verse uses “he” and at first, “he” sounds like a person.

However, when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to His followers, on the Day of Pentecost, it looked and sounded like a force, And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like of as fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues…(Acts 2:2-4). The sounds of a rushing wind and sights of cloven tongues of fire don’t describe people very well.

No doubt, Satan knew the Holy Spirit would be something hard to define and far above the minds of most mortals. It was another perfect opportunity for distraction.

Bishops could’ve avoided Holy Spirit distraction by going about their business teaching how “he” or “it” leads Christians into all the Truth, but, unfortunately, they didn‘t. Overcome by their own hubris, they bickered and wasted time.

Finally, after many fair words and fine speeches, “the Holy Sprit is a person” wing won the war of hot air. The “it’s a person” mandate seemed good, sounded good, and felt good, so it was codified. Mrs. Christianity had another new doctrine to add to her growing list. At least one Bishop, no doubt, played the role of the serpent. Distracted followers remembered to conduct their religious affairs in the name of the Trinity and forgot to not covet the neighbor’s wife.

Bishops who didn’t accept the “he’s a person” theory were excommunicated and exiled, sometimes killed. Exile, in many cases, was a death sentence. Soldiers marched them to the edge of the empire and said goodbye.

To make a long story short, denominations today, both Protestant and Catholic, carry out church functions in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (thinkig the Holy Spirit is a person) because Bishops ordered it and legions enforced it, sixteen centuries ago.

After the Second Ecumenical Council, 381 AD, a New Covenant teacher, Augustine of Hippo (354 to 430 AD) became popular and widely celebrated. He was as persuasive as any famous Rabbi of the Old Covenant. Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church, they called him. He’s still a preeminent “Saint” in both, Catholic and Protestant churches, today.

Unfortunately, Augustine, like the famous Rabbis of Israel, also got caught in the Devil’s web. Satan used him like he used the serpent in Eden. He carried distraction to a new and higher level when he started the old “Original Sin” trick.

Christ’s Apostles taught Believers to learn from and not repeat the Original Sin. Original Sin was the first sin, eating fruit from the forbidden tree. Original Sin was a choice between life and death. It was the first religious mistake.

The Apostles described the role Satan played in the Original Sin. Satan deceived Eve who seduced Adam into going-along-to-get-along, And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (I Tim 2:14) and, But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ (II Cor 11:3).

As the verses suggest, the First Sin provided a golden opportunity for Bishops to teach against religious lies but Augustine didn’t understand. He was a bit slow on the uptake. Something must’ve happened to his brain on the way to the monastery.

Under the influence of the Tempter, no doubt, Augustine committed the Original Sin, himself. He twisted God’s words. His contortion is a major distraction that hides the fist sin‘s most important lessons. Christian minds have been contaminated ever since.

Adam and Eve chose in the Garden of Eden. Another definition of Original Sin is, Bad Choice (The original bad judgment was discussed in chapter one of this book. Here, it’s viewed from another angle).

Who do you believe God or Satan, was the Original Sin question. It’s the question for everyone, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Who lies and who tells the Truth? Until Satan is locked up in that bottomless pit described in Revelation, every human will need to know this answer.

Unfortunately, Augustine didn’t see the bad choice Adam and Eve made when they followed the liar. It’s not about choice, he said. You can’t escape Original Sin by choosing. Everyone is born guilty. Original Sin seeped into the genetic structure of Adam and Eve in the Garden.

Everyone inherits Original Sin, Augustine said. It passes from parent to child through lust that’s present during sex. “Concupiscense,” he called it. It weakens the will. Apparently, Augustine had sex on his mind and couldn’t teach Christians to choose wisely.

How crazy! This was distraction inside befuddlement wrapped in a muddle. It was the mother of all distractions but foolish Christendom followed the sexual pervert. They should’ve known better. Husbands having sex with wives has nothing to do with Original Sin. Husbands having sex with the neighbor’s wife, does.

Augustine’s Original-Sin-Distraction has two forks, like a serpents tongue. The first part of the distraction disguises Satan’s role. If the sin is sexual lust when mothers conceive, then, Satan is not responsible. There’s no cunning flim flam. He can hide his Garden of Eden lie and keep it hidden.

As suggested earlier, the second part of the distraction hides Adam and Eve’s bad judgment and their death sentence. The foolishness of putting Satan’s word above God’s word, is obscured in a mysterious sex cloud.

In the times between Nicea and Charlemagne, only a few followers remembered their religious history. Only a few understood that the same two voices in Eden were speaking to them. Only a few knew they had the same Adam and Eve choice and that a bad choice held the same death sentence. Only a few chose God’s words and life. Thanks to, full-of-hot-air Augustine, the majority followed “another” voice.

Let it not be forgotten that Satan is alive and on the loose in the world, now, as he was then. He talks to people, today, like he talked to them, yesterday. Deception and lies are now, and always have been, his modus operandi.

Christ, no doubt, hopes Christians will not be distracted by that mysterious cloud of concupiscence. He hopes they remember Satan’s role in the First Sin. He hopes they carefully choose who they believe.

Satan, on the other hand, hopes every human will forget history and be caught off guard, like Adam and Eve. He walks up and down in every country trying to repeat his great First Sin victory. Most people don’t care about religious history and are caught napping. Unlike Christ in Mathew four, they lose.

Christians must find a way to stop this first sin deception. Why has it continued for six thousand years? One good Apostle said, Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Eph 6:11) and …I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one…(I John 2:13). Only those who learn from history can stop this deception and overcome this wicked one. They’ll live in the World of Immortality with Christ.

Christians can’t overcome Satan if they don’t recognize his voice and, unfortunately, they don’t know where to look. He speaks through the smiling faces of people, now. Hiding behind a human mask is one of his greatest tricks.

Yes, Satan’s lies come out of the mouths of world leaders, religious leaders (Christian and non-Christian), movie stars, rock stars, and even college professors. He’s seen on television, heard on radio, read in newspapers, and watched at the cinema. Sometimes, he speaks through a neighbor or a family member. He speaks loud and long, every day and every way. Only Bible Readers know the voice of God and can recognize the voices of the Adversary. They, only, can see behind his human mask.

It’s punishment stupid, President Clinton might say if he ever meets Augustine. Augustine saw punishment being passed down from generation to generation and confused it with sin. God’s punishments are severe, sometimes. Adam and Eve died and all their children must die, For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive (I Cor. 15:22).

God is also still punishing the serpent for his small role in the First Sin. Snakes are still crawling on the ground and eating dust everywhere they go. They’re just beasts of the field but God has cursed them because Satan used one in the Original Sin. Snakes having sex and lusting after one another don’t cause them to crawl on the ground and eat dust. It’s punishment.

Blessings also pass from one generation to another. Bible Readers know, wise decisions can lead to generations of blessings. Again, sex has nothing to do with it. God blessed Abraham for one special act of Faith ( Abraham trusted God to sacrifice Isaac, his only son).

God saw this incredible trust and blessed him and his descendents forever. They received the Promised Land centuries after the promise because it was passed down. Augustine might call this the Original Blessing had he thought about it. He was so mixed up.

Let no one follow Augustine‘s guilt-by-conception idea. There’s nothing in his mystical cloud. Original Sin is a simple history lesson. Recognize two different stories when you hear them and know they both can’t be true. Choose between the lie and the Truth. Everyone who remembers this religious history has a chance.

Fifty years after the Second Council of Constantinople, the Third Major Ecumenical Council (that most Christians accept) was held in Ephesus (431 AD). Bishops who believed Augustine, logically wondered if Christ, Himself, was guilty of Original Sin.

Another major distraction had raised its ugly head. Thanks to Original Sin smoke, befuddled Bishops wondered if Mary had passed “concupiscense” to Christ when He was conceived. They decided the best answer to this question was to give a clear definition of Christ and a proper name for Mary.

There’re were two factions among the Bishops in Ephesus. One group said Christ was half human from Mary’s genes and half God from heavenly genes, something like God’s sperm fertilized Mary’s egg. The other group said Christ was one hundred per cent made in Heaven. Mary’s genetics were not used. The God of the Fifth Dimension reduced Himself into an embryo in the Fourth and implanted Himself in Mary’s womb to be born in that famous cow’s manger in Bethlehem.

Both groups agreed Mary’s definition was related to the definition of Christ. The first faction would not say Mary was the mother of God because they thought Christ was only half God. They didn’t want to say she was the mother of Half God but would say, she was the mother of Christ. The second faction said, Mary was, indeed, the Mother of God because Christ was one hundred per cent from Heaven. There was no “concupiscense.” There was no Augustinian Original Sin in Christ.

For all the wrong reasons, the Third Ecumenical Council made the right decision, this time. Christ was one hundred per cent God (See Christ was God of the Old Testament in chapter seven). Mary was indeed the birth giver of God.

The faction that lost the argument, however, never accepted their loss. They renewed the debate at subsequent councils. They couldn’t comprehend the fantastic possibility that the God of David reduced Himself to a human embryo and had Himself born into our world without some genetic contribution from Joseph or Mary. This is, indeed, hard to understand, even for Christians, today. In fact, it’s downright scary. God’s world is so much more technologically advanced than anyone can imagine.

Original Sin clouds continued their distraction rain with another drizzle. Called “The Immaculate Conception,“ this spray also drenched the entire Church.

Immaculate Conception, like Original Sin, was a befuddlement inside perplexing wrapped in a mix-up. It wasn’t about Christ’s conception, as many believed. It was about Mary‘s conception.

Christians, in the times between Nicea and Charlemagne, worried that Mary was infected with Original Sin when she was conceived and might have passed it to Christ. If so, Christ was a sinner like everyone else and couldn’t be the Savior. The Bishops had painted themselves into a corner, again. They needed another escape.

Most everyone agreed Christ could not be a sinner so the Bishops were forced to conclude Mary was “immaculately” conceived. How Mary was immaculately conceived, no one knows, exactly, but they felt better thinking Mary didn’t have the Original Sin and didn’t pass it to Christ. Why they just didn’t say Christ was immaculately conceived, no one knows. That would’ve saved a lot of counterproductive dysfunctional controversy.

Even Mary’s Immaculate Conception didn’t answer all the questions about her sins. Some Bishops worried that Mary’s sins after birth might have passed to Christ. Escaping the Original Sin in an immaculate conception wasn’t enough. She needed to escape all sin. To make everyone happy, the Church finally said, Mary was, not only immaculately conceived, but sinless throughout her entire life, as well. She was “full of grace.” Christ was now totally safe from sin, in everyone‘s mind.

Unfortunately, church leaders were so worried about Christ’s and Mary’s sins, they forgot all about their own. Angry expressions over the definition of Mary added to different opinions about Original Sin and the Immaculate Conception, distracted them. They took their eyes off the Ten Commandment ball.

These distractions, like all the others, were by diabolic design, of course. It was definitely a diversion inside a confusion wrapped in a beguilement. All the Bishops swung and there was another great big swoosh. Christian churches filled up with real sin and are still full, today.

Immaculate Conception and Mary‘s “full of grace” sinless life created a third huge problem for the Bishops. The Bible says Mary had other children, even a large family, Whence has this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And his brethren James and Joses and Simon and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us (Matt 13:54-56)? If immaculately conceived and full of Grace Mary had other children, they were also born without Original Sin. There might be more than one Christ!

The Bishops couldn’t explain so they simply said Mathew was wrong. The Bible isn’t always true. Jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire, they bent scriptures to support their false doctrines.

Christ had half brothers and half sisters, they said. Joseph must’ve been married before he met Mary and brought children into the marriage. That way, Christ could be the only child born without the Original Sin. Unfortunately, this explanation didn’t pass the giggle test.

There were a few good people watching all of this, of course, who would’ve fallen out of their chairs laughing, if it wasn‘t so tragic. They knew Mary wasn’t immaculately conceived didn’t lead a perfect life. They also knew they had to keep their mouths shut or be excommunicated.

All the bickering was not helpful to millions of newly converted but still superstitious pagans who joined, or were forced to join, the church. Some were still savagely sacrificing their children in hopeless attempts to make it rain. They needed real spiritual food that would change their lives and were given hot air. Paul surely would’ve told the bickering Bishops to, … avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain (Titus 3:9).

It’s sometimes said during election campaigns, “With politicians, the quality of material that passes through the larynx is about the same as what passes through the sphincter.” Unfortunately, the same proverb described Christian captains in their “important” meetings, in the times beween Nicea and Charlemagne. The rankest of rank discharge passed through their larynxes. Unfortunately, the excretions were codified. Now, they’re dogma and tradition in both, Protestant and Catholic churches. It truly is, one big pile of $#*&!

Chalcedon, in 451 AD, held the Fourth Major Ecumenical Council that’s been accepted throughout Christendom. More than five hundred bishops were there. Contentions of the Third Council continued. Who was Jesus? Was He God or Man? Was He half God and half man? Did He commit the Original Sin because He was born of Mary? They wrangled and couldn’t agree. No one thought about stopping definition division and starting Ten Commandment unity.

Again, a few, with ears to hear at this meeting, simply shook their heads in disbelief. They, too, would’ve fallen out of their seats laughing if this was a laughing matter. Again, it wasn’t. They were like the mother sheep who must stand by and watch wolves ripping and tearing apart her baby lamb. They could only sigh and cry and vex their souls, as Paul said. Anyone who challenged the Church also challenged the powerful state police.

Bishops continued to haggle over who was Mary and who was Christ for more than a hundred wasted years. Then, they haggled some more. It was a fracas, inside a fray, wrapped in a free-for-all. Was Mary the Mother of God or just a birth giver. They couldn’t get everyone to agree.

Finally, the Bishops decided to settle the issue with a non decision. Talk about splitting the baby! American judges would’ve been impressed. A subjective statement was given that was so subjective anyone could interpret it in any way. They would have unity through meaninglessness. “Jesus was truly God and truly man,” they finally said, “without a mixture of two natures.” What?

There was another great big swishing sound. This time, all five hundred bishops flailed the air. The same Umpire said, you’re outta here! It was an ugly scene. Truth was leaving the Christians.

Church guides were blind and couldn’t see beyond the noses on their own faces. Their Christianity had become an organized religion held together by military power and tradition. Lies were more common than bread.

Constantinople, in 553 AD, was the meeting place for the Fifth Major Ecumenical Council that’s accepted by most Christians. There were no cannons codified at this conference but codification of anathemas filled the air. Fourteen anathemas against heretics in general were codified. Twenty-five more were directed solely against the followers of one man, Origen.

Anathemas, quite simply, are “Thou shall not or thou will be cursed,“ laws. Thou shall not talk to a particular person. Thou shall not read a particular book or chapter of a book. Thou shall not read a particular letter. Unfortunately, they were playing a codification shell game. “Thou shall” codes were changed to “thou shall not” anathemas.

Like codified cannons, codified anathemas were laws everyone better obey. The penalty for breaking them was sometimes death. These anathemas of men, of course, meant more distraction from the anathemas of God.

God canonized the Ten Commandments with “thou shall not” anathemas. The Bishops seemed to forget. God’s anathemas, Thou shall not worship idols, thou shall not murder, thou shall not commit adultery, etc., are the only important ones. His penalty for breaking them is also death.

Major Ecumenical Council Six, held again in Constantinople (681 AD), was a lot like Four and Five, only worse. There, Bishops churned out new cannons like Dalmations breed puppies. They didn’t produce 101 puppies, of course, but 101 new cannons.

By now, it was clear to anyone who seriously compared ecumenical creeds to Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John, that the Big Bad Wolf was taking Little Red Riding Hood for a walk in the Deep Dark Woods. A blind man could see it. Only a few had the eyes to see and passion to try to stop it. They failed.

Little Red Riding Hood Bishops, in the times between Nicea and Charlemagne, would’ve done better had they understood they were, indeed, in the woods with a Big Bad Wolf. The Wolf was the same one that devoured Adam and Eve and the Old Covenant people. Perhaps, the councils wouldn’t have codified so badly.

The Wolf in the woods had already won many ideological struggles of the Old Covenant, including the last and most important one. He fooled the leading Israelites into thinking their own Messiah was an illegitimate child. Completely duped but wise in their own conceit, of course, the Rabbis rejected Jesus and turned Him over to the Romans for execution. They were no match for the clever Adversary.

Bishops in the woods could’ve and should’ve survived the continued attacks of the dangerous Wolf. The Apostles had already shown them the way by winning the first ideological battle of the New Covenant. Satan had tried to sell them the same false bill of goods about Jesus being a bastard that he had sold to the Rabbis. The First Apostles didn’t buy. They were chosen by Jesus and could not be deceived so easily.

Those Apostles clearly saw the battle lines of the “Jesus was a bastard” war and drew out their swords of Truth and fought. It was the right fight at the right time and boy did they fight! Christians were soon convinced that Jesus was not the imposter the Jews believed. He was, indeed, Israel’s true Messiah and their New Covenant Savior.

A long parade of miracles, martyrs, and eyewitnesses, helped the first Apostles, of course. They were weak but Christ was strong. Today, three billion humans believe Jesus is the Savior because of their courageous efforts and sacrifices.

Unfortunately, a New Covenant battle was won but the war wasn’t over. Satan knew he had only lost the “Jesus was an imposter” battle and wouldn’t give up. He looked into his bag of tricks for a new scheme. He drew up new lines on a new battlefield. He still wanted to corrupt and destroy the human race. Little Red Riding Hoods made delicious meals.

Let Jesus be the Son of God in the minds of the mortals, Satan surely decided when he saw Believers following the Apostles. He could still accomplish his goals. He’d show the world a counterfeit Jesus. A counterfeit would preach a bogus Gospel and tell everyone it was all right to sin. It might even say, God’s laws are sin. With a fictitious Jesus and phony Gospel, Satan could work inside the Church.

Satan’s Dummy Jesus idea had many other possibilities. He could be weak and effeminate. He could wear long hair and turn the other cheek. He could attract the weak and effeminate into the Church and into Church leadership. Let Christianity grow into billions, he must have thought. The more sheep following a Dummy Jesus, the more to devour. He knew his enemy, the Real Jesus, would never accept his mousy children from hell.

Working inside the churches, Satan could also make Christians think they were being saved when they were still lost. He could promote the losers to high positions and block the promotion of winners. In fact, he could excommunicate anyone who was being led by the Holy Spirit and getting close to the Truth.

The new battle for a fake Jesus was a good choice for Satan, in the times between Nicea and Charlemagne. It worked then and is still working, today. He’s been winning this battle for seventeen centuries. Fortunately, this long struggle is also just a battle. The war, isn’t over.

A few good men continue to fight for Christ in a raging war on the front lines of the Real Jesus battlefield. To some, the outcome looks uncertain but they know they will win because the Real Jesus is their Captain. He’s stronger than the Adversary and all of his phony Jesus followers.

Paul knew this new battle was coming even as he fought the old. He accurately predicted Satan‘s new strategy, For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him] ( II Cr. 11:4).

Paul not only warned his followers about another Jesus and a new Christian Gospel, in the verse above, but admonished them regarding “another spirit,” as well. He knew, “another spirit” was the same spirit that deceived Eve, the same spirit that fooled Israel. That same spirit was now fooling Christians by the millions, in the times between Nicea and Charlemagne. It‘s fooling three billion, today. Will the real Jesus please stand up, is, indeed, the new theater of war between the forces of good and evil.

Satan fights for his new Jesus and boy does he fight. He overpowers the New Covenant World like he subjugated Old Covenant Israel. Today, only a few Christians know and follow the Real Jesus.

Beguiled Bishops also fell into the Adversary’s old denomination trap, in the times between Nicea and Charlemagne. This was the Tempter’s-tactic-number-five. Its one of his best devices.

Denominationalism is related to distraction, tactic-number-four, but it’s so big it’s worthy of its own category. Some call it, organized religion or rule from the top down. Satan needed rule from the top down to keep Truth from sprouting up. As was noted in the last chapter, he used police power from state governments to maintain his bogus dogma. The Bishops were totally unaware.

Church leaders thought codifying new laws and enforcing them with military power would guarantee church unity. They were wrong, very wrong. Codified new laws, so brutally enforced, only guaranteed that the church would be a denomination. Denominations, unfortunately, are splits ready to happen. Once they split they stay split.

Indeed, the denomination trap thoroughly cooked Christianity’s goose. Mrs. Christ became that dreadful White Horseman straight out of the book of Revelation. She galloped the globe, conquering and to conquer. Growing was one of her goals because growing is what denominations do. She had a name and even a flag. Tyranny and mind control consumed her every thought. Freedom and Truth ran away as fast as they could.

Denomination leaders showed they rejected the guidance of the Holy Spirit when they ruled from the top down. Perhaps, they thought they, themselves, were the Holy Spirit. They could not be. The Holy Spirit leads Christ’s followers from the bottom up, …the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: (Jhn 16:13).

Church leaders were, again, in full disagreement with the words of Christ when they said their codified cannons will guide you into all the Truth. In fact, tradition and dogma is Truth, they said. These were outrageous claims and the Holy Spirit left. The other spirit came.

Top leaders got drunk on power, President Bush surely would’ve said, had he studied the Church in those times between Nicea and Charlemagne. Peon members weren’t allowed to say what they learned from the Holy Spirit. Shut up, pay, and pray, were the rules established by the leaders. Check your brain at the church door.

Drunk-on-power leaders were always right, of course. When followers asked questions about doctrines, they circled the wagons and started excommunicating. Dogma and tradition were protected at all costs. Christian followers were now enslaved. Free speech and a free press no longer lived inside the church, as they don’t today.

Jesus came to emancipate, free, liberate, and release, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (Jhn 8:32). Unfortunately, the false Apostles said no. They brought bondage and yokes of iron. Christianity was now just another one of Satan’s religions (like Islam and Buddhism). Cruelty, paranoia, and greed for power, were everywhere.

Lying Apostles thought they had a grant of religious nobility. They used the Original Sin lie to gain more and more control. It was a powerful tool. Everyone was born with Original Sin, they said, and church baptism was the only way to remove it. Their church baptism.

Members, who weren’t in good standing with the church, couldn‘t be baptized. Threatened with Original Sin damnation, their fear turned them into obediant French Poodles led around on very short leashes. They were even willing to baptize their babies to keep them out of hell.

Body and Blood Eucharist lies (see more on the Eucharist in chapter five) also helped organized religion control the people. The body and blood of Jesus are literally present in the blessed-by-the-church Eucharist, they said. You can’t be saved without it. Again, only members in good standing could eat the blessed bread and drink the blessed wine.

In a final analysis, the days of church unity were numbered, in the times between Nicea and Charlemagne. A disaccord hand was writing high on the New Covenant wall. A few wise men saw it and stood aghast. No one could stop it.

After Constantine, Christianity would continue to sleep with powerful military men and could only be held together by military glue. When the military man’s power divided, she would also, as we see she did in the next chapter. Splitting legions shattered Christianity like glass dropped on concrete.

Chapter Four–Charlemagne to the Great Split (800-1204 AD)

Secluded celibacy and a woman rides the beast!

… and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet couloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet coulour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations of filthiness of her fornication (Rev. 17-3-4)

Charlemagne was coming to power in the West when the seventh major ecumenical council (accepted by most Christians) convened at Nicea in 786 AD. Bishops were summoned by an imperial edict of Byzantine Empress Irene.

The Seventh Council quickly proceeded to do away with the Second Commandment, Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them… (Deut 5:8-9).

Obviously, the Seventh Council Bishops read the strong words of the holy Second Commandment. They knew God wrote it into stone, with his finger, twice. They knew Jesus kept and taught it. Unfortunately, they didn’t do and teach it.

Unbelievably, Seventh Council Bishops did and taught the opposite. They said, thou shall, when the Commandment said, thou shall not. Their cannon said, Christians should not only “venerate” engraved images but light “candles“ and offer “incense,” as well!

One young man asked Jesus, …Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus answered, Thou knowest the commandments,… (Luke 18-20). Then, Jesus went on to list them so no one would miss the point.

Jesus made it simple but The Seventh Council Bishops missed the point, anyway. They got their wires crossed and went backwards instead of forward. They preached a different Gospel. The Seventh Council Cannon (a sample provided below) shows just how different:

…we decree with full precision and care that,
like the figure of the honoured and life-giving cross,
the revered and holy images,
whether painted or
made of mosaic
or of other suitable material,
are to be exposed
in the holy churches of God,
on sacred instruments and vestments,
on walls and panels,
in houses and by public ways,
these are the images of
our Lord, God and saviour, Jesus Christ, and of
our Lady without blemish, the holy God-bearer, and of
the revered angels and of
any of the saintly holy men.

Further, people are drawn to honour these images with the offering of incense and lights, as was piously established by ancient custom. Indeed, the honour paid to an image traverses it, reaching the model, and he who venerates the image, venerates the person represented in that image.

Wow! This dictating cannon was a cruel dagger aimed directly at the heart of the Second Commandment. It not only suggested but required Christians to break it! That’s preposterous, inside ridiculous, wrapped in unthinkable, Churchill surely would’ve said. Indeed it was, one of the most alarming times in church history. The spirit of the anti-Christ was masquerading as the spirit of Christ inside the church!

Enshrouded in a dense fog, Bishops clearly lost the meaning of words at the Seventh Council. God said, thou shall not and they said, thou shall. Love could be hate, war could be peace, and ignorance strength, as Orwell so wisely predicted. They paid lip service to the Gospel Paul preached and went in the opposite direction.

Paul would never, in a million years, teach members to worship his image. On a journey with Barnabas, he openly healed a cripple. People saw the miracle and thought he was a Roman god. Paul was horrified, … Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vainities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are there in: (Acts 14:15).

Paul didn’t allow anyone to worship him when he was alive. Surely, he wouldn’t allow anyone to worship his image when he died. Thou shall venerate and light candles to, “images, creatures, and Saints,“ was damnable heresy then, and is damnable heresy, today. Anyone who worships images is guilty of idolatry. He isn‘t following Paul, or any true Apostle.

By their words and actions, the Seventh Council established that the Dragon was, indeed, inside the Church and devouring the sheep at will. Another prophecy had been fulfilled, For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock (Acts 20:29). Satan, who had lost the “Jesus was an illegitimate child” battle, was now winning big in the “Different Gospel“ and “Phony Jesus” arenas.

As mentioned earlier, Bishops who attended the councils must surely be compared to Jewish leaders the Lord described. They not only refused to enter into life, themselves, but stood in the doorway to block the path of others, as well. Ecumenical “Christian” guides closed and locked those doors to paradise when they led followers away from the Ten Commandments,

Clearly, time was now on the side of the Dragon and his deceit. He had centuries to work his malevolent mendacity, even millennium. Sure, he had lost battles with the first Apostles but they were mortals. Sooner or later, they all died. Sometimes a little martyrdom sped up the process. Satan, of course, didn‘t die. He could wait for new leaders who weren’t strong like the old. He planned to win the war against the Christians.

New leaders were indeed weak. They said they were Apostles, but were not, as the Lord explained. They showed they couldn’t learn from the most important religious mistakes. They allowed themselves to be used like the serpent in Eden. More and more, Satan’s words came out of the mouths of men wearing clergy vestments and standing behind podiums. More and more, Christians accepted counterfeit teachings.

Satan pulled the strings of puppet “Saint” leaders like he had pulled the strings of puppet Rabbis, a few centuries earlier. He knew Christians would follow their famous Saints and Saint cannons like Israelites followed their famous Rabbis and Rabbi literature.

He also knew the Real Jesus would see Christians worshipping Mary, angels, and “Saints” the same way He saw Israel dancing naked around the golden calf. Cunning and crafty, he knew those amber eyes would burn bright and sin would separate Christ from His own followers.

In summary, these Seven Major Ecumenical Councils were the main wheels of Satan’s potent propaganda machine. There would, of course, be hundreds of other, less important ones, convened down through the ages. Literally thousands of crackbrained creeds were to be codified and broadcast from the pulpits of both, Catholic and Protestant churches.

Make a chain, Isaiah surely would’ve said. Satan’s new gospel changes followed the old, one, after another, after another. It was a transformation wrapped in a replacement inside a substitution, Churchill surely would’ve added. The Lunacy law factories continue to this day.

Gospel changes that spewed from Satan’s propaganda machine were force-fed to the followers, one by one. Some swallowed with smiles on their faces. Others complained, at first, then swallowed when they saw Roman legions marching in the street.

A courageous few who didn’t swallow became enemies of the Church and the State. They were forced underground. When caught, they were exiled or executed.

If you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow, political tyrants like to boast. Satan’s powerful Church-State regimes now held Christians by two sets of balls, religious and political.

In the five centuries after Nicea, Satan’s dogma grew into a Boa Constrictor of culture that squeezed every word of God out of the Church of God. New fangled ideas like Original Sin, Baby Baptism, Body and Blood Eucharist, Sunday Sabbath, Blasphemy, Idolatry, Roman Calendars, Secluded Celibacy, and the Immaculate Conception, were now regularly taught. Complication, Babylon, and just plain humbuggery, ruled the day.

Church-State leaders would stamp these new “traditions” into the minds of growing oceans of people. Led by a “different spirit,” Christian armies would march them around the world.

Corrupted Christendom wanted to grow in the Eighth Century and she would get what she wanted. She needed another strong military man like Constantine. Constantine was mortal, of course, and died but she had learned well from him. Together, they had operated a well oiled machine, conquering, converting, and ruling the world.

In the Eighth Century, Mrs. Christ looked around and saw the mighty king, Charlemagne. Chomping at the bit and running on all denomination cylinders, she fell for him like a ton of bricks. She had always just fabulously adored great military men. Charlemagne, also fell for Mrs. Christ and wooed her like Richard Burton sparked Elizabeth Taylor.

Always the cat on a hot tin roof, Mrs. Christ warmly showed she enjoyed Charlemagne’s attention. When he knocked, she trembled with excitement and quickly opened her bedroom door. After all, she was all alone. Her adulteries had separated her from her husband.

Charlemagne had everything Constantine had and more. Like any lover who provides for his conquest, he agreed to be the protector of the Church. Reversal of fortune, however, might be the best way to describe the relationship that developed.

When Charlemagne went to Rome to support Pope Leo III, he was the ruler of a great empire. Two days later, when he left Rome, the Church was in charge. A WOMAN WAS RIDING THE BEAST! Like most playboys, Charlemagne didn’t know he was going to lose power in the warm embrace of an illicit affair. What Happened?

On December 25, 800 AD, Pope Leo III surprised Charlemagne by publicly crowning him Imperator Augustus. He became the first head of that church-state beast some historians call the “Holy” Roman Empire. Everyone celebrated, of course, but didn‘t know what they were celebrating.

Only the simple minded thought the crown was a great honor. Charlemagne quickly realized it tied church and state together in a new knot that put a bit in Charlemagne’s mouth. The church was now in charge and pulling on the reigns. Great titles a church gives, a church can take away. One should never underestimate this power religions hold when they hook up with great political leaders.

Lovers’ spats happen, of course, in relationships, but the Woman usually has her way with the kings she sleeps with. One-liners, penned by an early Church writer, aptly describe this great power:

A rightly elected Pope is, without question, a saint, made so by the merits of Peter:
He can dethrone Emperors, Kings, and absolve their subjects from allegiance.
The Roman church has never erred, nor can it err until the end of time.
His legates, even when not priests, have precedence over all Bishops.
He alone is entitled to Imperial Insignia.
All princes are obliged to kiss his feet.
No one can judge the Pope on earth.
The Pope alone can depose Bishops.

These statements drip blasphemy and ooze idolatry, of course, but the Woman embraced them. She wore them like a garment and demanded the tremendous power they describe. Preeminent kings with strong armies discovered the hard way, sometimes, they had to lower their expectations in religious accords.

Charlemagne’s church-state empire united most of Western Europe. It was a rebirth of the Roman Empire, some historians say, but it was only the third of seven heads that were to sprout from the great Fourth Beast of Daniel and Revelation (Constantinapolis was the second). The empire was expanding again, for the first time since Constantine.

This great new “Christian” emperor campaigned against the peoples to his east, especially the Saxons. After a protracted war, Charlemagne subjected them to his rule. When Mrs. Christ whispered in his ear, he forcibly converted them to Christianity.

Mrs. Christ smiled. The Empire was advancing and the Church was increasing, as she knew it would. It was increasing by the power of the sword, the sword of an ugly and powerful beast.

Perhaps Charlemagne didn’t know, but the Roman Empire was already in the early stage of division in the eighth century. His new “Holy” Romans ruled the West while the Byzantines, with their capital in Constantinople, ruled the East. The old Roman Beast was now standing on two legs, both ridden by the Woman.

Satan was more than pleased to see the “Christian” Roman Empire standing on two legs. It was the proper ground work for a complete division. One division, of course, could lead to more.

Churches that are not held together by Truth can only be held together by military power, as suggested earlier. When the military power divides, its Church will also.

The Resurrected Jesus was surely watching all this in disgust. His wife had been stepping out with great military commanders for five centuries, now. She looked like she would never stop.

Christ could also see, no doubt, the “Great Split” coming. He knew hundreds of small splits would follow. Like the splitting of an atom, one dividing church-state empire would explode into the two-thousand-quarrelling-church-mushroom-cloud it is today. Christians would soon go to war against Christians.

As said earlier, religious denominations live on when their military strongmen get old and die. Charlemagne, like Constantine, grew old and died (His dynasty continued for a century but it also died). Mrs. Christ lived on. She was still young, vibrant, and became dissatisfied, with the her wobbly Carolingian beau. She looked around for a more energetic man.

Otto the Great in Eastern Europe was building a powerful army early in the Tenth Century. He looked more attractive with every great military victory. When his foot was firmly on Europe’s neck, Mrs. Christ dropped her scarf in a place where she knew he’d find it.

So, in 936 AD, another “Holy” Roman Emperor coronation was held. Otto was anointed, of course, by the Archbishop of Mainz in Achen, Germany, Charlemagne’s former capital.

Church and State were tied together, again, in a new knot. Mrs. Christ had another man. Everyone marveled. There was a great banquet and uncontrolled celebration.

People thought it was all for good, of course, and didn’t understand that the Church-State-Beast simply had an ugly new head that would continue to puke poison and death all over Europe.

Theocratic imperial rule is a good way to describe Europe under the Ottonian Dynasty of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. By the sword and the cross, the Church and the Empire lived.

Mrs. Christ worked together with her new lover to get what they both wanted. The Church contributed wealth, military manpower, and control of the education system. Otto gave protection and endowments. Again, any perceptive historian must say, a Woman was riding the Beast in a Garden of Eden II. Satan was deceiving the woman and the man was going along to get along.

Otto, indeed, gave his woman great power. So much so, she got totally tanked up and plaster pasted drunk. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely, as one says.

The Woman was so powerful and corrupt, in the times between Charlemagne and the Great Split, she established one of the greatest false doctrines of all time. Satan was surely whispering in her sloshed ear when he said, secluded celibacy is the way of the righteous.

Secluded celibacy is a queer idea , wrapped in cuckoo, inside bananas, Churchill surely would’ve said. Paul said, celibacy is a doctrine of demons …giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry…(I Tim 4:1-3). No human could be so wacky.

In the name of virtue, men joined monasteries and hid themselves from the world. Women joined convents and lived only for Christ, they thought. Women living for the Real Christ would’ve followed His teachings.

Christ taught against monasteries and convents, I pray not that thou shall take them out of the world but that thou shall keep them from the evil. As thou hast sent me into the world even so I have sent them into the world. (John 17:15 and 18). Christ sends His followers into the world but not to be part of the world.

Led by the Holy Spirit, real followers of Christ keep themselves from the sins of the world but are witnesses to the world. People can see, hear, and touch, them. They don’t hide their lights in monasteries and convents. Their lamps burn with the power of the Holy Spirit and light up the darkness in the world around them, as the Lord said. They’re the “salt of the earth” that friends, community, and family know.

Secluded celibacy didn’t begin in the Tenth Century, when it spread so fast. It started centuries earlier with men like “Saint” Benedict (480-547 AD).

Benedict, and others, were weak and mousy men who couldn’t attract women or support them. Any children they might’ve had surely would’ve starved. They ran away from responsibility and secluded themselves in caves. They were listening to devils but thought they were hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Secluded monks didn’t test the spirits. They didn’t think. They didn’t follow the good advice of one true Apostle who said, Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God…(I Jo 4:1).

Deceived by lying spirits, Benedict thought he was better than men who married and had children. His idea was all quite a crock of baloney, of course, but he thought he was better than Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, combined.

Benedict’s reputation, unfortunately, grew in the Church after he died. Over time, a mousy diabolic nut was transformed into a dazzling, angel-of-light “Saint.” It’s hard to believe but Benedict was greater, in the minds of some followers, than Christ. Satan surely smiled, again. Christianity had another famous “Rabbi” to lead her down the garden path.

Centuries passed before the Benedictine model of secluded celibacy really caught on. It was a part of the specious new gospel that was late to bloom. As late as the Seventh Century, historical documents show, a majority of priests in France were married.

In the Eighth Century, a man named St. Boniface acknowledged, in a written report to the Pope, that almost no bishop or priest in Germany was celibate. Times were about to change. A radical cannonade against marriage was preparing to fire, just over the Benedictine horizon.

In 910 AD, a famous monastery opened in Cluny, France. It was named after Benedict, and the famous “Benedictine Order“ was born. With the blessing of the Ottonian Church-State-Beast, the Benedictine Monastery thrived and enkindled other monasteries.

Benedictine style convents for women were also soon established. By the end of the Eleventh Century, secluded celibacy had achieved wide acceptance. It jelled in the Benedictine Order and spread like a plague over Europe, then the World.

Get’em while they‘re young, Satan must‘ve thought, as he used the corrupted power of organized religion to spread abstinence. He knew what he was doing.

God created powerful reproductive commands inside all of the plant and animal kingdoms, including man. The birds and bees only follow His decree. Cowboys and cowgirls obey the bidding from above.

Self perpetuation is one of the greatest drives of the human mind. It was a necessary part of Creation. Hormones rage because God told Adam and Eve to multiply and fill the earth.

A close look at secluded celibacy ought to frighten anyone who understands the power of God’s hormones and how they war against it. From the online Catholic Encyclopedia:

Celibacy is the renunciation of marriage implicitly or explicitly made, for the more perfect observance of chastity, by all those who receive the Sacrament of Orders in any of the higher grades…

You ought anxiously to consider again and again what sort of a burden this is which you are taking upon you of your own accord. Up to this you are free. You may still, if you choose, turn to the aims and desires of the world (licet vobis pro artitrio ad caecularia vota transire). But if you receive this order (of the subdiaconate) it will no longer be lawful to turn back from your purpose. You will be required to continue in the service of God, and with His assistance to observe chastity and to be bound for ever in the ministrations of the Altar, to serve who is to reign.

By stepping forward despite this warning, when invited to do so, and by co-operating in the rest of the ordination service, the candidate is understood to bind himself equivalently by a vow of chastity. He is henceforth unable to contract a valid marriage, and any serious transgression in the matter of this vow is not only a grievous sin in itself but incurs the additional guilt of sacrilege.

Wow, again! This was a no-go inside a no-way wrapped in not-a-prayer, Churchill surely would‘ve said. The “…it will no longer be lawful to turn back…,” line was a give-up-sex-forever oath. It was a damnation trap for the young men and women who were so unfortunate as make these vows. Their integrity was certain to be compromised, if and when they lost the hormone war. They would know they broke their promise to Christ and have psychological problems the rest of their lives. One can only imagine the glee of Satan when he saw youthful, even sometimes adolescent, humans make vows against the Creator’s sex drive.

The delirious pledge above, is also a shameless lie. It suggests you can’t be married and be perfectly chaste. Paul said married women can and must be chaste, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of god be not blasphemed (Tit 2:5). He also said, Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled…(Heb 13:4).

Finally, Paul said a Bishop must be married, A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife….(I Tim 3:2). To tell young men and women, especially those who were going to be Bishops, marriage isn’t chaste, is more damnable than damnable heresy.

Bishops who performed the ceremony also promoted a lie when they said sexual desire was the “aims and desires of the world.“ Sexual desire is the aims and desires of God. Believers and unbelievers both, have sexual desire. Believers channel their desires into marriage and children. Unbelievers follow their desires into fornication, adultery, homosexuality, child molesting, bestiality, and even worse.

Grand-pa’s, grand-ma’s, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, and nephews, are all the natural consequence of, “the aims and desires of God.” Family is His idea. Men and women who believed sexual attraction was the “desires of the world” were doomed to live in a state of guilt.

Unfortunately, there is some Truth in the vow of celibacy above. Breaking the vow, it says, is a “grievous sin” and a “sacrilege.“ Vows made to God are indeed binding. Only fools break them, When thou vowest a vow unto God defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed (Ecc 5:4).

It’s better not to vow if you can’t pay, Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay (Ecc 5:5).

Idealistic young men and women often join monasteries and convents before they know what they are doing. When the commands of their Creator drive them into higher and higher states of sexual attraction, they are, indeed, trapped. They’re like ducks who can’t go swimming and children who can’t eat their Halloween candy. These vows against the Creator’s commandment to multiply and fill the earth, though idiotic, illogical, and laughable, are being made every day.

There’re no studies that tell us how many young men and women have broken their vows and fallen into the damnation pit. Hormone drives, of monks and nuns, are so strong, some say, it could be as high as one hundred per cent. Sociologists could do surveys and make the results available but they don’t. It‘s a religious matter. Only God really knows.

Unattainable vows fill convents and monasteries with hypocrisy. Everyone’s oath is known by everyone conjointly. When they cheat they cheat secretly. They become pretenders and actors. They don’t want anyone to know. Bible Readers know, hypocrisy is one of the worst sins humans commit.

Historical records show this damnable heresy, combined with its hypocrisy, even leads to murder. In 836 AD, for example, at the Council of Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen, Germany), Bishops openly admitted that abortions and infanticide took place in convents. There are many more historical admissions, too many for one book.

Sexual attraction has been called many things but Paul called it “burning.“ He said it’s better to marry than to burn (I Cor 7:9). Unfortunately, Benedict and his secluded celibacy said, it was better to burn than to marry.

When young men heard God’s hormones sing “there’s nothing like a dame,“ Benedict said, get rid of those impure thoughts. When young women heard hormones serenade, “if you ask me too,“ Benedict said, you’re guilty of sacrilege.

Paul knew the folly of young vows against hormones, Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old having been the wife of one man…But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry; having damnation, because they have cast off their first faith…I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully (Titus 5:9-14). Unfortunately, Benedict didn’t follow the gospel Paul preached.

Titus is Paul’s book to church leaders. He tells them to refuse younger widows who want to dedicate their lives to special religious service. He set the age of special religious dedication at threescore (sixty) years. He used the words wax wanton to describe raging hormones of younger women (It could also be used to describe young men). God only knows how many monks and nuns have waxed wanton and fallen into Satan’s quagmire.

Also, Paul wasn’t teaching sixty year older widows to enter the seclusion of convents. If they had been the wives of one husband, reared families, and were sixty years old, they could serve openly in the community. Family, friends, and other Christians, could see, hear, and touch, them.

Americans well know the desire of older widows to dedicate themselves to service organizations. In every state, they volunteer their time and give money to a myriad of causes. Perhaps they’re driven by a God given instinct. Perhaps, they look for a reward on Judgment Day. Nobody knows for sure

Delirious Church leaders who teach celibacy to the young, even today, try to justify their false doctrine. Some twist one of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians by selectively reading verses 7:25-40. They select and read verses that say it’s good to be single but choose not to read the calamitous times verses about when it‘s good to be single like, I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress… They also skip over, But this I say brethren, the time is short…

Paul and his Corinthian Christians were living in the perilous times of Roman Emperor Nero. He burned Rome and blamed the Christians. At the same time, Israelites rebelled against the Roman Empire. Its legions were systematically destroying the nation. Israel was filled with destruction and death.

Jesus predicted the heartbreaking times Paul’s “present distress” described, But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! For there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people (Luke 21:13).

It’s interesting that Christ used the same word “distress” that Paul used. His lamentation was also for those who would be pregnant or have small children in the times of war that He predicted. When the World is coming to an end, don’t plan a family, was, indeed, His very good advice. Only fools recommend a lifetime of abstinence in times of peace and prosperity.

Paradoxically, as celibacy was spreading, in the times between Charlemagne and the Great Split, Mrs. Christ desired more children. She wanted to grow. She would use the military power of her lovers to make it happen. Towards the end of the Ninth Century, she set her greedy eyes on a country now called Poland.

World history shows, a hot war isn’t always necessary to conquer a neighboring country. Sometimes a big army and the threat of war, work just as well. Everyone knows Adolph Hitler conquered Checkoslovakia with the threat of war, in the early days of World War II. Deserted by her allies, Checkoslovakia surrendered before war began. Some called it appeasement.

The “Holy” Roman Empire used the same strategy to conquer Poland in 966 AD. Large Christian armies were at the door. Mieszko I (Duke of Polans) crawled into bed with the Church and succumbed to her feminine powers, quite simply, to keep the peace. He was baptized and immediately started new churches in Gniezno, Ostrow, Lednicki, and other towns. His baptism was the baptism of Poland, historians would later say. Baptism into a Latin church brought Latin culture, of course. Poland became part of the “Holy” Roman Empire.

The new Polish government soon levied a special tax, just for the Christians. Sometimes called “Peter’s Pence,” it was a penny levy on every household. All of Poland paid this tribute to the Pope. The tax was also levied in other countries and the Church grew wealthy. A penny was worth a lot more, in those days.

Conversion of the Polish population wasn’t easy or quick. The old pagan priest castes rebelled, sometimes. They were brutally put down by “Christian” military power. Slowly but surly, the Woman added Poland to her family.

At the beginning of the Tenth Century, Mrs. Christ was, indeed, riding both legs of the Roman Beast. Like a rodeo rider who rides two horses at the same time, the Woman had one foot on Byzantium and the other on the “Holy” Romans. She guided both beasts with her two legs. The empires were friendly and co-operating, at the time. Doubling her power and pleasure, Mrs. Christ rode northeast into Asia with a cross in one hand and a sword in the other.

The Church-State-Beast used a unique marriage strategy to help her conquer the Ukraine. Byzantine Emperor Basil II arranged the marriage of his sister to the Grand Duke of Kiev (Vladimir the Great). Before the wedding, of course, the Duke was baptized (988 AD).

Basil II also offered a military alliance to go with marriage and baptism. Vladimir accepted. He was a great military leader, in his own right, already ruling over the Ukraine and parts of Russia. His army complimented that of the Byzantines and helped spread its power through the vastness of North Asia.

After a wedding, a baptism, and a military alliance, Vladimir returned to the Ukraine and built churches like there was no tomorrow. It was a Poland repeat and a Saxon redo. The Kievan Rus were conquered and converted by the sword and the cross, with a little help from a wedding ring.

Christianity was now clacking and clattering down the fast track to growth and expansion. Satan was delighted. He enjoyed church growth because he had hijacked the train. He guided it farther and farther away from its straight and narrow First Century track. He consolidated his counterfeit Jesus and new Gospel gains. He would now command his train to produce a counterfeit Bible. With a man made Bible, the Christian train could never get back on the Truth track.

In 1008 AD, a famous Church leader, Burchard of Worms (Germany), boldly set out to gather all the codified ecumenical cannons and put them in one book. The Church was already reading them more than the Bible. They were just scattered and sometimes hard to find. Cannons that were better than the Bible, Burchard thought, should all be in one book.

Burchard went to work. He should get most of the blame for replacing the Christian Bible. He’s a bad villain but the Christian world thinks he’s a hero. He gathered seven centuries (314 AD-1008 AD) of cannons and put them into one, twenty volume set. He presented it to the Church and she accepted.

There were many contradictions in seven centuries of cannons, of course. Burchard made a valiant attempt to reconcile them but he failed. It was impossible to reconcile laws that were incongruities and flip flops. Nevertheless, his disastrous miscarriage was the Church’s new Bible for one hundred and fifty years.

In 1150 AD, Burchard’s counterfeit Bible was revised. A man named Gratiani liked the Burchard Bible but thought it was too simple. It was composed only of cannon. Gratiani would draw from a wider array of sources, including but not limited to, Roman law, the writings of church “Fathers,” papal bulls, the acts of other church councils, and synods. He could do better, he thought.

New Bible II was appropriately called, The Decretum Gratiani. Putting a man’s name on this Bible was appropriate because it was the creation of a man. It wasn’t Holy and it wasn’t from God. A better name might have been, Gratiani’s Doctrines-of-Men, in cannon.

Gratiani, himself, called his work, the Concordia Discordantium Canonum (Concord of Discordant Canons). This title was also appropriate because Gratiani, like Burchard, found a thousand years of council cannons discordant. He performed all kinds of mental gymnastics and practically destroyed the Latin language trying to reconcile conflicting laws, but, like Burchard, he failed. Unfortunately, the Church thought he succeeded.

It was fishy wrapped in far-fetched but the Decretum Gratiani became the Christian Constitution for another century. Unfortunately, it had little or nothing to do with Genesis through Revelation. It’s New Gospel and Dummy Jesus set the stage quite nicely for the “Great Split,” in the next chapter.

In 1234, Pope Gregory IX enjoyed Gratiani’s Bible but thought it didn’t cover everything. He added his own “Decretals”

If Gregory can add to Gratiani, then I can also, said Pope Boniface VIII, sixty-four years later. In 1298 he added Liber Sextus to this Bible of Men.

Nineteen years after the Liber Sextus, Pope Clementine V was enjoying Gratiani, Boniface, and Gregory, but thought there should be even more “truth.” In 1317, he added his two cents, the Clementinae.

Pope John XXII, 1325, wrote his “Extravagantes” and over a period of centuries, various other Popes wrote their own “Extravagantes Communes.” This gathering of general papal writings was officially made a part of New Bible III, at the beginning of the fifteenth Century.

Pope Gregory XIII began to call these six major works, the Corpus Juris Canonici, in 1580. This Corpus Juris Canonici was taught in all the schools of canon law and church courts until 1917 when it was revised and renamed the Code of Canon Law, again revised in 1983.

All the above revisions and compilation of additions to the original Decretum Gratiani make up New Bible III of the Christian world. It’s the one in use, today. One should not underestimate its power and influence. In the minds of the deceived, it supersedes the Old Bible that has the words of Christ, His Apostles, and Prophets. It’s the foundation for the false doctrines that mortally wound the Christians.

Historians won’t say it. Neither Protestants nor Catholics will talk about it, but, most everyone lives by the commandments of men in Counterfeit Bible III.

Chapter Five—The Great Split 1204 AD to Martin Luther 1517 AD

Two women riding two beasts…shuttered adult minds…body and blood Eucharist 

For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock(Acts 20:29).

If you don’t know about your ancestors past, their struggles, their successes, their failures and their suppressions, it’s difficult to move on to a better future (Anon).

“We can determine our philosophy but once established, it determines us and our actions,“ someone anonymous wrote. Someone anonymous was only half right. Philosophy determines us and our actions but we don’t determine our philosophy.

Philosophy is determined for us when we are babes and toddlers. We learn from parents, schools, friends, medias, and, of course, churches. We welcome our indoctrination with open arms.

“Give me a child until he is seven and I’ll give you the man,” said Francis Xavier, the co-founder of the Jesuit Order. He knew the best opportunity to indoctrinate a person in a lifetime of belief and devotion is when they’re little, unaware darlings.

Ankle biters don’t have the opportunity to choose. They grow up and automatically assume they have Religious Truth. The older they get, the more right they are, they think. Self perpetuating false religion has always been a major, worldwide problem.

Christians understand the mistakes Muslim adults make when they blindly follow their leaders. They understand how a billion unthinking Arabs don’t scrutinize Mohammed’s established lies and pass them down to their children, generation after generation. Unfortunately, Christians can’t see themselves paddling in the same leaky canoe.

Neither Arab nor Christian children can break this cycle of death but Arab and Christian adults can. In fact, adults of every religion must, if they want to know the Truth. They have no choice but to interrogate the men who baptize them. It’s the only road back to the Faith Once Delivered.

Paul said, Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good (I Tim 5:21). Proving wouldn’t be necessary if Christian leaders told the truth. Unfortunately, they don’t. They fill the world with whirling blizzards of religious lies.

The father of lies is blowing the blizzards of lies that blind the whole World (Rev 12:9). Paul recognized him working against Christians, two thousand years ago. It was the same liar who worked in the Garden of Eden and the same one who worked in Israel. Blind leaders and shuttered-adult-mind followers allow delusive dogma and trumped up tradition to go unquestioned, generation after generation.

Ingrained false beliefs are the most difficult things to change but change they must. Like in the Garden of Eden, it’s a you will die or you won’t die matter. Picking Religious Truth out of the garbage dump of lies is, unquestionably, the most important human quest.

Jesus saw shuttered-adult-minds protecting the entrenched lies of His own people during His mortal visit to this Earth. Pig headed Israelites were passing phony religious baloney down to unwitting offspring, two thousand years ago. There’s a way, He suggested, to change closed adult minds.

Adult minds can open like a child’s mind when God speaks. He said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven (Matt 18:3). They not only can open, they must. It’s the only way.

Perhaps, Jesus will accept the saying, you can’t teach old dogs new tricks. He won’t, however, accept old dogs who can’t learn new tricks from the Bible.

Jesus had a lot more to say about the petrified grown-up human brain, No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse (Matt 9:16).

Two thousand year old conceptual metaphors are difficult, sometimes, especially when they’ve been translated into English from another language. It should be known, however, this message is another all out attack on the bunker mentality of adult prejudice. You can’t sew a new patch onto an old garment when the new patch is the Truth and the old garment is a closed mind. The tear will only get bigger.

In the next verse, Jesus fires a third salvo at the stonewalling, circle-the-wagons, way of thinking, Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved (Mat 9:17).

“Bottles” were not made of glass, two thousand years ago. They were wine skins that grew hard and brittle when they aged, like adult minds. Truth is like new wine, Jesus said, it can only be stored in minds that expand when God speaks. Only thinking Christians can separate lies from Truth. Perhaps, it was Jesus who first said, the mind is like an umbrella. It only works when it’s open.

Like Jesus, Solomon advises everyone who wants Wisdom to separate themselves from their own prejudice and tradition, Through desire, a man having separated himself, seeks and intermedleth with all wisdom (Pro 18:1). Desire is the key word. If you want it, you can have it, he says. Unfortunately, most people don’t have the desire. None are so blind as those who won’t see and none so deaf as those who won’t hear, as one says.

Satan knew only a few would ever have Solomon’s desire to separate themselves from their beloved childhood teachings. Only a few would take the time to understand the Lord‘s teachings about barricaded minds. Only a few would ever question like a child and prove all things, like Paul. The rest were his. He only had to deceive one generation into his cycle of death. His lies would pass down to the next generation and the next, in an unending chain of death.

Satan’s cycle of death was already up and running full speed in the Eleventh Century. His Dummy-Jesus and Counterfeit-Gospel, were already deeply embedded inside Christian minds. The Decretum Gratiani had replaced the Holy Bible. Let the division begin, Satan must have thought.

Division would only spread ecumenical lies like malignant cells spread cancer. False doctrines would pass from old churches to new and the new would never find their way back to the old. Each new church would think it was better than the old, of course. Unfortunately, it could only ever be a copy of something already bad.

Splintered Christianity would open up many new and exciting opportunities for Satan. He would soon enjoy Christian armies fighting Christian armies. He would pit humans against each other and watch them fight like cruel men pit animals against each other. He would even help them sharpen their claws.

Yes, divided Christians would soon torture and kill each other. Followers in each denomination would think they were on God‘s side, of course.
Surely, Satan inspired the historian who called the first split, the “Great Split.“ It was great for him.

In 1254 AD, the Churches on the East and West legs of the Roman Empire were having some small differences. They agreed to a friendly schism. Both leaders, Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael Cerularius, excommunicated each other in a nice way. Perhaps, they thought they would get back together sometime in the future.

Unfortunately, the friendly schism didn’t last. Deep down, Rome thought she had the divine right to rule and would do her best to enforce it.

Hot hostilities broke out in 1204 AD. Both armies were already Church-State-Beasts so when the two churches fought they would both use their Roman armies. The fight was a civil religious war.

The Christian army of the West, on its way to the Fourth Crusade, attacked the Christian army of the East at its own capital, Constantinople. The West was victorious and Constantinople was burned.

After ransacking the city, soldiers of the West looted and desecrated the East’s greatest church. Called the Church of Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia), this famous building was the largest Christian cathedral in the world for a thousand years (In 1520 AD, the Seville Cathedral was built). The Hagia Sophia was the center focal point of the entire Easter Orthodox religion. It was the seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Satan greatly enjoyed, no doubt, the sacking of Constantinople and the burning of the greatest Christian church. Surely, he had a ring side seat for the entire three days. The West savagely murdered, raped, and looted. Christians brutally abused Christians. Vandals, Goths, or Turks, wouldn’t have pillaged so ruthlessly. It was butchery inside carnage wrapped in a bloodbath, Churchill surely would’ve said, had he been there.

Adding insult to injury, the conquering West walked off with many “holy” relics that the East held dear. They swiped a stone from the tomb of Jesus, the shroud of Jesus, and the bones of several “Saints.“ To this day they exhibit them in western museums.

It was December 7, 1941, a day of infamy in Constantinople. A friendly schism had exploded into the Great Split. The Christian Humpty Dumpty had fallen off a great wall. The big egg was broken. All the king’s horses and all the kings men couldn’t put the two churches back together again. Reunion has been attempted several times, without success.

Today, eight centuries after the war, the hearts of three hundred million Eastern Orthodox Christians are filled with rancor towards the West. They didn’t like their surprise attack.

Cancerous Christianity had, indeed, metastasized. One was now two. The West called herself the “Holy” Roman Empire. The East was Byzantium. Two women were riding two beasts. Both enjoyed the military powers of their beasts and would use them to conquer, spread, and rule.

Both Women also claimed to be the one true wife of Christ. They made identical claims of apostolic succession. Their two Gospels, however, were different and they would grow farther and farther apart, as the centuries went by.

One woman’s gospel taught purgatory and the other was against it. One promoted the immaculate conception which the other rejected. Orthodox baptized with full emersion and Romans sprinkled. Married Orthodox men could be priests and married Roman Catholics couldn’t. Their Easters were kept on different days. Roman Catholics introduced instrumental music into singing worship and the Orthodox wouldn’t. That was only the beginning of Christian confusion.

The world now wondered which Christian religion was right. It was one great big divided mess and only going to get worse. Surely, Satan loved it.

After the Great Split, history shows how the West vanquished faster and farther than the East. She grew to be, by far, the greatest of the two women. For the next three centuries, she would busy herself conquering and converting large European areas. Then, she, and a large issue of her fellow harlots, would head west across the wide Atlantic.

The Western Woman rode the Ottonian military power until it weakened, in the times between the Great Split and Martin Luther. She looked around for another strong lover but had to settle for less. Commanding men like Otto, Constantine, and Charlemagne, were hard to find.

Not wanting to be alone, the Western Woman grabbed whomever was available in any given century. Long lines of Fredricks, Charleses, Henrys, Louises, Maxmilians, Ferdinands, Rudolphs, Conrads, Lothairs, Leopolds, Josephs, Francises, and even a Sigismund, paraded through her bedroom door. After all, a weak king was better than none.

Sometimes, the Western Woman quarreled with the beasts she rode. The famous “Concordat at Worms” (Sept. 23, 1122 AD) shows how they jockeyed for power. After long speeches and longer meetings, they both agreed the Church would select the Bishops of the empire but the emperor would be a kind of referee of the selection process. Quite often this meant the State was really choosing leaders of the Church. Meaningless words were used to satisfy the public.

As the Western Woman was growing in Europe, she also thought she could take advantage of the Eastern Woman who lay gravely wounded after the sacking of her capital. Her countries were seized and formed into a new Latin Empire that was, of course, friendly to the West.

Latinizing the Byzantines didn’t work out very well, however. The “Latinized” countries were far from Rome and, one by one, they rejoined the Byzantines. Finally, Constantinople, itself, was the only city left in the Latin Empire. It fell back to the Byzantines in 1261 AD when Michael VIII Palaeologus came a conquering. His dynasty, the Palaeologi, ruled the East until 1453 AD when the Turks conquered Constantinople.

Palaeologi rulers slept with the Eastern Woman the same way the Holy Roman Emperors slept with Rome. The Palaeologi even tried to reunite the two churches, hoping Rome would have her man send knights to aide in the war against the Turks. The raping and pillaging of Constantinople was too much for their followers to swallow, however. The great wound could not be healed. The Palaeologi would be on their own against the Arabs.

As we’ve seen, western Bishops liked to call their top level meetings, ecumenical councils. Eastern leaders liked the word synod. Sometimes, the words were interchanged but the same results were achieved. Blind Bishops manufactured manmade laws and canonized them. State police enforced them. Division didn’t stop the false doctrine factories that continue to this day.

Satan used his old distraction trick, again, in 1341 AD. He befuddled Eastern Christians into taking their eyes off the Ten Commandment ball with the Heseychasm device. It allowed some members to claim an advantage over others in a special quiet way they prayed.

Heseychasm is the goofy idea that you can say the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.) over and over in your mind until you see God as a light. The mind descends into the heart, they say, in this psychophysical technique. If you really concentrate on repeating the words, no bad thoughts can enter your brain. This might take hours, days, or, sometimes weeks. When you see the light, you’re at the highest level of Christianity. You’re better than others. It helps, of course, if you’re an acetic or hermit.

Zany Heseychasm succeeded on the “emperor is wearing new clothes” principle. Nobody wanted to be known as a bad Christian so they believed they saw the light. At least, they said they did. Fortunately, there was the occasional “little boy” who honestly said, I don’t see the light. A controversy developed.

Emperor Andronicus III, called church leaders together to settle the matter at Constantinople in 1341 AD. Incredibly, most Church leaders at the synod said they saw the light in their special prayers. Apparently, no little boys showed up. Heseychasm was accepted. It’s still a false doctrine in the Eastern Orthodox Church, today. Some followers are so busy seeking an imaginary light, they can’t see the brilliant golden light of the Ten Commandments.

Satan was obviously smiling, again. Christians weren’t following Christ. Jesus said don’t engage in vain repetitions when you pray. God wants to know what‘s on your mind, But when you pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do…(Mat 6:7). Like a bunch of heathen, Eastern Christians kept repeating the prayer and forgot to ask for Wisdom to get through the day.

While Heseychasm ripened in the East, another major false doctrine, Transubstantiation, matured in the West. Called the “Body and Blood Eucharist,” by some, it was codified at the Fourth Lateran Council (1215 AD). It was clarified and codified again at the Council of Trent (1551 AD).

St. Ambrose of Milan gets most of the credit for planting the seeds of the awful Eucharist Tree that grew so tall. In speeches and writings, he taught Pass Over bread can literally become the flesh of Christ. The wine can literally become His blood.

Like Benedict, who taught secluded celibacy centuries before it was accepted, St. Ambrose taught Transubstantiation centuries before it became tradition. Both, they and their fame grew after they died. Like many Israeli Rabbis, many Christian Saints were more famous dead than alive.

To make a long story short, another famous leader, and his fine reputation, helped make another false doctrine part of Christian worship. Shuttered adult minds would keep it there.

It will sound like blasphemy to some devout Christians but Transubstantiation is not the doorway to life. On the contrary, it‘s a particularly bad false doctrine that leads to death and destruction. It’s another distraction devise Satan uses to get Christians to take their eyes off the Ten Commandment ball.

Eating literal flesh and drinking literal blood, suggests, to unthinking followers, that they can be saved by ceremony. This idea is encouraged and, sometimes, even openly taught. You can highjack a truck, kill the driver, and sell his cargo, on Saturday night, wake up Sunday morning and go to church. Eat the Lord’s literal body, drink His literal blood, and be saved, they think. The Ten Commandments are out of the picture.

In realty, Transubstantiation is a false Pass Over. It can only exists as a false doctrine because the real Passover has been divided and conquered by Satan’s minions in church hierarchies. Beginning at the First Council of Nicea, Bishops turned one holy night into several unholy days and one unholy morning. Today, half of the Christian Pass Over is a weekly or monthly church ceremony and the other half is an annual Easter egg hunt.

As suggested in chapter one, Transubstantiation is also a powerful tool denomination leaders use to control their members. In a culture of totalitarianism, only Church leaders consecrate the bread and wine. Only members in good standing can receive it. To those who believe, salvation is in the hands of church leaders.

Christ kept and taught only one holy night Pass Over. Followers ate broken bread that was symbolic of His broken body. They drank wine that was symbolic of His spilled blood. Those symbols were meant to teach followers to be like Him. He was in them and they in Him. They would follow His straight and narrow way and live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. There was no weekly or monthly daytime service and no Easter Sun Rise celebration.

By now, it should be clear to everyone that the real Pass Over leads Christians away from sin. You can’t highjack trucks, kill drivers, and be saved on Sunday. You can’t break any of the Ten Commandments.

Before every Real Pass Over night, believers examine themselves to be sure they’re walking that straight and narrow path the Lord described.

Paul said, don’t keep Pass Over if you live in sin, But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord‘s body (I Cor 11:28-29). They who keep Pass Over and knowingly sin, crucify Christ over and over. They’re callous and heartless. They don’t understand the price Christ paid to wash away their sins.

Pass Over has other symbolic lessons for those who follow Christ in the way He kept it. Perhaps, the most important is the life and death lesson. Ther’re many life and death lessons in the Bible, of course, but the Pass Over Death may be the most dramatic. A death angel killed all of the first born Egyptian children because their parents didn’t put a Pass Over Lamb’s blood on their doorposts. Israel’s firstborn were saved, on that night of heinous horror, by the blood of a lamb.

Christians must know, Egypt’s Pass Over Death Angel isn’t finished with his bloody killing business. Egypt was just a practice run. He’s coming back to kill on a much larger scale. The grimmest of Grim Reapers, he won’t just kill the first born of every family in Egypt, this time. He’ll kill everyone in every family in every country of the world whose sins aren’t covered by the blood of Christ, the real Pass Over Lamb.

Many smaller splits soon followed the Great Split in both, the East and the West. The Eastern Woman, however, was the first to have a large group of harlot daughters.

In 1453, the Byzantine military machine was totally defeated when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans. The state empire disintegrated so did the church. This is the case when churches and state are in bed together and held together by the military power of the state.

After the Ottoman victory, Eastern Orthodox churches, in the Balkans and the Near East, lived under Ottoman rule. They struggled but somehow survived. Sometimes they were forced to sleep with Arab rulers.

Orthodox groups in Russia, Moldavia, and Wallachia, were not under Ottoman rule. They found themselves operating completely on their own. None learned from their mother’s secular affairs, however. Each one hopped into bed with any local military strongman they could find. They forgot Christ was and is, the greatest of great military strongmen.

The Western Woman was also getting ready to split many times when Byzantium was dividing in the East. Martin Luther was about to walk onto the world stage.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” was quoted earlier. In the days of the “Holy” Roman Empire, absolute Church-State power corrupted both, the Church and the State, absolutely. Already corrupt in doctrine, the stink of graft was added. Fraudulent flimflam guaranteed more Christian division.

By now, there was, indeed, far too much breach of trust flimflam by church leaders to describe in one book. A small attempt will be made to convey the worst of the worst.

Many believe, the selling of grace was the worst of the worst. A church salesman named Terzel sold it better than anyone. It was all for a good cause, he said. The church was on an ambitious building program in Rome. “Peter” needed the money.

Tertzel had a crier enter towns before him to announce his coming. The crier would cry catchy one-liners like, “The Grace of god and the Holy Father is at your gate.“ These announcements were filled with lies, of course. The Holy Father was in Heaven. Tertzel’s church father wasn’t holy.

Nevertheless, Tertzel was well received wherever he went. He set up shop inside churches and sold forgiveness to anyone who would buy. Money could buy grace for any sin, anywhere, anytime, he said. Unbelievably, one could even pay for future sins! Who needs repentance, surely they thought.

Sometimes called “indulgences,” selling Grace for “Peter’s” building program opened the door for Martin Luther and the Protestant movement.


Sins of Omission, the Seven-Years War, the Eight-Years War, the Thirty-Years War, the Eighty Years War, the Hundred Years War 

“The daughter of a whore who follows in the profession of her mother is also a whore, sometimes called a harlot.” anonymous

Some historians say, Martin Luther was the father of two thousand Christian denominations. They may be right. He usually gets credit for starting the Protestant Movement that produced two thousand denominations.

Church corruption drove Martin Luther to his protest, in 1517. Men like Tertzel, introduced in the last chapter, were, indeed, selling the forgiveness of sin (indulgences). Even sins of the dead were forgiven with full authority of the Pope!

“As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs,“ indulgence mongers used to sing. The church raked in the money. Everybody wanted to be saved and the money was all for “Peter,” anyway.

Luther could see this was wrong, very wrong. It was the blasphemous sanctioning of sin! He knew money couldn’t buy Grace. He’d read verses like Acts 8:20 where Simon Magus tried to buy Paul’s healing power and was mightily rebuked, Thy money perish with thee because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Trying to buy Christ’s blood was an impiety, inside a fallacy, wrapped in apostasy, Churchill surely would‘ve said.

Unfortunately, the sin loving superstitious people loved Tertzel. They liked the idea of buying salvation. They didn’t have to repent or change. They didn’t have to resist sin and walk down that straight and narrow path the Lord described. They didn’t even need Faith.

To his very great credit, Luther wasn’t afraid to challenge his own powerful church over this abominable practice (He was also risking the wrath of state government that was in bed with the Church). He posted ninety-five propositions against the doctrine of indulgences on the church’s front door, in Wittenberg, in 1517. It was posted on All Saints Day, a great day of celebration so more people would see it.

Opposition was immediate, fast, and furious. Enraged multitudes, led by church leaders, rallied to save the easy road to Heaven and more money for the Church. Bitter accusers said Luther was presumptuous and not directed by God. He was proud and stubborn.

Church leaders, completely shackled in Satan’s denomination devise, argued for custom, tradition, and continued authority of the Pope. They gave Luther a summons to Rome to answer the charge of heresy. He wouldn’t go to Rome but agreed to a hearing with Rome‘s emissary in a neutral location.

Rome finally sent a “legate” to meet Luther in Augsburg, Germany. The legate wasn’t there to argue, however. Like any denomination authority, he wanted Luther to submit implicitly and yield on all points. If Luther didn’t submit, the legate intended to take him back to Rome for imprisonment and possible execution.

Luther was brave and courageous. He rejected the loyalties to custom, tradition, and papal authority. The Bible and the Bible only, he said. Codified creeds made at ecumenical councils might be wrong. The Pope might be wrong.

His “Bible and Bible only“ approach showed Luther was on the right track. The Bible is, indeed, God speaking to the world. It’s the only ideology that can get an apostate Church back on track. The hijacked Church, of course, didn’t want it

Much good can be said about Luther speaking out against indulgences and church authority but serious history students will ask for a lot more. Why did he limit his reformation? Why did he try to fine tune certain sacraments of a church when a major overhaul of every cannon was needed? Luther should be remembered more for what he didn’t do.

Leaving other false doctrines, that he knew about, out of his protest was Luther’s great-sin-of-omission. It made him the father of a phony Reformation. His phony Reformation has spawned two thousand phony denominations. Two thousand phony denominations, and their mother, are “nurturing” three billion phony Christians, today.

Unfortunately, Luther didn’t have the Lord’s zero tolerance for false doctrines. His ninety-five propositions against indulgences could easily have been ninety-five, or more, propositions against ninety-five, or more, damnable Christian lies. He could’ve applied his looking-backwards-to-old-writings-in-the-Bible credo to each and every one. The Reformation could’ve been real. The Church could have returned to its, Faith Once Delivered.

Martin Luther couldn‘t grasp the ghastly reality that the Dragon was inside the Church and devouring its sheep at will, in 1517. He couldn’t take the mask off the Roman legate and see the head of an ugly snake. Apparently, he wanted to be well-liked-and-approved-of in the Church and, at the same time, stop the selling of Grace.

Satan surely smiled when he saw Luther‘s lame attempt at reforming the Church, one doctrine at a time. He knew a partial reformation would open the door for a denomination-division explosion. Soon, fragmented Christians would be killing each other all over the world; all in the name of Christ, of course. He had always enjoyed watching pagans kill each other but visions of Christians killing Christians were even more delightful.

Limiting his protest, unfortunately, wasn’t Luther’s only mistake. He must also be thoroughly rebuked for leading Christians farther away from the Ten Commandments. In his “Freedom of a Christian” essay, he confused freedom from church rule with freedom from the Lord‘s commandments. Read by so many, it was a major false doctrine of its own. You’re saved by Grace, he said, and you don’t need the works of the Law.

Freedom from oppressive church government is a good idea but freedom from the Ten commandments isn’t. The Ten Commandments are freedom. Sin enslaves, Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom you obey; whether of sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness (Rom 6:16) .

Sin is, quite frankly, breaking God’s Commandments, Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law (I Jhn 3:4. Christians must put a stop to sin and drive it completely out of their lives.

Grace doesn’t set a Christian free, as Luther suggested. Grace is only the forgiveness of yesterday’s sins. It can never be a license for tomorrow, as Tetzel lied when he took the members‘ money.

Freedom is the beginning of a new walk down the “straight and narrow” path (Matt 7:14). Sometimes the word Grace is used to describe the strength Christians have to stay on the “straight and narrow” path.

Truth, not Grace, sets a Christian free, as the Lord said. Again, and again, it must be repeated, freedom is keeping the Ten Commandments, every jot and tittle.

Truth told Paul to bring his body into subjection (I Cor 9:27) so he wouldn‘t preach to others and be a castaway, himself. Truth led Jesus to say those famous words, If your right hand offends you, cut it off. It‘s better to have one hand and enter into life than two and be cast into hell (Matt 5:30). Truth also led the Lord to counsel followers to do and teach the Ten Commandments (Matt 5:19).

Luther did, indeed, turn Grace and Freedom upside down. In his famous essay, he did as much to lead Christians away from freedom as the indulgence mongers he opposed, perhaps more. His essay has helped to enslave more than three billion, today, in their own sins. They think they‘ve been set free.

They, who think they’ve been set free by Grace, are like the people in another one of George Orwell’s observations, “The more he heard people screaming, freedom, freedom, freedom, the more he heard their chains rattling.” The pastor cries, “you’re set free” while the followers remain addicted to destructive habits like lying, stealing, fornicating, blasphemy, adultery, and etc.

Once again, Orwell was hammering bad politics and hit the religious nail on the head. Indeed, “freedom! freedom! freedom!” only sounds good to Christians chained in prison camps of lawlessness and surrounded by giant walls of iniquity. Don’t believe Satan’s lies. The good discipline of the holy Ten Commandments is the only way out.

Zwingli (1484-1531) gets credit for spreading Luther’s successful protest movement to Switzerland. In 1522 he introduced his own ideas on Catholic Church reform. He attacked the tradition of fasting during Lent and produced more evidence of corrupt Church leaders. He criticized convents and monasteries to promote the marriage of priests. Zwingli also understood that the Church was breaking the Ten Commandments when they made and worshipped images.

Luther heard about Swingli’s remarkable efforts and met with him. They agreed on some things but couldn’t on others. A blind man could see, the Reformation was not going to be united.

By 1529, Zingli had convinced half of Switzerland to follow him. He formed an alliance of reformed churches and a civil religious war began. Reformers tried to blockade and starve Catholic Loyalists into submission but the Loyalists armed themselves and responded with a surprise attack.

Swingli was killed in the attack but the Loyalist weren’t completely successful. Switzerland would remain divided. A few with understanding saw a dark red cloud of calamitous war looming on the Christian horizon. They knew death by religion was about to descend in heavy rain all over Europe, and then, the World.

Henry VIII (King of England 1491-1547) also didn’t like monasteries and convents. That, and other disagreements with the mother Church, finally caused him to declare himself, head of the Church, in England. He wanted to be free from Italian rule, anyway, and understood the connection between the Church and State. Italy was, in point of fact, ruling his country.

Henry VIII’s church followed most of Rome’s traditions but by making himself head of the English Church, he guaranteed another schism.

Rome was unhappy about the English schism, of course, and spent many years trying to bring her back to the fold (In 1555, England returned to Roman rule for a short time and even burned 300 Protestants at the stake. Eight years later, Protestants re-established English religious independence with their famous Thirty-Nine Articles). Anglicans were here to stay.

It’s not commonly understood but Spain sent her famous Armada to conquer England in 1588 for religious reasons. Yes, it was another bloody Christian war. England was Protestant and helping other Protestants in Holland and Belgium. Spain didn’t like it. She ruled Holland at the time and wanted all people to worship in the Mother Church.

John Calvin (1509-1564) started the “Presbyterian” movement in 1536 with his “Institutes of the Christian Religion” work. Born a Frenchman , he tried to get France into the Reformation. France, unfortunately, wouldn’t go. His protests made him an enemy of both, the French Church and French State. Forced underground, he finally fled the country and spent the rest of his life in Geneva and Strausburg where reformers were more accepted.

Like other Reformers, Calvin kept most of the Mother Church’s traditions but introduced one major false doctrine of his own, Predestination. Calvin’s Predestination idea, unfortunately, was like Luther’s “Freedom of a Christian,” work. It was a major attack on the Ten Commandments.

God has predestined everyone to be good or evil, Calvin said. There’s no freewill in the spiritual life. Adam and Eve didn’t have a choice in the Garden. They were predestined to believe Satan and die. They had no power to investigate or ask questions.

Neither did God say to Israel, I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, (that) I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live (Deu 30:19).

Israel broke their covenant with God because it was predestined, said Calvin. Christians break the Ten Commandments because they’re predestined.

Hundreds of Bible verses disprove predestination but Calvin taught it and people believed it. Presbyterians teach it and followers believe it, today. It attacks God’s law because it removes the individual efforts Christians make to ask questions, investigate, and do research. Getting Wisdom isn’t important and they don’t have to resist temptation.

Calvin was a prolific writer and endless preacher but, when all is said and done, he was just another serpent Satan used to tell lies. His Presbyterian Church is just another daughter of a mother whore and continues in the same profession. She’s a high stepping street lady, to be sure, that wears fancy clothes and gives diseases to all who sleep with her.

Everyone knows, mothers and daughters fight, sometimes, and sometimes get along. In 1598, the Church in France decided to get along, with her daughters. The king, Henry IV, proclaimed toleration for Protestants in his famous “Edict of Nantes.” In actual practice, Henry’s toleration didn’t work very well but for 87 years Protestants (Huguenots) were able to multiply.

In 1685, the Mother Church, in France, changed her mind. It was time to stop the Protestant movement, she decided. Her “Huguenot” daughters were growing too fast and going too far afield. She smiled at her lover, Louis XIV, and he revoked the Edict of Nantes.

Protestant toleration was over. Huguenots left the country or went underground. Some fought and were killed (More on the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in chapter seven).

Meanwhile, back in Germany, Mother and daughters were fighting like cats and dogs, in the Thirty-Years War (1618-1648). This war engulfed most of Europe. There were hundreds of battles and sieges. No one tried to disguise the cause of this war. It was Protestants against Catholics, with a very interesting beginning.

Lutherans and Catholics had been skirmishing in a cold war for years before the hot war of thirty years began. A truce (the Peace of Augsburg) was made in 1555 to prevent the hot war but, unfortunately, the truce didn’t last.

Calvinists and Lutherans were not only spreading in Germany, but spilling over into Czechoslovakia, as well. Two growing rebellious daughters in two countries was too much for Mother to tolerate, especially when they began to claim power and territory. Mother decided to bring their growth to a screeching halt. There would be war.

It was “Holy” Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, who gets the credit for starting the Thirty-Years-War. With a smile from his bedroom companion, the Great Mother Whore, he began to crack down on the defiant ones.

In the Czech Republic (1618), he sent his officers into to Prague to take over, he thought. The Protestants threw them out of a window. The window was at the top of a tall building (sixty ft.). Amazingly, the envoys survived but the war was on.

At first, the rebellion succeeded because the Upper Austrians supported the Bohemian Protestants and, together, they out numbered the Catholics. The rebels, however, still feared the awesome power of an angry “Holy” Roman Empire and asked the Ottoman Empire for help (The Arabs sent sixty thousand mercenaries). Protestants now felt they were strong enough to hold their own in Europe and even go on the attack against Catholic Poland. They were wrong.

After the attack on Poland, Mother Church was really angry and rode her “Holy” Roman Emperor Beast north to fight against her rebel offspring, now called the “Protestant Union.” She won, battle after battle after battle. The mayhem was horrible. Finally the Protestants sued for peace. The fighting was over but only for a for a couple of years. This would, indeed, be a thirty-years-war.

Fighting started again when Protestant Denmark offered to help the insurgent but losing daughters. Unfortunately, the Danes weren’t as strong as they thought. They also lost, battle after battle. After the battle of Dessau Bridge, the Battle of Lutter, and Battle of Wolgast, they dropped out of the war. Catholics had now repossessed most of Europe but celebrated too early. The Thirty-Years-War still wasn‘t over.

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, was afraid of the successful Woman riding her giant beast north toward his country. He thought he would be devoured next so he decided to attack first. He won, bloody battle after bloody battle. The tide had turned in favor of the Protestants.

Gustavus was a great warrior and marched Protestant armies all the way down into Southern Germany. Unfortunately, he was killed at the Battle of Lutzen, in 1632. Lacking good leadership, Protestants began to lose, again. The Protestant Union began to talk peace with the Catholic League, again.

Had the “Holy” Roman Empire remained united, Protestants surely would’ve made peace and Catholics would rule all of Europe, today. France, however, began to fight with Spain. She declared war in 1635. Catholics were fighting amongst themselves. Sweden now had the advantage and, amazingly, with Catholic France’s help, renewed the war. They won battle after battle, again, on a march south.

After the final battles of Zusmarshausen, Lens, and Prague, the Thirty-Years-War ended, at the Prague Castle where it began, the same castle where Protestants threw Catholic representatives out of a window. The war’s end in 1648 was proclaimed by a series of treaties. The most important was the Peace of Westphalia.

Europe was horribly devastated after the Thirty-Years-War, especially central Europe. Some historians think forty per cent of the German people were killed, men, women, and children. Others say Europe’s population was reduced from thirty million to twenty million. Swedish armies alone, claimed they destroyed 2,000 castles, 18,000 villages, and 1,500 German towns.

One third of the Czech Republic was also wiped out. When the Catholics won a battle, they raped, robbed, and pillaged. When Protestants won, they did the same, all in the name of Christ, of course. Many cities were conquered and re-conquered. Local farms were robbed by passing armies looking for food and anything that could be used for war.

Another bloody Christian war raged during the times between Martin Luther and Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Called, the Eighty Years War (1568-1648), it was the war of Holland’s protest.

Some historians say the war of Holland’s protest was caused by high taxes. Taxes were high, all right, but the war was caused by the crackdown by Catholics on a growing number of Protestants. Lutherans, Anabaptists, and Calvinists, were gaining new members by the thousands, in 1568. Of course, the “Holy” Roman Empire, under the influence of the Woman, thought all Christians should be loyal. They sent in the “Inquisition.”

The “Inquisition” gained much of its notoriety in Holland. Heresy was a capital offense, at the time. Some records say, as many as two thousand Dutch Catholics were suspected of harboring Protestant ideas and arrested by state authorities. Sometimes, a neighbor’s single accusation of heresy was enough evidence for an arrest and conviction. Burning at the stake was the gruesome price they paid.

Quite often, no evidence was needed for a conviction. Those arrested on suspicion of heresy were sometimes brutally tortured into confession. Naturally, the Dutch rebelled against this religious oppression and gained independence from the “Holy” Roman Empire, eighty long years later.

More bloody “Christian” wars plagued Europe in the times between Martin Luther and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Obviously, the thirty years and eighty years wars weren’t enough. Cruel religious carnage would continue.

A Peasants War (1524-1525) caused more pain and suffering in Germany. It was followed by the Battle of Kappel (1531) that divided Switzerland. Then, there was the Schmalkaldic War (1546-1547) and French Wars of Religion (1562-1598). Finally, there was a seven years war, an eight years war, a hundred years war, and many smaller wars that killed and maimed.

Off the continent and across the channel, there were also the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1639-1651). It was strife, inside a struggle, wrapped in combat, Churchill surely would’ve said, in and all around Europe.

Everyone who thinks he’s a Christian, today, should be absolutely horrified when he reads about the savage, inhuman Christian combat. Christians killing Christians should reveal the grim danger of Satan’s hideous denomination device and show the power of false doctrines.

Denominations are power struggles waiting to happen and power struggles guarantee splits that open the doors for bloodshed. Drowning in a culture of leadership reverence, denominations are completely unconcerned.

Paul was right. Christ is not divided and brutal battles among divided Christians demand answers to three very important questions.

First, who was the Jesus in all those “Christian” churches filled with cultural totalitarianism, the ones that fought so fiercely and killed so pitilessly? The ugly answer is, a Phony Jesus. The Real Jesus was not in those gutters of hatred and murder.

Jesus said things like, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you (John 14:27) and Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (Matt 5: 9) Doctrinal war mongers are not His followers.

Second, what spirit led Christians into a slaughter so heartless? Clearly, it wasn’t the Holy Spirit. It had to be the “another” spirit Paul warned about, the evil spirit of the Adversary. He divided, conquered, and lived inside, the churches that fought.

Most followers were oblivious to the fact that the “another” spirit was rearing children of hell inside churches instead of children of God. The same evil spirit is working in churches, today. It’s rearing three billion children of hell who will, one day soon, stop hating each other long enough to attack their own Christ when He returns.

Third, what Gospel was preached in the Christian churches that killed each other so savagely? Obviously, it wasn’t the Gospel Paul preached. It was also the “another” Gospel Paul warned about.

Unfortunately, the barbaric Christians (led by “another” spirit to follow a Phony Jesus that preached “another” Gospel) didn’t end their blood-soaked wars in 1685. It wasn’t even the beginning of the end. Perhaps it was the end of the beginning, Churchill might have said. The slaughter would continue in Europe and go over seas, as well.

Europeans were exploring the Americas, in the times between Martin Luther and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Mother and daughters, both, wanted to grow and expand in the amazing New World. Always with swords in one hand and crosses in the other, they bridged the wide Atlantic and, then, sailed on the vast Pacific, all the way to the Philippines.

Indian tribes, in the New World, were no match for the European Catholics and Protestants. Natives were seen, conquered, and converted, or killed. There was blood, lots of blood.

Portugal, in Old Europe, was one country that was seriously searching for a colony in the New, in 1534. The King of Portugal wanted territory that would grow sugar cane that he could sell and produce gold he could take home. Brazil, he thought, was the perfect place. Taking it wouldn‘t be easy.

For almost a century, Portugal clashed with France and Holland for control of that very large jungle. Finally, in 1777, Portuguese control of Brazil was confirmed by the powerful “Holy” Roman Empire .

The Woman enjoyed traveling with her kings when they went colonizing over seas, of course. She seemed to have an insatiable appetite for new converts and cast her eyes on natives subdued by the armies of her kings. She gave the kings what they wanted and they gave her millions of New World followers. So it was, in Brazil.

As mentioned above, heresy was a capital crime in the Old World and became one in the New. Native religions were all heresy, according to the Woman. Burning at the stake was her idea of punishment. Many Brazilian natives died at the hands of the Portuguese king because they didn’t follow his Woman’s religious laws.

It’s true that many natives in the Americas died from the diseases the Europeans brought over but it’s also estimated that twenty million died from religious persecution. Sometimes, the disease stories were and are a cover for what really happened. It’s no surprise that Brazil is eighty per cent Catholic, today.

Spanish Emperors conquered faster and father in the New World than the Portuguese. Like Portugal, however, they sent missionaries out with their conquistadors.

Also, like Portuguese lands, Spanish territories would not tolerate open worship of any gods that were not Christian. Native cultures were “diabolic,” they said. Spain’s conquerors became increasingly aggressive and, in many cases, violent with the Indians who didn’t see the light. A few found a way to secretly worship their own gods but the rest were converted or killed.

Poor natives! Christians killed the un-Christian in the New World as they had in the Old. They were licensed to kill by their own leaders! Until 1530, New World Indians were catalogued as animals and could be hunted down like animals. They were subhuman, like the Jews in Nazi Germany and unborn babies in American abortion clinics, today.

In the Americas and the Philippines, priests sometimes baptized pagan babies before bashing their heads against a stone wall. They thought babies would go to heaven if they were baptized before they died. Death was life, they said, in their heartless, insane reasoning.

One Indian chief, Hatuey, was captured while on the run from Conquistadors in Cuba. When tying him to a stake to be burned alive, a Franciscan Friar asked him to take Jesus to his heart so his soul would go to heaven rather than hell. Hatuey said, if heaven was where the Christians went, he would rather go to hell. Surely, the Real Jesus would agree with Hatuey.

In 1530, the Pope officially declared natives in conquered lands, “human.” Unfortunately, it didn’t help that much. If one lived a thousand years one would never be able to read about all the chilling monstrosities that Christians committed against the un-Christian in both, Old and New Worlds. They died like babies in abortion clinics whether they were “human” or “subhuman.” The whole Christian world, today, is built on this bloody foundation of tragedy and human suffering.

While the Mother Church was “converting” in Central America, South America, and the Philippines, her daughters were invading North America. Daughters had learned well from the Mother. They gave favors to great military leaders and gained the support of large armies. When Protestant kings conquered, the daughters converted and killed like their Mother.

Back in France, in 1865, the Edict of Nantes was revoked. Christian wars continued in the Old Country.

CHAPTER SEVEN–Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685 AD to NOW)

Babylon the Great, and Armageddon

The Sun Finally Set on the British Empire, the American Eagle Flies High…

For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty…And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon (Rev. 16:14-16).

And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse…(Rev. 19:19).

Women were riding their beasts, in 1685, but it was never more clearly shown to the world than in France, after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The edict had allowed a church-state government, in that Catholic country, to show the hand of tolerance to Protestants for almost a century. Catholic France had even helped Protestant Northern Europe win the Thirty Years War.

Times are a changin, Bob Dylan surely would’ve sung, had he been there. Broad-mindedness died when the edict was revoked. Christian blood, mostly Protestant, would soon run in rivers, long and deep. It would all be over false doctrines, of course.

Protestants were no longer “Christian” in France, after 1685. Like natives of the New World, they weren’t even human. Labeled heretics, they were hunted down and killed. Some historians say, more than twenty-five thousand Protestants were massacred in Paris, alone.

Clearly, the Catholic Woman was sleeping with the French State and pulling all the strings of its civil authority. Protestant marriages weren‘t recognized by the government. Protestant children were illegitimate. Life was impossible for the Protestants who didn‘t live by the Catholic Woman’s rules.

Protestant churches and schools were also destroyed, without exception. Protestant religious instruction was outlawed. Leaders, who didn’t immediately renounce their Protestant beliefs, had two weeks to leave France or face execution. Paradoxically, it was against the law for them to leave France, also under penalty of death.

One scary decree said, “ The followers of the “allegedly reformed religion” (the religion which displeases the king) are prohibited from assembling for services or other meetings in any location whatsoever, or in a private residence, under penalty of seizure of their property and themselves.” Some of the most prominent nobles were arrested and imprisoned in the Bastille until they accepted conversion. Mother Church had had enough of her rebellious daughters, in France anyway.

Surely, Satan enjoyed watching French Christians kill French Christians. This was some of his best entertainment. It was his good fruit growing on his divide and conquer tree (Over the centuries there have been hundreds of these wars for his enjoyment). He was, no doubt, like the Romans who enjoyed watching gladiators and the large crowds of humans, today, who enjoy animal fights. Humans, of course, are created in the image of God so the more blood and longer the fights the more Satan has to enjoy.

Eventually, Mother Church was successful in re-establishing her dominance in France. The Protestant jeannie, however, was out of the bottle in other countries. Northern Europe and North America were already awash with grown up daughters completely out of control.

Northern Europe and North America built large armies to protect rebellious daughters from their jealous Mother. In England and America, especially, young harlots were free to grow, divide, and divide some more. A very rankled mom could do nothing.

For three centuries, now, rebellious daughters have prospered in the warm embraces of powerful British and American beasts. History shows, beasts don’t particularly care whether their women are Protestant or Catholic.

Until the first part of the nineteenth century, it was a true saying that the Sun never set on the British Empire. When that Sun finally did go down, the hard working American beaver morphed into a great eagle and soared to towering heights. It’s still flying, today. The Statute of Liberty shakes her proud fist and the whole world trembles.

America, and the remnants of the British Empire, protect new and old Protestants in both, the new and old worlds. New Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, The Salvation Army, Baptists, Evangelicals, and etc., have joined the old Lutherans, Presbyterians, and Anglicans.

Both, old and new Protestants teach the same false doctrines of their Mother though each one has manufactured a few bizarre creeds to call her own. They also follow part or all of the counterfeit Bible. They think, of course, they’ve added Truth when they’ve wandered farther away from every word of God.

Mormons hold one of the freakiest false doctrines of all the new Christian daughters. They didn’t have a thousand years of council decrees to compile into a new Bible but they had Joseph Smith. He said he was digging in the ground, one day, and discovered a new Bible, The Book of Mormon.

Smith’s new Bible is a sham, inside a pretension, wrapped in a fantasy, Churchill would say, but large crowds read it regularly, all with a straight face. Some followers claim they accept the old Bible but spend their time reading the off-the-wall new.

Genealogy is another irrational time waster for Book of Mormon readers. Some think they’ll be saved by searching family trees for hours on end. Their past is more important than their future.

They also think American Indians are The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. All these doctrines are very peculiar but followers just follow the leader. They don’t try to prove their queer teachings, one way or the other. Doctrines are not life or death options.

Jehovah’s Witnesses also have a major, weird false doctrine. They think God only has one name, Jehovah. This is the key to worship, they say. Watch Tower and Awake magazines have fooled fifteen million.

Any first year Bible student knows God has many names. Lord of Hosts, Son of David, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elohim, Emmanuel, I Am, Lamb of God, The Word, The Rock, The All Mighty, and Creator, are some that have been translated into English. Like Mormons, blind Jehovah Witnesses just follow their blind leaders. They check their brains at the door and eagerly worship Jehovah.

Witnesses also reject military service, blood transfusions, smoking, gambling, and the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge of Allegiance is idolatry, they say. They claim they read and study the Bible but these ideas aren’t in the Bible. They’re doctrines of men that turn converts into “twice the children of hell“. They say they teach the Ten Commandments but couldn’t write them down if you offered them money.

Clearly, Satan has caught the Witnesses in a strong, Anaconda denomination grip. Followers must trust the leadership. Members just pay and pray. Personal opinions or private ideas aren‘t allowed. Anyone who doesn’t abide by all the requirements of the Witness Church is called before a council of elders and shunned.

Evangelicalism, surely, must be mentioned in the chapter about false doctrines and large Protestant groups. One quarter of Americans say they’re in this denomination. Billy Graham is their most charismatic leader.

Somewhere in between the church islands of liberals and fundamentalists, in the large Protestant ocean, Evangelicals float. They’re hard to define because there’re so many variations. About the only thing they all have in common is a desire to spread their ideas to others. Unfortunately, and like other Protestants, their ideas include many false doctrines of the Mother Church. Yes, they preach to others but don’t know what to preach.

Billy Graham tells Evangelicals that their sin separates them from God. Unfortunately, he never shows them their sin. The easiest way to describe sin is the breaking of the Ten Commandments. Billy doesn’t have a clue.

Indeed, snotty kids, in Billy’s churches, abuse parents and teachers, both. Billy’s lips stay zipped. You can listen all night long and never hear him say, honor your father and mother because it’s the Commandment of promise.

Evangelicals have eyes filled with adultery and their dirty, filthy mouths take God’s name in vain on a regular basis. Undeniably, the Ten Commandments are completely off the radar. Some leaders even say they’re dangerous!

Graham is also famous for saying, Christ is the answer. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know Christ and Christ doesn’t know him. Like so many others, Graham preaches a phony Christ. His followers are better off if they watch the Forrest Gump movie and hear him say, “My mama always told me, stupid is as stupid does.” People literally might start to think about right and wrong.

Baptists make up another large daughter of the Mother Whore (thirty million in America and a hundred million world wide). Like the Evangelicals, they feel a strong duty to preach to others but don’t know what to preach. They rightfully protest against the baptism of infants and baptism by sprinkling but keep most of their mother’s other teachings. Like Martin Luther, they compose a partial reformation that only guarantees more division.

Most Baptist congregations are locally owned and operated, as one says. The rejection of centralized government causes individual churches to differ widely in what they preach and how they worship. They’re like a box of chocolates, Forrest Gump would also say. Go to one of their meetings and you never know what you’re going to get.

Seventh Day Adventists are one of the most cockeyed groups to ever form. They probably have the worst leader of all time, Ellen G. White. She thought she had great visions but Bible Readers know, she had hot flashes.

Ellen taught her followers not to eat meat or drink wine. The Lord, His Apostles, and Prophets, ate meat and drank wine. Ellen, like the famous Rabbis in Israel, thought she knew better. Paul said, vegetarianism is a doctrine of demons but twenty million Adventists follow Ellen down to the lettuce patch.

Wine in the Bible is grape juice, Ellen said. She goes to great lengths to try to prove it, but can‘t. Like most false prophets, she finds herself twisting the scriptures to support her oddball ideas.

Unfortunately for Ellen, Bible characters drank her “grape juice” and got drunk! Surely, God is not amused. As the Apostle Peter said, Ellen and her followers bend Bible verses to their own destruction. The hottest part of the unquenchable fire is reserved for convolutors and zigzagers like Ellen.

Ellen in the New Covenant, like famous Rabbis in Israel, was a very prolific writer. She produced her own Mishnas and Talmuds that flaky followers waste their time reading.

Christ’s feet will not stand on the Mount of Olives when He returns, Ellen also said. Apparently, when He returns, He’ll bypass the Earth and gather followers who’ll go with Him back to Heaven. This bypass-the-earth false doctrine is clearly a seed planted by Satan that will help rally the Adventist into the war against their own Christ (Satan has planted other seeds in other churches for this purpose, of course ).

Bible Readers know, Christ’s feet will stand, again, on the Mount of Olives as they stood when He levitated from it in the Book of Acts. Five hundred witnessed this great miracle.

Ellen’s followers, no doubt, will run away screaming, “anti-Christ!” when they see the Real Jesus standing on that special mountain. They’ll reject Him and join that huge World Army that fights Him at Armageddon. Vultures that land on their dead bodies won’t be vegetarian.

Like other groups, Ellen taught Adventists not to spank their children. That’s satanic, she said. Without proper guidance, her Adventist children grow up to be three times the children of hell. It’s unbelievable how Satan has used Christianity to weaken the nations of the world.

Ellen did get one thing right in her vainglorious, swaggering imaginations. In a book titled, “The Great Controversy,” she wrote about a war between God and Satan. There is, indeed, a “Great Controversy” between the Father of Truth and the father of lies. Unfortunately, like the serpent in Eden, Ellen was a spokeswoman for the liar. She filled her books with lies, especially lies about the End Time.

Adventists aren’t the only ones who teach End Time lies, of course. Unfortunately, most all of the two thousand denominations profess one, or more. There are, in fact, too many eschatological mistruths, half-truths, and tall stories, to cover in one book. Telling some End Time Truth in this chapter is probably a better approach.

Teaching Truth, in a book about false doctrines, seems to be a contradiction of effort, of course, but a necessary contradiction. Two thousand denominations can heal their own End Time distortions.

Where better to begin End Time Truth than the Book of Daniel, chapter two? In a dream, God showed Nebuchadnezzer, King of the great Babylon Empire, an image of a man made of four metals. The head was gold, the chest silver, the belly brass, and the legs and feet were iron mixed with clay.

God told Daniel (an Israelite slave and an interpreter of dreams) to inform King Nebuchadnezzer that the image revealed four consecutive world ruling kingdoms. Nebuchadnezzer’s Babylon was the first and greatest. Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire, would follow Babylon.

These four world ruling beasts were going to be Gentile, of course. The Lord made mention of this time, ….and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled (Luke 21:24).

In the last days of Daniel’s fourth empire (Rome), a stone, cut out without hands, will smash the image on its iron and clay feet. Many Bible Readers agree, the stone in this prophecy, is Christ at His second coming. He’ll smash and conquer the Roman Empire in its last days. His government will grow until it fills up the whole world. King of all the earth’s kingdoms, He’ll make Jerusalem His world capital.

Some Bible Readers disagree. They say Daniel 2 can’t be true because a stone, cut out without hands, didn’t strike the Roman Empire on its feet, sixteen centuries ago. The Barbarians did. Christ didn’t return and isn’t the King of Kings.

They who say Christ didn’t return and isn’t ruling the world, today, are right but they who say the Roman Empire ended sixteen centuries ago, are wrong. They must’ve slept through world history class (Anyone who believes them, of course, will agree with their theory that Daniel’s prophecy can’t be true).

“Rome ended sixteen centuries ago,” is, perhaps, one of Satan’s greatest deceptions. He uses Gibbons’ book, “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,“ no doubt, to great advantage. People who believe Gibbons can’t understand Daniel’s prophecy.

Historians, who have “eyes to see,” as the Lord said, know Gibbons was, indeed, wrong. Rome didn’t decline and fall. The Roman Empire is alive and well, today.

The Roman Empire’s Rome was only the beginning of the Fourth Beast, its first head. That cruel and powerful monster has raised seven ugly heads (even eight as we see a few paragraphs below), to rule the world, And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns…(Rev. 13:1). Surely, this is the Roman Empire.

Historians are without excuse because they should know the Roman Empire isn’t dead. They should also know the seven heads of that fourth and last behemoth. Some heads were given that dark title of blasphemy, “Holy” Roman Empire. None were holy, of course, but each one was a marriage between a Christian leader and a great general.

Constantinople followed Rome as the second head of the iron and clay ogre. Byzantium flourished when the barbarians were sacking Rome. She sent some of her legions back to Italy to drive out the Barbarians.

Charlemagne and France composed the third head, followed by Germany (under Otto the Great), Bohemia and the territories that later became the Austro-Hungarian Empire (In 1346 Ludwig IV was deposed and Karl IV of Bohemia became the next “Holy” Roman Emperor. He made Prague his new capital) Spain, and England. These six empire heads consecutively followed Rome and dominated the world in their times.

They all, indeed, rose and fell like ghoulish heads on a hideous giant. Each one tried to rise again, when it fell, but could never completely regain its original power (When they ruled, they all committed fornication, of course, with Mrs. Christ or her daughters).

Ah, but the sun has set on the British Empire (the seventh head), some historians say, and Christ hasn’t returned. If the seventh head has passed and Christ hasn’t returned, then Dan 2 still can’t be true.

Dan 2 is true because John the Revelator saw an unseemly eighth head rise out of the seven, And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition (Rev. 17:11).

As incredible as it sounds, America is found in the words of the great Prophets. Surely, she’s the eighth and last head out of the “seven” headed Roman specter. She’ll dominate the world until the last days of the Gentile Age. The end may not be far away.

Americans won’t admit it but they are, indeed, just another European country, an extension of the old Roman Empire. They speak a Romance language and compose a melting pot of European emigrants from the other seven Roman heads. Fifty million crossed the Atlantic in fifty years. They forced Native Americans to live on Rancherias, sometimes called reservations.

Mark Twain, a great American writer, understood his country in his day. Everything east of the Mississippi is Europe, he said. Everything west is America.

From Mark Twain until now, the Europeans east of the Mississippi have migrated west. They’ve won the West, they like to say. Today, Mark Twain would have to say, everything east and west of the Mississippi is Europe.

Americans are, indeed, Roman to the core. They use the Gregorian Calendar which is really the Julian Calendar with a few minor changes. July is named after Julius Caesar and August after Augustus Caesar.

Both, Europeans and Americans speak Romance languages. Romance languages are living continuations of Latin, the two thousand year old Roman Latin.

Latin, itself, is sometimes considered a dead language but it’s still taught in American and European schools. Many students, professors, and church leaders, in the modern Roman Empire speak it fluently.

Medical professions still use the Roman language, today, along with the scientists who give names to species in the plant and animal kingdoms. Latin is used in some legal terminology.

Yes, Rome and its power is everywhere in the world, today, as far as the eye can see. Led by America and called NATO, it’s military power still rules the world. Who can fight against it!?

Dan 2 is true. The Lord, the stone cut out without hands, will strike America, the fourth empire’s eighth and last head. Gentile world government will collapse. Israelite world government will begin. Nations will send their emissaries to Jerusalem, after the great and bloody battle of Armageddon.

Christ, the Israelite, will be the last King standing after the battle of kings in the Valley of Megiddo, And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever (Rev. 11:15).

Yes, Gentile governments won’t want to give up their world rule. They’ll fight God and lose. Blood will run as high as a horse’s bridle in the giant Valley of Prophecy. As suggested earlier, too much of it will be the blood of pseudo-Christians, the confused ones who think the anti-Christ is Christ and Christ is the anti-Christ. It’ll take six months to bury all the dead bodies. Vultures will get fat plucking out their dead eyes.

End Time Truth shines a dazzling spot light on hundreds of End Time lies espoused by the muckrakers. Dumb dogs, Isaiah would surely call them. They get everything backward and upside down.

Jesus Christ was the God of the Old Testament (a discussion promised in an earlier chapter) is another spectacular religious Truth that must be told in a book primarily about religious lies. This Truth is so hard to believe, almost nobody can. Like End-Time-Truth, the God-of-the-Old-Testament-Truth is surrounded by, and submerged in, a broad ocean of false doctrines.

Where did Jesus come from, is, indeed, the question everybody gets wrong. As suggested earlier, many Christians think Jesus was half God and half Mary. They think God’s sperm mixed with Mary’s egg and formed a human baby.

Like Joseph, Mary’s genes had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. Mary was a womb for hire, a surrogate mother. God changed Himself into a human embryo and planted Himself in Mary’s womb. It‘s the simple Truth so impossible to believe. He grew and was born after nine months. The World doesn’t believe it because it can‘t. God’s technology is too advanced.

Impossible to believe as it is, it is translecently true, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us (Mat 1:23). Yes, Emmanuel is another name for Jesus. As the verse says, it means “God with us.” God came out of the Fifth Dimension and entered our Fourth by the way of a mother’s womb and only a few recognized Him.

This miracle was implausible inside improbable wrapped in inconceivable, Churchill surely would’ve said. Jesus, Himself, tried to explain the mind-blowing technology several times. It was too much for the Pharisees, Israel’s best educated and most learned leaders.

In Mathew, the Pharisees were asking Jesus difficult questions, trying to trip Him up. He asked them a question, Saying, what think ye of Christ? Whose son is he? They say unto him (the son) of David. He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool ( Mat 22:42-45)?

The Pharisees knew, Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool, could only be talking about the Christ but they didn’t know why David called Him, Lord. They couldn’t understand how Christ, David’s son, could be his God, so they didn‘t answer. David’s son could be his God only if David’s God was born in David’s family tree from a human mother‘s womb.

Paul also made an effort to explain this super technology to the world, And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that same spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ (I Cr 10:4). The World didn’t believe Paul, either. The Rock that wrote the Ten Commandments into stone tablets and led Israel through the dessert was Jesus.

John also explained how David’s God was his son, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1). “The Word” is one of the names John attributed to Jesus. He repeats this Truth in verse 10, He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

The World didn’t know Him because He introduced himself wearing a diaper and exploding at both ends. What a disguise! Three billion Christians scratch their heads and say, huh?

Even if they accept the technology, Christians, today, can’t accept the old God they read about in the “old” Testament. It’s as Orwell said, “The farther a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate it.” The farther Christians drift away from the Real Jesus, the more they hate Him. They’ve drifted a long way.

The weak “New” Testament Jesus, Christians follow today, would never tell Moses to get swords and kill the Israelites dancing around a golden calf. Neither would their sweet, long haired Savior kill the firstborn child of every Egyptian family.

A peace loving phony Jesus wouldn’t sacrifice animals in a place of worship called the Temple nor approve Abraham and Jacob‘s polygamy. To punish Israel, He certainly wouldn’t surround Jerusalem with Babylonian armies and starve them into a cannibalism submission.

Modern Christians also believe the Old Testament God was a mass murderer. They think He committed genocide when He had Joshua kill the conquered people in the Promised Land. He was a sexist misogynist because He said a woman was “unclean” during her period.

Deceived Christians will be horrified to the nth degree when they find out a returned Jesus, in Jerusalem, keeps the Sabbath Day and attends sacrifices in the Temple. They’ll accuse Him of child abuse when He spanks unruly kids and stones to death out-of-control teenagers. They’ll be angry and say He’s homophobic when He tells homosexuals to get out of town.

Parents will scream, kill him, kill him, when He tells their kids Christmas, Halloween, and Easter, are holidays of idolatry wearing a Christian façade. Yes, there’s no Santa Claus and no, don’t worship idols, He will surely say.

Christians, especially the Americans, will go absolutely bananas when they wise up to the fact that the Real Jesus doesn’t eat pork. They’ll collapse in an apoplexy when they see him drinking wine with His Apostles. Many will have a stroke when they notice Him lighting Hanukah candles and keeping all of Moses’ holidays. Get a rope, they will finally say when He uses four letter words and smokes cigars to celebrate great victories.

As said earlier, three billion followers of the long haired and sweet Jesus will go to war against the Real Jesus when those famous amber eyes triumphantly rule the World. They won‘t know Him and He won‘t know them. He is, indeed, the “Old Testament God” they think is a monster.

This King of Kings will, indeed, be a monster to everyone who tries to kill Him, a second time. As said earlier, Vultures will pluck out their dead eyes when they lie in the hot sun on a battlefield not too far from Jerusalem. Who’s strong enough to fight God!?

World Peace will break out. World hunger will end. Yes, the Real Jesus will rule the world and He‘s looking for a little help from His followers. For two thousand years, He’s been looking for a few good men and women who have a zero tolerance for false doctrines. It has taken that long.

To be sure, Christ finds a few good men and women in each generation that He lives, but only a few. He marks their burial plots and writes their names in the Book of Life when they die. He lives on and will resurrect them at a time only the Father knows. He’ll make them kings, queens, and priests, in a new world order. Some will rule over one city, others over five, and a few over ten.

Nobles of the new world order will be visible or invisible whenever they want. If Einstein’s theory is right, they’ll travel at the speed of light.

Courtrooms in the new cities will be filled with Truth and Justice. No one will bare false witness. The guilty will be punished and innocent go free.

Teachers will rule classrooms by the power of the woodshed. Red faced whipping boys will slink back to class and try to hide their embarrassment. Kids will stop talking when the bell rings and have their homework on their desks. Teachers won’t waste time policing classes and calling parents.

Police departments will protect and serve, really. Corrupt cops will be caught by invisible investigators and hanged from tall Oak trees, visible to everyone.

Masks will be ripped off the faces of lying Apostles in the local churches. Members will see ugly serpent heads. Stones will rain down on corrupt carcasses until all the liars die.

Christ’s return holds all the above, and many more, dreams of the Real Christians. The world doesn’t know but Anne Murray sings about this time when the bad news stops and a little good news begins:

There’s a local paper, rolled up in a rubber band,
one more sad story one more than I can stand.
Just once how I’d like to see the headlines say,
not much to print today,
can’t find nothing bad to say,
because, nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town.
Nobody OD’d.
Nobody burned a single building down.
Nobody fired a shot in anger.
Nobody had to die in vain, sure could use a little good news, today…
How I want to hear an anchorman talk about a county fair,
how we cleaned up the air,
how everybody learned to share…
Everybody loves everybody in the good old USA
We sure could use a little good news, today.

Anne Murray sees the real state of the world under Gentile government. Unfortunately, three billion Christians can’t. Like camels that can’t see their own humps, they kid themselves into thinking things are getting better. Their leaders all agree.

Give them a little more time, they say, and they’ll save the world. Give them a little more time, unfortunately, and they’ll turn more converts into twice the children of hell. They don’t know how to bring a little good news for Anne Murray’s dreams. Shame on three billion Christians!

Christianity is, indeed, sick from its head down to it’s toes. In America, a country that claims to be Christian, half of the firstborn babies are born out of wedlock. Half of the marriages end in Divorce. Murder and adultery are everywhere. As this book is being written, CDC statistics say more than 110 million Americans have a sexually transmitted disease.

American Christians borrow eighteen trillion dollars from their children and grandchildren so they can drive gas hogs and eat out more often. They do go to church but they don’t know God and God doesn’t know them.

Homosexuals claim to be a minority race of people. Three billion Christians let them get away with it. Some queers are even leaders in “Christian” churches!

So called “Christian” Judges say unborn babies are subhuman. Bloody, cruel America has killed sixty-five million in a grisly holocaust! Like righteous Lot, a few Bible Readers with a heart, sigh, cry, and vex their souls daily. There’s no way to erase the gory images of dead babies from their minds.

Children oppress their parents and women rule over them, is as fit a description for “Christian” America, today, as it was for Israel before she was destroyed.

As said earlier, Christ sent Christians out to save, The lost sheep of the House of Israel. Israel isn’t listening.

What Israelite would listen to a Christian they know, today? They hear “Christian” and think Sodom and Gomorrah. Christian fruit is, conspicuously, rotten to the core. False doctrines are, undeniably, Christianity‘s mortal wounds.

Some Christians think dedication and commitment make the world better. They never ask themselves, to what, they should dedicate and commit.

As noted earlier, some Christians join convents and monasteries in secluded celibacy. Yes, they give up sex and marvel at their discipline. They follow evil spirits and think commitment is the answer.

Muck-raking Christians should lift up their heads and look around. Muslims pray five times a day and fast forty days during Ramadan. Their women wear veils and participate in polygamy. Some, tie bombs around themselves and blow up buildings. They’re committed to oblivion and ruin. Like Christians, unfortunately, they don’t know blind commitment makes the world worse, not better.

Commitment is only useful when it’s made to “every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God!” The Holy Bible is the mouth of God. Any other commitment leads to death and destruction, as the Lord said. Let His Kingdom come soon. Blessed and holy is His name, forever.